Module of electrical impedance tomography of the artificial lung ventilation apparatus
Module of electrical impedance tomography of the artificial lung ventilation apparatus
Incoming article date: 16.07.2022The article describes the development of an electrical impedance tomography module with the following characteristics: number of electrodes n = 16; injected current I = 5 mA ± 2%; permissible error of the measuring channel δadm = 2%; injected current frequency f = (10…400) kHz; resulting voltage on the injection electrodes U ≤ 12 V; the shape of the injected current is sinusoidal, triangular, rectangular; USB data interface. A functional diagram of the device has been developed and described. Simulation of a current source with a connected load in the MicroCap software package was carried out
Keywords: electrical impedance tomography, ventilator, disease diagnostics, modeling