The problem of cultivation of sturgeon kinds of fishes stands very sharply now. It is con-nected basically m by that despite of interdictions and assessed penalties uncontrolled catching of valuable breeds of fishes from a river basin Don is made practical. Factories existing nowadays on reproduction of fishes carry out the activity basically for reproduction of a commodity fish, that is don’t support a livestock of a fish in a habitat of dwelling. Therefore the strict measures directed on preservation of number of a population of sturgeon kinds of a fish are necessary.
Keywords: Main words: The control, cultivation of a fish, ways of cultivation, specifications
Modern engineering preparation of construction production (IPSP) is a complex integrated system, including the specialized information-analytical complexes, designed solution of a wide circle of problems of simulation and control, storage and processing of normative-technical documentation (NTD) in a variety of formats, formation and management decisions. The necessity to solve the problem of intellectualization of (IPSP) is connected with the fact that mankind has entered into the phase of building the information society, where the most valuable acquire knowledge. Collection of data and knowledge generates information resources, volume and quality of which will determine the competitiveness of not only the enterprises, but also the physical persons.
Keywords: engineering preparation, documentation, information-computing systems, organizational and technological documentation
Describes three стратегиb housing reconstruction of the first mass series: the radical, complex, a conservative. Implementation of the existing strategies is impossible without the development of additional organizational and technological measures (OTM). When developing OTM should be based on the division of the whole complex of works on reconstruction of the separate stages and associated volumes, which can be performed independently and at different times. In a basis of an element-centric approach to the reconstruction should be based on the principle of economic feasibility and interest of all participants in the process of reconstruction. OTM in поэлементном approach to the reconstruction of forming a system of relations, rights, duties and mutual guarantees of the participants, secured by means of linking the investment cycle for reconstruction into a single organizational-technological building system (ОТСС)
Keywords: strategy, reconstruction of housing Fund, the radical, comprehensive, conservative
The concept of creation of energy-efficient areas in cities in the reconstruction and secondary residential blocks and micro-districts consists in the fact that, in practice, to prove the real possibilities to reduce energy consumption per unit area of housing in the housing and communal sphere in two and more times due to the implementation of the already well-known energy-saving technical tools and solutions, rational use of their possible combinations of the specific nature-climatic and city planning conditions. The creation of energy efficient zones requires a comprehensive consideration of issues and the systematic development of power supply at all stages of production, transportation and consumption of energy from the modernization of the objects of the engineering infrastructure
Keywords: energoeffekt zone, energy saving, heat saving,reconstruction, power consumption
Is considered the superstructure of attic floors, as the most simple and effective техническиое decision in the reconstruction of buildings of massive series . Considered two variants of the device attics for residential buildings of the first mass series. The superstructure of mansard floors this is a very difficult technical, economic and social problem, and requires a scientific substantiation and consideration of a complex of organizational and technological issues of reconstruction, a detailed examination of each building, thorough comparative analysis of alternative variants of engineering solutions. In each case it is necessary to take into account the totality of the various factors and first of all the social aspects of reconstruction
Keywords: apartment, reconstruction of the buildings of the first mass series, technical solutions
The role of automobile transportation in Russia in 2011 is studied. Advantages of automobile transportation are given. The perspectives of the automobile transportation market development as a result of Russia's access to the World Trade Organization are foreseen
Keywords: Freight traffic, automobile transportation, the World Trade Organization (WTO), Goods turnover.
"Construction production is connected with emergence of a number of negative impacts on environment. In article main types of the construction works, being accompanied the main are considered by loads of ecology. The special attention is given to a problem of construction garbage, options of a solution with a dump. Versions of the solution of a question of utilization of construction garbage - sorting, processing. Economic aspects of a solution with utilization of construction garbage: Ekonolmiya of materials, decrease in quantity of a waste. "
Keywords: environment, negative impact, construction production, ulilizatsiya, construction garbage,processing of materials
"Assessment of ecological safety of construction materials at all stages of their existence from a pit before utilization. Drawing up of ecological passports on materials, details, products. Need of the analysis of ecological safety of existing construction and finishing materials for forecasting of possible ecological risks. "
Keywords: environment, negative impact, construction materials, ecological passport, ecological safety, reconstruction, new construction
Joining of heating systems to heat networks through dependent scheme for a low required pressure always causes with some difficulties in the selection of hydraulic elevator mixing. The article deals with the usage of a certain method of calculation with certain adjustments for a particular purpose of heating of a residential building. The calculated data can be compared with reference values from the specified literature. The method used is to be accepted with minimal required pressure (98÷118 kPa) before the elevator mixing.
Keywords: Hydraulic elevator, pressure differential, heating system, required pressure, law of energy conservation.
The concept of high-rise building. The concept of a skyscraper. The installation conditions of these buildings. Structural basis for high-rise buildings. Installation of kernel hardness. Sustainability and spatial rigidity of high-rise buildings. Way to perform a monolithic kernel hardness. Particularly the construction of high-rise buildings in hot climates. Technology features pouring concrete in hot climates. The implementation of "green" ideas to improve the environmental situation in the region. Reducing the need for air conditioning. The use of monolithic construction. Life-support system in a tall building.
Keywords: tall buildings, skyscrapers, kernel hardness, prestressed concrete, hot climate, the life support system
The article is devoted to modeling the collision of the plant parts with stable surface. The process of collision objects with complex geometry is not fully understood. Mathematical model of dry stalks of cereal plants as an object of a polygonal cylinder shape is studied.
Keywords: "model, stroke, plants, orientation in space and two dimensional orientation. model, stroke, plants, orientation in space and two dimensional orientation. model, stroke, plants, orientation in space and two dimensional orientation. model, stroke, plants,
The article is devoted to the mathematical modeling of the plant`s development. The graph theory is used to model the plant objects with different types of branching and its growth.
Keywords: model, the plant object, stem, directed graph
In this article considered the questions related to the strength of normal sections in reinforced concrete beams, in which steel reinforcement is completely or partially replaced by a fiberglass rod. It was established that the strength of such beams is less, but the strain is significantly higher compared to the traditional reinforced. Calculating with current standards dramatically overstates theoretical bearing capacity of these beams with composite reinforcement
Keywords: concrete, reinforced concrete, strength, normal sections, steel, fiberglass reinforcement GFRP, composite materials, research
In article methods of scientific forecasting of control systems by safety of work at the enterprises are presented. Forecasting allows to establish the most probable tendencies and directions of development of health and safety, to define possible alternatives of decisions of experts of protection services of work.
Keywords: Safety of work, method of scientific forecasting, projection, variability, information systems, difficult adaptive system, properties of systems, efficiency
Winter concreting is considered. Problems and the reasons of a tverdeniye of concrete at negative temperatures and their possible decision. Introduction of additives for frost resistance increase. Thermos method. Concrete warming up. And as sharing of several methods for economy of resources and improvement of quality of winter concreting.
Keywords: concreting at low temperatures, a thermos method, concrete warming up, concrete concealment by a film and Temami, sharing of all methods
In this article considered the questions related to the possibility of rational use of composite materials in the construction and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures during the reconstruction of buildings and structures. In RSUCE proposed research program which aimed to solving the neglected issues in this direction, and to create a secure calculating apparatus.
Keywords: polymer concrete, epoxy resin, composite materials, fiberglass and carbon plastic reinforcement (GFRP, CFRP rebar), prototypes, research.
In this article considered the questions related to how the deformability is influenced in concrete beams, in which steel reinforcement replaced with fiberglass GFRP or a combination (hybrid). The latter is very important, as the current standards do not account the increased in strength of composite reinforcement, whereas its elasticity modulus is lower than the elasticity modulus of steel reinforcement.
Keywords: concrete, reinforced concrete, strength, deformability, steel, fiberglass reinforcement GFRP, composite, the modulus of elasticity, deflection
The main questions of tehnology and mechanisation process of construction of global system is considered. Movement of prepared connected tube system according the project makes by shifting of initiative sections.
Keywords: tube system, contact zone, self-construction, prospectivity.
In article it is disscused ways of decrease in noise and realization of actions for decrease in professional risk of workers construction industry enterprises working under the influence of high levels of noise.
Keywords: industrial nois, professional risks,labor protection
Conditions of forming mud flows in Pšeha River basin Briefly outlines the formation of solids debris flows in the Pšehi tectonic-dependent geographical, geomorphological, geological, lithological, meteorological, soil-rastitel′nymh and anthropogenic factors.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
Currently most used energy absorbers can be represented classic spring-damper scheme in which the binding is the presence of the elastic work item and damper. Applied to seysmoudarnomu works best security systems installations are systems that do not have elastic elements. For hard metals, which are material for the work items absorber characterized by the appearance of a tooth during the deformation strength. For the calculation of the power characteristics of the work item should be modeled phenomenon associated with the formation of the yield drop. Modeling of the phenomenon of this article.
Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption, tooth strength
Currently actively promote seismic associated with the use of special devices, so-called energopoglotiteley. This paper shows that the design energopoglotiteley advisable to make so that the work item had torsional strain. These EPA bdut have maximum energy absorption with minimal weight. Designs of EPA.
Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption
Currently actively promote seismic associated with the use of special devices, so-called energopoglotiteley. Are very effective konstrutsii energopoglotiteley in which the working element undergoes torsional strain. These EPA have the maximum energy absorption with minimal weight.
Keywords: Earthquake protection, energy absorption, the diagram of deformation, plastic deformation, plastic torsion
This article is devoted to studying the details of getting a car credit. The authors analyzed the current trends of o development in the sphere of car credit, conditions for issuing car credits, offered by the banks – leaders in this field. Then some directions for improvement in the sphere of car credits in Sberbank of Russia were suggested.
Keywords: Credit, car credit, retail bank services, captive banks, car dealers
On the level of development of the enterprises of small and average business in housing construction largely depends on the cost price of construction. Technological equipment and production capacity of these enterprises are not fully meet the needs of builders. Many enterprises are experiencing an acute shortage of, as current assets, and funds for modernization and technical re-equipment. As shows the world experience the basis for the successful functioning and development of small enterprises is the interaction of the enterprises in the sphere of small business. In Russian conditions, this form of interaction is extremely important for the transition of the economy to the innovative way of development, which requires constant contacts of the participants of the innovation process, to adjust the production process.
Keywords: cluster competitiveness, small business, structure of the interaction, the method of organization