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  • On the possibility of using a combined disinfectant " chlorine Dioxide and chlorine»

    The article considers the results of development of water treatment technology for household drinking water in Semey, presents a comparative analysis of widely used disinfectants, and considers technological schemes for water disinfection with chlorine dioxide and a combined disinfectant " chlorine dioxide and chlorine".

    Keywords: household drinking water, disinfectants, chlorine

  • Obzor cifrovoj transformacii na osnove novy`x texnologij v neftyanoj otrasli

    V stat`e privoditsya obzor razvitiya cifrovy`x texnologij v neftyanoj otrasli v ramkax kapital`nogo stroitel`stva i operacionnoj deyatel`nosti.

    Keywords: "Permafrost soils, ground laying, aboveground laying, protective composite coating. "

  • Comprehensive spatial data system Rail infrastructure

    The object of the research, the result of which is the presented work, is a comprehensive system of spatial data of the railway infrastructure, within which a high-precision system of coordinates of the Russian Railways has been created, and methods definition of normal heights in the Baltic Heights System 1977. The strategy and prospects for the development of high-speed transport highways (VSM) have been described. Methods for determining normal heights at research sites are given.

    Keywords: Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), GLONASS, high-speed highway (Navy), high-precision coordinate system (WCC), altitude system, quasi-geoid

  • Judicial value examination as a tool for resolving a dispute about the value of the original value of the pledged property

    To date, the socio-economic situation in the country creates for the population quite significant obstacles in the implementation of tasks for the purchase of housing and other real estate through mortgage lending. However, when it comes to collecting the amounts owed on the loan, banks are faced with an analysis of the prospects for the sale of mortgaged property, as a result of which, in most cases, come to the conclusion that the original sale price of the mortgaged property with the realities of the market. In the article, the authors consider the judicial practice of determining the initial price of the mortgaged property and analyze the situation in which there is a need for judicial value examination, as well as give the main aspects of the methodology of this type of expertise. The purpose of the article is to form a clear idea of the reader about the process of resolving the dispute arising from the breach of obligations under the loan agreement.

    Keywords: expert, forensic examination, subject of pledge, cost examination, assessment report, methodology

  • Determination of the lower confidence limit for the hardness of a set of machine parts by the calculation method

    An algorithm for determining the lower confidence limit (NDH) for the minimum value of the hardness of a set of machine parts by calculation is developed. For processing of statistical data of the hardness measurements used a three-parameter Weibull distribution is offered. The transition from sample data to population data is carried out by the graphical method. According to the algorithm, NDH was found for the minimum hardness value with confidence probabilities p=0.9; 0.92;0.93;0.94.

    Keywords: hardness, machine parts, sampling, aggregate, lower confidence limit, graphic method, calculation method

  • Features of development and construction of social infrastructure facilities

    The construction of social infrastructure is an integral part of improving the quality of life. The study systematized the main problems faced by the developer and the state in the construction of social infrastructure, provides an approximate list of measures that can improve the situation.

    Keywords: social infrastructure, state, developer, economy, residential complex, public-private sector, housing construction, state, operation

  • Analiz podxoda ocenki zrelosti proekta v ramkax sistemy` upravleniya operacionnoj deyatel`nosti

    V stat`e privoditsya obzor diagnostiki e`lementov zrelosti sistemy` upravleniya operacionnoj deyatel`nosti proekta na urovne Kampanii.

    Keywords: sistema upravleniya operacionnoj deyatel`nosti, uroven` zrelosti.

  • The model for overcoming the risks of destroying the life world of a young family (based on materials from the Rostov region)

    This article analyzes strategies to overcome the risks of a breakdown in the life of a young family. Based on the results of an empirical study conducted in the Rostov region, the authors of the article identify micro- and macro-strategies for overcoming the risks of destroying the life world of a young family within the framework of cognitive, value, and behavioral levels. The authors conclude that an important role in overcoming cognitive-value risks is given to microsocial strategies, where the family occupies key positions. Macro-social strategies are represented by the work of social institutions such as the state, the media, and education. According to the authors, the symbiosis of the selected strategies is the most effective for reducing the risks of the collapse of the life world of a young family.

    Keywords: Model, cognitive model, risks, strategies for overcoming risks, family, young family, life world

  • Managing the social and economic development of the mining complex and its role in the global economy

    The mining industry, as well as the socio-economic development of this sector, makes a significant contribution to the development of the economy of some low-and middle-income countries rich in non-fuel minerals, as evidenced by the modified mining contribution Index (IVGP-BP). 10 of the 20 countries in which the mining industry contributes the most (the highest GPI-BP) rose one or two positions higher, according to the world Bank's country classification, between 1999 and 2019. Based on detailed data from the mining sector, such as mining, exports, prices, rents for mineral resources, mineral exploration expenditures, and state budget revenues, the current situation for 2019 is analyzed, as well as trends regarding the contribution to the development of the socio-economic level of the mining industry for 1999-2019.

    Keywords: mining, minerals, industry, economy, export, mineral rent, gold, coal

  • The algorithm for tumor localization in case of breast cancer according to microwave thermometry

    This work was carried out as part of research on the development of methods for the intelligent analysis of medical thermometric data. These methods are designed to create a consultative intelligent system for the diagnosis of breast cancer. We propose a new approach to the formation of a feature space based on microwave radiothermometry data that are designed to detect malignant tumors. In the process, about 200 new signs were obtained and tested. Based on them, we created an algorithm for the localization of tumors in the mammary gland. This algorithm is a weighted voting algorithm that is configured using a genetic algorithm. The resulting localization algorithm can achieve an accuracy over 70% in test samples.

    Keywords: microwave thermometry, breast cancer, mammology, tumor localization, accuracy, data mining, genetic algorithm, weighted voting algorithm, thermometric diagnostic features, cross-validation

  • Improvement of the regulation system for the promotion of private fleet cars based on commercial dispatching

    The analysis of the use of a private car fleet owned by a large number of owners, which was previously in the hands of a single carrier, was performed. The results of the analysis showed that there are cases when the owners of rolling stock, regardless of the carrier's capabilities, send their empty cars in the opposite direction, which reduces the carrying capacity of the railway and leads to losses. To increase the interaction between the carrier and the operator, it is proposed to create a commercial dispatch circle as part of the traffic control center of the traffic management Directorate. The dispatcher of this division provides round-the-clock control over the progress of the operator's (customer's) cars on the road polygon in accordance with the application submitted by them, from the moment of receipt at the inter-road junctions to their arrival and submission for unloading on the way of General and non-public use of consignees at the destination station. The proposed measures help to increase the productivity of cars, reduce their working fleet, operating costs and the cost of transporting goods. The efficiency of the dispatch circle is determined.

    Keywords: private fleet of cars, oncoming traffic of empty cars, additional load on infrastructure, infrastructure restrictions, creation of a dispatching circle of commercial dispatching, increased interaction, efficiency of cargo transportation

  • Organizational and technological features of construction project management based on BIM-modeling

    The article deals with organizational and technological features of construction project management based on BIM-modeling. The methodological approach with the use of information modeling technologies, based on the account of time and resource constraints, which will improve the efficiency of construction project management, is proposed

    Keywords: Organizational and technological features, construction projects, BIM-modeling, management, efficiency, planning, construction organization

  • Investigation of influence of fillers and modifiers on damping properties of pva-based material

    The modern world is impossible to imagine without means of technical movement, broad mechanization and automation of production processes. Mechanisms exude harmful noises and vibrations that adversely affect the human body. Many materials have been created that absorb harmful noises and vibrations. Vibrating materials are widely used in everyday life. They are applied to the parts of cars, hulltrains of trains and aircraft from the inside. Anti-corrosion coating helps to protect the bottom of the car and train. It can serve as another level of protection against noise and vibration. At the heart of the vibrating material, as in the anti-corrosion coating, is a viscous layer, which, in turn, is modified by the introduction of fillers and plasticizers. The difference between vibrating material and anti-corrosion material is that for a greater increase in its vibrating properties, the material is sometimes reinforced. The article presents the results of studies of the mastmaterial material with such fillings as mica ground flogopit SMF-123, calcium formiat, melflux 1641F, melflux 4930F, melflux 6681F. A steel plate with a mast material applied to it has been selected as the object of the study. The matrix material was based on polyninilacetate, which injected epoxy resin and dibutylphthalate. The loss factor of the material was determined by a resonant method, the essence of which is to excite the sample of cross-range oscillations. Developed vibrating mastics, selected effective fillers and plasticizer for it. The dependence of vibrating properties on the amount of epoxy resin injected, plasticizer and the influence of thickness of layers is represented.

    Keywords: polyvinyl acetate, epoxy resin, vibration-absorbing mastic material, damping, loss coefficient

  • Mathematic modeling of the elasto-plastic state of a rotating disk

    Within approaching the plane-stress state the problem of a high-speed rotating disk being under side pressure is considered. Within the model of a perfect rigid-plastic body and the Mises yield criterion the values of external parameters for which the plastic zones appear have been defined. The stresses in plastic zones are obtained from the solution of the Cauchy problem, which includes two differential equations to define the stress tensor nonzero component. In order to estimate the stress state in the elastic zone the equivalent stress is introduced. The maximum allowable values of external parameters are obtained from the solution of the problem when the disk is in the limit state. The numerical results are represented as the stress vector hodograph.

    Keywords: the plane-stress state, Mises yield criterion, the equivalent stress, an elasto-plastic solid, a rotating disk, a stress vector hodograph

  • Thermal preparation of hydraulic drive of mobile machines using automatic control system

    In the territories of the Russian North in connection with the operation and development of oil and gas complex is operated by a large Park, the hydraulic mobile machines. Operation of such equipment is difficult in conditions of low negative ambient temperatures due to changes in the thermal state of units, elements of machine systems. The hydraulic system unlike other systems of machines is distributed throughout the machine, has a large length, many elements. The heating efficiency of which depends on the order, the simultaneity of inclusion, taking into account the duration and intensity of heating of each element. This problem is solved by automating the process of thermal preparation of hydraulic machines. For this purpose the scheme of automation of process of thermal preparation of elements of the hydraulic drive of the mobile car is developed. The algorithm of the program of the control unit of the process of thermal preparation is presented. For example, heating the working fluid exhaust gases of internal combustion engines developed functional scheme of automatic control system by the process of heating the working fluid in the hydraulic reservoir.

    Keywords: operation of machines in conditions of the North, hydraulic machines, thermal preparation of the hydraulic drive, hydraulic drive elements, automation of the thermal preparation of the hydraulic actuator, the control process of heat training, systems trai