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  • The device for galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings on internal cylindrical surfaces of details of cars

    Sedimentation of electrodeposits with activation of a cathodic surface is in the flowing and contact way the most perspective way of restoration of internal cylindrical surfaces of details of cars. The existing devices for realization of this way have the merits and demerits, and can be therefore modernized and improved. On the basis of the analysis of the existing devices for galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings the new design is offered, novelty and which advantages is confirmed with the patent Russian Federation for the invention. The device contains the top and lower flanges in which there are branch pipes for a supply and removal of electrolyte. Between flanges the processed detail with rubber laying is established. The received tight electrolytic cell is pulled together with vertical couplers between a bed and a clamping plate. In the lower flange on a vertical axis the activating head consisting of the krylchatka bearing on herself three levers with is established by the activating elements which are movably fixed on them. Axial movement of a krylchatka is limited to the removable motionless anode. Pressing of the activating elements to the processed surface is provided at the expense of the elastic shock-absorbers located in rectangular grooves of a krylchatka and influencing the lower shoulder of levers. Tokopodvod to a detail is carried out by means of the contact device fixed on a bed, and to the anode via the contact plug from a source of a direct current. Circulation of electrolyte is provided with the acidproof hydraulic pump. The offered design is simple in production and doesn't demand existence of the expensive specialized equipment. The operating procedure with the device and sequence of operations doesn't contradict technology of sedimentation of electrodeposits. In article the main advantages of the device in relation to existing in car repair production are opened and proved.

    Keywords: case detail, restoration, repair, defect, resource way of restoration, car repair production

  • The technique of automatic quality assessment exercises on a computer simulator operator of the process system using fuzzy sets

    In this paper we propose a model to automatically obtain a comprehensive assessment of the level of formation of professional skills of operators of industrial-technological system, scientific novelty which, compared with existing, is the ability to relate the quality of some exercises on a computer simulator with different physical nature (time, distance etc.) with coefficients of development, are dimensionless quantities and therefore suitable for further processing. On the basis of the proposed model in the near future plans to implement algorithms, software and information support automated training system operators of industrial and technological processes.

    Keywords: automated training systems, computer simulator, professional skills, fuzzy inference algorithm Mamdani, fuzzification, defuzzification

  • Factors that ensure the formation and intensification of intellectual property protection

    The factors affecting the formation of the intellectual property in economic structures. It is shown that the most important of them are: business entity formed in an innovative atmosphere, staff training and the ownership of the methodology of inventive problem solving, formed the scientific and innovative school, the presence of structure responsible for the protection of intellectual property, participation in grants initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (in vol. h. performed under the Resolution of the Russian Government and aimed at the integration of universities with the production), access to databases of scientific and technical information.

    Keywords: intellectual property, intensification, formation, protection of patents

  • Waste recycling: topicality is increasing

    the article shows that recycling is being paid more and more attention in Russia and abroad, as the important factor of resource saving and solutions of ecological problem. It’s mentioned that despite the realized research and certain implementation experience, a lot of problems is still not solved. Special attention’s drawn to the acuteness of the problem of production and consumption waste recycling, the search and implementation of new sci-tech, business and also legislative solutions in this field

    Keywords: nuclear energy, production waste, recycling, solid radioactive waste, ecology.

  • Symmetry of single-walled carbon nanotubes

    Symmetry of single-walled carbon nanotubes is analyzed using the parent phase approach. Transfer of the planar hexagonal order of graphene sheet onto surfaces of chiral and achiral nanotubes is divided into two steps. At the first step the rotational symmetry of graphene is reduced. In addition, the reflection symmetry is vanished for chiral nanotubes. At the second step the resulting subgroup symmetry is mapped in homomorphical way onto the symmetry group of the single-walled nanotube.

    Keywords: crystalline symmetry, group theory, parent phase, single-walled carbon nanotubes, graphene

  • Features integrated automatic quality assessment exercises on a computer simulator operator of industrial-technological system

    In this paper we propose a model, the hallmark of which is the ability to automatically obtain a comprehensive assessment of the level of formation of professional abilities of operators, called a complex coefficient was calculated in the development and completion of learning exercises as a weighted average based on the weights of quality indicators used in this exercise, and the coefficients of development according to indicators of quality. Detail the features of the application of the analytic hierarchy process, which is calculated using the weights needed to calculate the complex factors of development. In the short term plan to implement algorithms, software and information support automated training system in accordance with the proposed model.

    Keywords: automated training systems, computer simulator, professional skills, analytic hierarchy process, comprehensive assessment, the coefficient development skills

  • A method for retrieving from a digital photograph of a human face of the information sufficient for its recognition

    In this report, we propose an approach to the automatic extraction of such components of the image, that are most useful for human observers to solve the recognition task. This approach is based on the concepts of psychophysiological mechanisms of grouping the simple features at the preattentive stages of visual processing. A method is based on digital image processing by a software implemented model "filter-rectify-filter". The extraction of the most informative areas of the photograph is based on finding local maxima of the model "outputs". The calculation results indicate that the areas of the image containing spatial modulations of the local features may be very useful for the recognition of faces.

    Keywords: Second order visual mechanisms, image filtering, regions of interest, face identification, computer simulation

  • Model railway optical localization of railway vehicles based on negative selection algorithm in artificial immune system

    This paper proposes a new approach to railway vehicles localization based on image processing method consists in the recognition of the railway car coupler on the graphical images obtained by cameras of versatile automatic recognition system for railway cars’ numbers (versatile ARS-RCN system). A model based on the recognition of the coupling of the real-valued negative selection algorithm with variable-sized detectors was developed. Computational experiments that showed the effectiveness of developed model in comparison with the classical support vector machine on real data collected on one the versatile ARS-RCN system object were performed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in the duplicated mode (using two cameras) and in combination with the basic method of localization of mobile units on the basis of inductive sensors passing wheels was showed.

    Keywords: artificial immune system, soft computing, localization of railway vehicles , identification of cars’ numbers

  • The horseshoe is a symbol of Nalchik in the architecture of CBD capital city

    The authors, based on the study of historical materials, analysis of architectural solutions constructed buildings, as well as the design of local architects, associate a symbol, Nalchik - a Shoe with his name. On the basis of various examples show the use of the symbol of the city - horseshoe as an architectural element (image) buildings and structures (entry sign, in Nalchik, the architect W. H. Carter; project stables Nalchik Hippodrome, architect W. L. Aliev; the reconstruction project of the shopping center "Nalchik", architects design Studio "KabBalktelecom"; project Newsstand, in Nalchik, the architect W. L. Eliev). The authors emphasize a pretty bad use of the symbol of the city horseshoe in the reconstruction of the shopping center "Nalchik": designed space-sham construction on the corner of the building facing the intersection of two main avenues, Nalchik, etc. to them. Kuliev, etc. to them. Lenin. In the final part of the article the authors recommend local architects often prinosit national motifs (based on the rich national culture of the indigenous peoples inhabiting the Republic) in the development of their projects, and to use the symbol, Nalchik is a horseshoe, as the architectural tectonics in the projected buildings.

    Keywords: the symbol of the city, horseshoe, architecture, entry sign, architectural composition, race track, shopping centre, Newsstand, ornament.

  • From experience of organization of the Technology and Innovation Support Regional Center of Republic of Karelia

    experience of organization and function of the Technology and Innovation Support Regional Center of Republic of Karelia is considered. It’s shown that the Regional Center pays serious attention to the educational activities and functional-technological analysis original methodology use along with traditional functions to access to the technical knowledge with the purpose of efficiency increase of patent information use

    Keywords: innovations, intellectual property, invention, technologies, functional-technological analysis

  • The radiation exposure estimation on biological tissue under gamma irradiation

    The paper presents the results of computational statistical experiment to estimate field radiation exposure on the soft tissue of the human body when external pressures are nondivergent narrow beam of gamma photon radiation. As an example, adopted the energy of a photon that enters 102 group energy axis constant laboratory ABBN. Given dose distribution in a cylinder diameter of 20 and a length of 10 centimeters. The method of statistical tests, known as Monte Carlo. Is used modify of the method with calculation the inverse functions. It is shown that the dose outside the beam ionization radiation load decreases by two orders, remains finite, that should be considered in therapeutic procedures, in which the total dose exceeds the lethal dose for a healthy bod

    Keywords: gamma therapy, model analysis, Monte Carlo, radiation dose

  • Automation of the control of the dynamics of development of skills in the exercises on a computer simulator operator of industrial-technological system

    The paper proposes a model, based on which the automatic control of the dynamics of the development of skills based on the principles of iterative learning that provides the gradual formation of skills trained at repeated the exercise on a computer simulator under repeatability conditions. This is achieved by calculating the automated training system intermediate threshold of the complex coefficient with the development of mathematical models using iterative learning. The value of this ratio affects the formation of the control actions. In the short term plan to implement algorithms, software and information support automated training system in accordance with the proposed model of calculating the intermediate complex coefficient threshold of development.

    Keywords: automated training systems, computer simulator, professional skills, fuzzy sets, iterative learning model, analytic hierarchy process, learning curve, the speed of learning

  • Innovative development as a factor of investment attractiveness of the region (for example, SFD)

    The problems of the formation mechanism of innovative development of the economy of the Southern Federal District. The article analyzes the indicators characterizing the level of innovative activity in the region. Revealed that the Rostov region has the highest level of innovative activity. The positive dependence of investment attractiveness of the region from its innovation. The recommendations for the innovative development of lagging regions of the Southern Federal District.

    Keywords: region, innovative development, investment development, innovation infrastructure, innovation policy

  • Certification of qualifications impact on labour relations in a labour forces efficiency

    Certification of qualifications in Russia is an analog of professional qualification in the world practice. Nowadays, Certification of qualifications is forming for using it in a action in the near future. Because of it, the mainstream objects of this research are different positive hypothetical results from certification on Russian labour market. Results of research were got by theoretical modeling method. It's show that certification of qualifications theoretically can increase productivity of labour forces, firm's goodwill and labour mobility.

    Keywords: the labor market, employment, certification of qualifications, the efficiency of labor, professional development of employees, human capital, employment

  • The use of a multi-segment model of the spatial characteristics of the transformation to improve the accuracy of measurements hot-wire gauges liquid flow rate

    To achieve high accuracy of measurement of liquid flow rate using the hot-wire gauges are encouraged to use multi-segment method of spatial characteristics of the transformation. The method is based on the nonlinear three-dimensional elements. Model the spatial characteristics of the transformation is maximally adapted to the peculiarities of the conversion function of the primary transmitter. Model repeats its spatial form with the non-linearity, zero drift, the influence of external factors, including temperature. This provides a low error rate calculation of flow. Study of the effectiveness of the method was based on experimental data obtained during the calibration at different temperatures. Maximum reduced measurement error does not exceed ~ 0.45% at an arbitrary temperature, recorded during measurement.

    Keywords: thermoanemometric meter spatial multi segment conversion characteristic, the error rate of fluid flow, the approximation method of least squares