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  • On application to the evaluation of resource theory of competitive advantages of the region in the field of environmental management

    It is shown that the competitive advantages of the Republic of Karelia in environmental management are largely determined by natural resources, the state of transport and energy infrastructure, geographical location and can be realized by incorporating state programs initiated by the republican authorities scale innovative programs to implement the " Pudozh megaproject ", " Karelian recreational cluster "and programs for the development of transport and energy infrastructure.

    Keywords: Competitive advantages , environmental management , region, resource-based theory .

  • The modeling of distribution of felling area in conditions of territorial inconsistency of timber consumers.

    This paper presents mathematic model of optimization of expenses of stock-piling of timber and logging timber from felling areas to timber consumers by transport networks. This model optimize technological processes which appears during the process of stock-piling of timber and logging timber. 

    Keywords: log truck, rail transportation in timber processing complex.

  • Simulated modeling as a means of traffic network section modernization

    The main laws valid for a series of traffic jams relating to a series of intersections are considered. Their usage facilitates optimization of simulated models of a traffic network section. The problems of traffic jams emergence on the I thoroughfare of Volgograd are investigated with the help of simulated modeling.

    Keywords: simulated modeling, series of traffic jams, traffic flows, genetic algorithm, traffic capacity

  • Ultrasonic examination technology of nuclear reactor’s industrial pipelines

    Acoustic system parameters were selected and calculated: wave modes used when controlling, wave entry and frequency angles according to kind of decay process and ultrasonic attenuation. Control procedure was developed

    Keywords: ultrozvuk, frequency, attenuation process, technology, acoustic system

  • The Correlation Analysis of Ensemble Singing

    According to the signal theory vocal speech presents a non-stationary random process due to time variation of its main characteristics. A special emotional impact is gained during ensemble and choir performances. The article provides the correlation analysis results and the autocorrelation function of ensemble singing calculated, taking into account the non-stationary nature of acoustic signals. The studies have shown that there is a certain visual resemblance between correlation portraits of a non-professional student ensemble and a non-professional solo singer. At the same time the correlation portrait of student and professional co-performance tends to a professional singer correlation portrait. This helps to make a quantitative assessment of an ensemble’s professionalism which, alongside with a vocal teacher’s subjective assessment, can provide an objective view on singers’ voices condition to optimize the academic voice training process in an ensemble, which is important when using this voice assessing method in music schools, colleges and universities.

    Keywords: Vocal speech, acoustic signal, ensemble singing, choir performance, non-stationary random process, autocorrelation function, quantitative assessment

  • Model of dynamic management of a laser beam and a blood-groove on the basis of a biological feed-back

    The method of laser therapy is based on synchronization of phases of inflow (anacrotism) and outflow of blood (catacrotism) in the field of the pathological center with phases of a being narrowed and extending laser spot on a projection of this pathological center. It is supposed that being narrowed on a projection of the pathological center the spot of laser light stimulates blood inflow to the spot center, and the extending spot of a laser beam – activates blood outflow in the direction from the spot center to its periphery. The developed technique of the automated correction of hemodynamic frustration consists in pilot signal formation (in charge of the power and laser positioning) for the laser machine on the basis of a difference between a reference rheogram and a rheogram of the patient (a body site) in real time.The offered technique has to allow to use more efficiently methods of laser therapy at treatment of violations of a blood-groove. The technique is calculated on the basis of numerical experiment by means of methods of mathematical model operation.In the real experiment the question of synchronization of the reference and measured signal is considered solved though this task represents a subject of separate researches.The received pilot signal can be in real time transformed to the current signal operating positioning and laser power.The method gives the chance of an operating control of a condition of the patient and blood-groove diagnostics to, in time and after a session of laser therapy. Development provides possibility of adaptive individual correction and optimization of parameters of influence during a session and a course of treatment.

    Keywords: laser, therapy, technique, rheogram, diagnostics, blood-groove, management, signal

  • Review of methods for improving software productivity of the dispatch center

    The report discusses the methods to improve the performance of the server software dispatch center. Asynchronous operations are considered in detail, as the most effective method of increasing the performance of the dispatch center, which is most of the time working with input-output operations. The results were tested on a real project of the dispatch center of high-precision positioning of objects.

    Keywords: software dispatch center, methods to improve the productivity, asynchronous operations

  • Nonstoichiometry and electrochromism of oxides and polyalkaline tungsten bronzes

    Nonstoichiometric tungsten oxides WO3–x and oxide alkaline tungsten bronzes have been studied because of their potential applications in electrochromic devices such as solar panel arrays and “smart windows”. Different phases of 
    WO3–x have been considered. In this part we present results of our research which clearly show that all Magneli phases of tungsten oxides  WOx (namely W40O118, W20O58, W5O14, W18O49, W8O23, W3O8) and oxide tungsten bronzes MxMyWO3 at M-Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs. They are characterized by metal – like properties. Their band structures display an energy gap in the valence band just below the Fermi level.
    We present results of our electrochemical synthesis of tungsten oxide bronzes in ionic melts of the polytungsten salts. Among the new state – of – the art methods for their manufacture, electrochemical synthesis in ionic melts, which  makes considerably better use of existing technologies, is highly productive, based on the discharge of oxyanions of the polytungstates.  

    Keywords: oxide alkali bronzes, alkaline tungsten bronzes, tungsten, molybdenum, nonstoichiometry, tungsten oxides, electroconductivity, electrochromism

  • Amplitude- frequency characteristic (AFC ) amplifier avalanche diode mode microwave detection of amplitude-modulated optical vibrations

    Based solutions of avalanche transit diode amplifier for under the influence of microwave amplitude- modulated optical signal at the p-n junction diode is determined by the response of the amplifier , while a detector device characteristic. We investigate the influence of numerous system parameters on product detection.

    Keywords: frequency response; avalanche diode; amplifier; detector; Microwave amplitude modulated optical vibration .

  • Experimental research of the carbon cloth electrodes for recording electrical biological signals

    The article presents the results of experimental investigations of carbon fabric electrodes for recording electrical biosignals. Experimental studies of carbon fabric electrodes showed good results both in conductivity and usability, for example, for further integration into clothing, that indicates the high quality of carbon fabric electrodes and promising for further uses for cardiac monitoring.

    Keywords: Electrodes, carbon fabric, electrical biosignals, cardiac monitoring.

  • Features of error model construction of MEMS sensors for navigation task solution

    The paper describes the development and research of MEMS sensors error model using experimental data approximation of fourth degree polynomial with coefficients computed by least square method and written using of graphical programming language LabVIEW

    Keywords: Navigation, MEMS sensors, error model.

  • Perfomance prediction of ladge dimension random number generators anlgorithms implementations on reconfigurable arcitectures with coprocessors

    This article discusses problem of improving performance of large dimension random number generators. With current trends , as an accelerator for CPU considered field-programmable gate array ( FPGAs ) . The analysis of hardware implementations of algorithms of random number generators offered by the Altera company is carried out. It is offered to use a method of calculation of a gain of productivity Reconfigurable Amenability Test (RAT) offered by B. Holland, K. Nagarajan and A. D. George. Assessment of several random number generators is made by this method. Received results it is analyzed, and on the basis of the drawn conclusions, simulation of the algorithms showing a high rate of a gain of productivity is made. Results received theoretically and during simulation are compared.

    Keywords: Reconfigurable amenability test, field-programmable gate array, random number generator, high-performance calculating performance prediction

  • Reducing the financial risks of a construction company by means of the diversification economic activity

    Each managing subject tries to lower level of risk factors for himself for the purpose of increase of efficiency of activity. One of options of minimization of losses and decrease in action of risk factors is the diversification consisting of distribution of means between various activities so that losses just seeing activity can be compensated by profit on other kind of activity of the managing subject.
    In article the diversification of economic activity connected with use by construction company of new production and marketing capabilities for the purpose of increase of efficiency of economic activity is considered.
    The decision on diversification as a way of decrease in risk of activity of the enterprise is accepted on the basis of correlation coefficient which shows degree of expressiveness of a tendency to changes of size of one variable at changes another. At value of coefficient of the correlation, equal to zero, lack of communication between variables is observed. If numerical value of coefficient of correlation is equal to unit, variables are connected by direct functional link, that is there are unidirectional changes of variables. At value of coefficient of the correlation, equal the minus to unit, between variables is observed the return functional communication testifying to a raznonapravlennost of change of variables. At value of coefficient of the correlation, equal or close a minus to unit, it is expedient to make the decision on carrying out diversification.
    The reasonable model of optimization of a choice of the customer is offered mathematically.  

    Keywords: risk, enterprise, diversification, benefit, parameters, correlation, model

  • A method for controlling the quality of the blocks of granite rock acoustic NDT methods

    This article outlines the rationale and relevance of the theme of its relevance in a real production. A brief description of the object of research , as well as the causes of the defects of the object. Later in the article describes the methods used to conduct the study , describes the applicable non-destructive and destructive methods . Describes the results obtained in the course of work , methods of mathematical processing , obtained correlations . The graphs dependencies. Next, a method developed that allows for quality control.

    Keywords: granite, nondestructive testing, destructive testing, careers, ultrasound, natural frequency, correlations

  • Energy potential of straw as biofuel

    In article the potential of production of biofuel on a basis the pozhnivnykh of the remains of cereal cultures is estimated. The technique of definition of amount of biofuel from the lump of agricultural production is considered. Actual data on stocks the main vegetable waste are provided. Potential of amount of conditional fuel is calculated. Data on physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbonic raw materials are provided. Problems which arise in the course of biofuel use are considered. Conclusions about an energy potential the pozhnivnykh of the remains of cereal cultures are provided.

    Keywords: biomass, alternative technology, pellet, energy supply, haulm