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  • Perfomance prediction of ladge dimension random number generators anlgorithms implementations on reconfigurable arcitectures with coprocessors

    This article discusses problem of improving performance of large dimension random number generators. With current trends , as an accelerator for CPU considered field-programmable gate array ( FPGAs ) . The analysis of hardware implementations of algorithms of random number generators offered by the Altera company is carried out. It is offered to use a method of calculation of a gain of productivity Reconfigurable Amenability Test (RAT) offered by B. Holland, K. Nagarajan and A. D. George. Assessment of several random number generators is made by this method. Received results it is analyzed, and on the basis of the drawn conclusions, simulation of the algorithms showing a high rate of a gain of productivity is made. Results received theoretically and during simulation are compared.

    Keywords: Reconfigurable amenability test, field-programmable gate array, random number generator, high-performance calculating performance prediction

  • Reducing the financial risks of a construction company by means of the diversification economic activity

    Each managing subject tries to lower level of risk factors for himself for the purpose of increase of efficiency of activity. One of options of minimization of losses and decrease in action of risk factors is the diversification consisting of distribution of means between various activities so that losses just seeing activity can be compensated by profit on other kind of activity of the managing subject.
    In article the diversification of economic activity connected with use by construction company of new production and marketing capabilities for the purpose of increase of efficiency of economic activity is considered.
    The decision on diversification as a way of decrease in risk of activity of the enterprise is accepted on the basis of correlation coefficient which shows degree of expressiveness of a tendency to changes of size of one variable at changes another. At value of coefficient of the correlation, equal to zero, lack of communication between variables is observed. If numerical value of coefficient of correlation is equal to unit, variables are connected by direct functional link, that is there are unidirectional changes of variables. At value of coefficient of the correlation, equal the minus to unit, between variables is observed the return functional communication testifying to a raznonapravlennost of change of variables. At value of coefficient of the correlation, equal or close a minus to unit, it is expedient to make the decision on carrying out diversification.
    The reasonable model of optimization of a choice of the customer is offered mathematically.  

    Keywords: risk, enterprise, diversification, benefit, parameters, correlation, model

  • A method for controlling the quality of the blocks of granite rock acoustic NDT methods

    This article outlines the rationale and relevance of the theme of its relevance in a real production. A brief description of the object of research , as well as the causes of the defects of the object. Later in the article describes the methods used to conduct the study , describes the applicable non-destructive and destructive methods . Describes the results obtained in the course of work , methods of mathematical processing , obtained correlations . The graphs dependencies. Next, a method developed that allows for quality control.

    Keywords: granite, nondestructive testing, destructive testing, careers, ultrasound, natural frequency, correlations

  • Energy potential of straw as biofuel

    In article the potential of production of biofuel on a basis the pozhnivnykh of the remains of cereal cultures is estimated. The technique of definition of amount of biofuel from the lump of agricultural production is considered. Actual data on stocks the main vegetable waste are provided. Potential of amount of conditional fuel is calculated. Data on physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbonic raw materials are provided. Problems which arise in the course of biofuel use are considered. Conclusions about an energy potential the pozhnivnykh of the remains of cereal cultures are provided.

    Keywords: biomass, alternative technology, pellet, energy supply, haulm

  • Topical issues of organization and management in the enterprise

    The company's development and competitiveness much more determined by how well organized management of production resources. In this article investigates the role of production resources, operations, and overall organization systems in the production process, priorities are considered competitive and competitive advantages tools and technology making the production process. Studying this article will allow the Russian managers to make effective decisions in the new conditions of doing business in Russia.

    Keywords: organization and management of production, production systems, production resources, competitive priorities, operational strategy

  • Monitoring and mathematical modeling of microbial air pollution near highways Volgograd

    The aim of this work was to conduct monitoring and make a regression model of the microbiological air pollution in Volgograd near highways. The work carried out monitoring of microbial air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd near two major highways - first and second longitudinal lines. On the first phase of research the microbial monitoring of air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd was conducted, depending on the proximity to the highway. Number of microbial cells (MC) was evaluated by sedimentation. The assumption is made about the nature of the regression relationship between microbial air pollution and the distance from the highway. Approximating functions and regression coefficients are constructed for the first portion of the longitudinal line at different levels of traffic road. Function is obtained, which allows to calculate the value of microbial contamination of the air, depending on the distance to the road and number of vehicles. In the case of high levels of the microbiological monitoring of the basin air it’s necessary to carry out measures to reduce microbial contamination of the air, for example, regular watering roads, tree planting, vegetative barriers adsorbing pollutants, chemical treatment of disinfectants. The calculation of microbial contamination of the air near a residential building located at a distance of 10 meters from the highway in the central region of Volgograd is conducted using proposed in function prediction of microbial contamination. The developed technique allows us to make calculations without setting up experiments in a specialized microbiology laboratory.

    Keywords: monitoring , microbial contamination of air , the regression model , mathematical modeling

  • Analysis of current economic mechanism of stimulation of rational water use in Rostov region

    An analysis of the current economic mechanism of stimulation of rational water use of the Rostov region, which consists of the following elements: water, expressed in the tariff policy of the region, program-target planning in the field of water use, environmental permitting and licensing of water management activities, preferential tax and investment policy, modernization and development of communal infrastructure, ecological monitoring are the main economic instruments used in each item, highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the current economic mechanism.

    Keywords: economic mechanism of stimulation, water use, rational water use, incentives, penalties

  • Teoretical basis for the metodology of optimal choice of instrumention at a complete enviromental wagons labs

    Metodological apporoaches are considered the choise of instrumentation at a complete enviromental wagons labs. Metodology for the optimal choice of instrumets is proposed to achiv the fundamental unifying analytical chemistry and experience eco-analytical laboratories complements existing theoretical approaches

    Keywords: information technology, enviromental wagon labs, systematic approach, ecoanalitical tasks, enviromental control, the metodologi of optimal choise of instrumentation

  • Calculation of coefficient of operating conditions of pipelines of the West Siberian region.

    Calculation of coefficient of operating conditions of the pipeline is presented in article for the West Siberian region. Dependence of service life of the pipeline on this coefficient is presented. The data of samples witnesses received in laboratory of nondestructive control, confirming relevance of this subject are provided.

    Keywords: corrosion, wall thickness, standard service life, pipeline, coefficient of working conditions, diameter, pressure, settlement resistance.

  • Leasing as a tool capitalization industry's innovative potential

    Leasing is considered as an effective tool capitalization industry's innovative potential. Under capitalization refers to the process of innovation potential effective binding economic resources towards modernization projects and innovatization. In high wear and tear funds of Russian industry and low levels of financial stability of most industrial leasing allows capitalization of their innovative capacity. Mechanisms capitalization innovative capacity of industry achieved on the basis of synergies resulting from the spread of resources and modernization of the industry in improving her competitive relationship. Leasing helps capitalization and innovative potential of the region, providing a concentration of innovation resources in a certain area. Analysis of the development of leasing relations in Russia testifies undeveloped part of a financing tool. To stimulate the development of leasing relations proposed direction of the institutional environment.

    Keywords: leasing, innovative capacity, capitalization, industry

  • Possibilities of regulation of processes of heatmoist processing in mass-exchanged devices at influence of electric field

    the problems of moisture (cooling) in the mass-transfer apparatus at different parameters of fluid spray and varying the magnitude of the influence of the electric field in the zone of the spray.

    Keywords: heat and mass transfer, mist dispersion, electroaerosol, electrostatic dissipation.

  • The alternative method of AC railways traction loads balancing

    The authors examine an alternative method of traction station load balance which needn’t capital investments for technical extension. The authors solve the task of loading partial balancing and suggest exploited transformer construction changing.

    Keywords: Balancing transformer, the coefficient reverse sequence, regulation voltage under load.

  • Simulation modeling as a means of training for drivers

    Сonsidered the main contents of the method of simulation within complex software development of object-oriented programming and the use of means of creating and editing three-dimensional graphics and animation. Program animation is done on the basis of GOST R 52289-2004, traffic rules specified performance cars motion parameters of the roadway. The complex is designed for both group and individual lessons.

    Keywords: qualitative analysis, simulation, development environment, software animation, traffic situations, precise image scaling

  • Selection of promising topology construction for a frequency converter of electrically driven gas pumping unit

    The article considers the design of modern electrically driven gas-pumping unit (EGPA). The advantages of a smooth adjustment of speed and performance EGPA. Provides an analysis of options for building the power part of the high-voltage frequency converters, used in the composition of the EGPA at compressor stations of main pipelines. Refer to the element base of high-voltage frequency converters. The characteristics of each of variants. The method of work of the frequency converters. Compare the characteristics of frequency converters of various manufacturers. The basic approaches to manufacturing. Defined the most optimal scheme of the power part of  frequency converters.

    Keywords: frequency converter, topology, design, optimization, structural scheme

  • Calculation of the capacitance of the capacitor on the DC link active harmonic filter

    Block diagram of the active harmonic filter is considered.  State table inverter power switches active harmonic filter is considered. Calculated the capacitance on the DC link active harmonic filters. The calculation takes into account the power converter losses in the active harmonic filter.

    Keywords: active harmonic filter, distortion power, energy storage capacitor