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  • Regulation of the moisture content of supply air in multizonal HVAC systems of public buildings

    A scheme of the HVAC system with local (zone) air handling units providing the possibility of heat and humidity treatment of air is developed to maintain the set temperature and relative humidity of the supply air. Features of regulation of moisture content of supply air in HVAC systems are considered and an analysis of air processing processes was carried out using the I-d diagram for the warm and cold periods of the year. A method for control the moisture content of the supply air is described, which allows more accurately to maintain the air parameters when the heat and humidity loads in the serviced rooms change.

    Keywords: multizonal HVAC system, local (zone) air handling units, heat and moisture exchange, I-d-diagram, regulation of moisture content

  • Optimization of heating and ventilation of the room with the use of utilization of flue gases

    the article presents the ways to implement the concept of using the secondary energy potential suitable for a less energy-intensive system. The positive aspects of the use of waste gas heat for heating the premises, as well as methods of optimization of processes, in order to improve the efficiency of the system and the preservation of temperature and gas conditions that meet the conditions of permanent residence of a person in the service area

    Keywords: energy saving, energy resources, wasteful consumption of resources, energy sources, heating, ventilation, efficiency, loss minimization, utilization of flue gases, optimization, engineering solutions

  • Methods of dependability improvement of contact network centrifuged supports

    In this article, problems of safety of the exploited structures of the contact network are examined. The types of contact network supports used in the construction of these structures are considered. The features of the centrifuged concrete structure formation, the reasons for the heterogeneity of the structure along the thickness of the annular section and the appearance of cracks are analyzed. There is a physical model, the use of which will allow to modify the structure along the thickness of the annular section due to directed structure formation in the process of concrete with a combined aggregate and fibrous components centrifugal compaction.

    Keywords: safety of structures, contact network supports, centrifuged structures, annular cross-section, physical model of the process of compaction of concrete mixture during centrifugation, concrete with combined aggregate and fibrous component

  • Design of economical systems of Central heating and hot water supply

    We study the problem of creating a modern efficient Central heating systems and hot water. The analysis of the existing systems is carried out, the choice of the optimal system in the design of the object is proposed

    Keywords: water supply and sanitation, Central heating, infrastructure design

  • Energy saving in Russia: main problems and prospects

    The article examines the directions of development of energy saving system in Russia at the present stage, as well as foreign practices. The prospects for development and the main problems in this area are defined. Organizational, economic and legal bases for stimulating energy saving and improving the energy efficiency of buildings are highlighted.

    Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, resource saving, environment, territorial development, alternative energy sources, energy resources

  • Ispol'zovanie metodov operezhajushhego marketinga v upravlenii rostom konkurentosposobnosti korporacii

    The article describes the concept of advanced marketing. Describes the main features of the Corporation, as the organizational-economic forms of business. Investigated the place and role of advanced marketing as a strategic tool of realization of competitive advantages of the business entity. Proposed stages of creating a sustainable business model, which includes initial information gathering,strategic analysis and pricing strategy. Reflects and reveals classic and innovative model of development of the Corporation. Presents the factors in the development of the Corporation's solvency, liquidity and profitability of capital.

    Keywords: korporacija, operezhajushhij marketing, organizacionnaja kul'tura, klassicheskaja i innovacionnaja modeli razvitija korporacii

  • The competitiveness of enterprises and ecological safety: problems and ways of their solution

    The article is devoted to environmental security as a factor of competitiveness of enterprises. Disclosed financial parameters conservation activities. The proposed approach of separating environmental efficiency into types to influence on the ecological safety of the enterprise. The purpose of the environmental and social assessment. The proposed decision-environmental decisions. For the solution of ecologicallysustainable enterprises.

    Keywords: environmental safety, competitiveness, risk, financial stability, performance, management efficiency

  • Design model of a radial bearing with a two-layered porous coating on the surface of a shaft operating on an electrically conductive lubricant

    In the paper, based on the linear equations of motion of an electrically conductive liquid lubricant for the case of a "thin layer", the continuity equation and Darcy, the exact self-similar solution of the problem of hydrodynamic calculation of a radial bearing with an electrically conductive lubricant is given. A field of velocities and pressures in the lubricating and porous layers was found in the work, in the following, analytical dependences were obtained for the main operating characteristics of a bearing with a two-layer porous coating on the shaft surface. An estimate is also given of the effect of the electrically conductive properties of the lubricant, the presence of a porous layer on the main operating characteristics of the bearing.

    Keywords: Electroconductive liquid lubricant, radial bearing, permeability of porous layers, electromagnetic field

  • On the stressed state of a thin disk with allowance for the dependence of the yield stress on temperature

    Within the Tresca yield criterion and its associated flow rule, the stress-strain problem in an elastic-plastic thin circular solid disk is considered under a temperature field such as the yield stress of the material depends on the temperature. In the central part of the disk the temperature is homogeneous. On the outer boundary, the disk is subjected to uniformly distributed pressure and constant temperature. The objective of the paper is to determine the service conditions which allow to obtain the temperature in the central part of the disk and its radius such as the initiation of the plastic zone starts either from the center of the disk or from its outer contour. The elastic-plastic boundary is calculated, and the plots for stresses and strains are presented. To verify the solution, the equivalent stresses for permissible plastic regimes are investigated together with the stress vector hodograph . The algorithm of similar problems is developed. The validity of the usage of the Tresca yield criterion when the yield stress of the material depends on the temperature is discussed.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, elastoplastic body, plane stress state, piecewise linear plasticity conditions, plastic flow theory, thermoelastic plasticity

  • Analysis of the stress-strain state of a monolithic concrete fastening for underground structures with non-circular outlines

    Using simulation and finite element method calculations of stress-strain state of monolithic concrete support for underground structures with non-circular outlines made of fast-hardening concrete are carried out in the paper. Based on the obtained results, the maximum stress zones and their magnitude in the reinforced concrete support are established. The stresses are compared with circular-form supports. The factors influencing the stress state of the support are determined.

    Keywords: Underground structures; soils; concrete support; voltage; the experiment plan; modeling; finite element method

  • Garrison maintenance as a component of combat readiness and combat capability

    The article confirms the importance of garrison services in ensuring combat capability and combat readiness. It was stated that the service industry of any military town should become a heuristic model of building service networks for all other populated areas and their social groups.

    Keywords: Garrison services, combat readiness, combat capability, Armed forces, architectural and planning organization, defense infrastructure

  • The use of new large-span structures in modern architecture

    Discusses actual problems of construction of large-span buildings. Studied the experience of construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. Provides an overview of the positive qualities of the proposed design solutions with technological and economic points of view

    Keywords: organization of construction; capital construction; long-span buildings and constructions, reinforced concrete constructions

  • Simulation of the problem of duel three persons

    In general, games like duels, in which each of two players has the goal to eliminate the enemy, are quite a popular problem from game theory. The problem becomes much more complicated when you add players. The term ""truel"" we understand the rivalry three players. They are assigned some values of accuracy the probabilities of eliminating the opponent in one shot. At each stage of the game is chosen by the active player (the selection rule active player either randomly or by prior agreement between the players about their participation). The active player chooses an opponent to eliminate or passes the course. Developed mathematical models for different formulations of the conditions of the game (random or fixed choice of the active player). For each model are analyzed based on the probability of winning in the ""truly"" of accuracy, based on randomly generated program values. Comparing analytical solution and simulation, we see that they have the same answers. For large dimensions similar games analytical method requires complex calculations, so an acceptable alternative is the simulation method. Data research nahegelegenen in political and judicial practices, as well as analytical tools for the study of the theory of evolution.

    Keywords: truel, simulation, game duel three persons,Markov chain, variance of natural selection, the matrix of transition probabilities, fundamental matrix, stochastic process, the three prisoners dilemma, game theory, coalition games

  • The method of reconstruction of automatic control systems for forest machines

    A method and algorithm for automatic control of forest machine systems under the canopy of the forest is proposed. A method for automated management of information flows of logging processes is developed, based on the created three-dimensional digital spatial models of real forest areas subject to felling. At the same time in the management of machines a system is used that provides synchronization of virtual models with actual data, which will allow full accounting of processes, changes and displacements of extracted wood resources

    Keywords: Forest canopy, method, algorithm, synthesis, technology, positioning, automated control system, digital model, modeling

  • Effect of pre-sowing soakingin water, activated plasma on seed germination of tree species

    The aim is handling trees seed non-thermal plasma activated water and its research results to improve the percentage of seed germination and rapid germination. Water treated plasma, has the ability to activate the germination. This significantly changes the acidity of the environment. Study on the treatment of seeds with non-thermal water plasma was conducted for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), ash-leaved Maple (Acer negundo L.). Germination pine seeds soaked in plasma activated water for 2 minutes, increased to 22%, 11% spruce. Such seeds have a short period of germination. The period of germination was reduced to 1 day for birch and maple for 3 days for a total increase of germination by 18 and 16%. Phytopathological analysis identified a certain bactericidal effect. The number of seeds infected with fungi of the genus Alternaria, Penicillium and others decreased. Treatment did not affect the infestation of seeds fungi of the genus Spicaria, Germescium. As a result, there have been major findings and recommendations on the application of plasma activated water for seedbed preparation seed trees.

    Keywords: water, non-thermal plasma, seeds, Scots pine, Norway spruce, silver birch, ash-leaved Maple