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  • Effect of variations in the input parameters on the heat exchange system.

    "Dynamic mode of heat exchangers is typical for a number of technological thermal plants , as well as air-heating systems , ventilation, and air conditioning. Technologically predetermined control algorithm operating mode heat exchangers in practice implemented by means of manual or automatic adjustment in one or more control parameters . Obviously, the most efficient in the energy and technically and economically dynamic mode control algorithm of the heat exchanger can be detected only in the form of a review of the relevant mathematical model. In this paper we consider a mathematical model of the dynamic operation of the system of heat exchangers with natural air circulation . As input parameters are considered the temperature of hot and cold air streams. Modeled by changing the inputs are heat exchangers and the extent to which these changes will not affect the operation of the entire system. In order to keep the temperature at the i- MOT has not changed , the coefficient of variation should tend to zero , since all the other quantities are limited by technical parameters of the system . By changing the values ​​of the input parameters is analyzed mass flow of hot flow limits are changing the output parameters of the preceding heat exchangers that will not change the entire system ."

    Keywords: heat loss into the environment, the starting temperature of the hot (cold) flow, the final temperature of the hot (cold) flow, the range of variation of hot, cold flow

  • Panoramic image stitching with handling the parallax effect for the known world model

    The short review of existing panoramic systems are given. The limits of such systems doesn't allow to form a panoramic video with dealing the parallax effect in real-time systems. The presented algorithm for forming a panoramic video is free of these disadvantages. An algorithm based on mathematical model of the round-view system that takes into account the location of cameras, their intrinsic parameters and model of the world. The algorithm includes following chain of coordinate transformation: from panoramic image coordinates to spherical coordinates and to Cartesian world coordinate system, from world coordinates to camera coordinate system and to input image coordinates. Geometric distortion of camera is dealt. Model of the world is represented as spherical and a hemispherical surfaces.

    Keywords: panoramic image, round-view video system, camera model, camera distortion, parallax

  • The influence of basic chemical composition on the properties nickel-zinc ferrites, received by radiothermic sintering

    To date, the main method of mass production of advanced functional materials for various purposes is the ceramic technology. In the manufacture of multi-component oxide compounds using of ceramic technology is difficult to achieve high uniformity of chemical composition. For activation of the raw ingredients and make it more uniform use of chemical-tions (co-precipitation of salts or hydroxides, spray drying, Cryochemistry) and physical-tions (mechano-chemical, microwave, ultrasonic) methods. The paper presents the results of work on obtaining Ni-Zn-ferrite 2000NN radiation-thermal sintering. The influence of base composition and alloying additions on the electromagnetic properties of the ferrites. Confirmed the effectiveness of the use of surface-active additives To increase the density of the raw pieces and level parameters. We propose a model that explain schaya efficiency of dopants in the radiation-thermal sintering.

    Keywords: Nickel-zinc ferrite, radiation thermal sintering, base composition, alloying additives, permeability

  • Plane strain elements cylindrical structures under the action of physical fields

    Considered concrete cylindrical body in axisymmetric formulation (plane strain condition), exposure to radiation and temperature effects. The influence of physical fields on the mechanical characteristics of the material of the body individually or in the aggregate. It is shown that the stress-strain state of the cylinder, under the joint account of the different physical fields, is very different from the stress-strain state, obtained by summing the individual results of the calculation of each factor separately, that is, the superposition principle is not respected.

    Keywords: temperature field, radiation, stress-strain state of the cylinder, the change of physical and mechanical parameters of the body

  • Effect of additives on the properties of the alloy radio-Mg-Zn-ferrite obtained by sintering heat-radiation

    Promising absorbing materials along with a Ni-Zn-ferrites are Mg-Zn-ferrites, as they are also intensively absorbs electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 50 MHz to 1000 MHz. The main advantage of the Mg-Zn-ferrite is used as an inexpensive raw material magnesium oxide. The paper presents the results of research to improve the efficiency of broadband radio-magnesium-zinc ferrite by increasing the contribution of the dielectric loss. The influence of alloying elements of the atmosphere gas and cooling after the sintering thermal radiation by absorption of electromagnetic waves. Confirmed cooling efficiency of products after sintering in an atmosphere with reduced oxygen partial pressure to increase the dielectric constant. A model is proposed to explain the increase in the dielectric loss ferrite during cooling in a reducing atmosphere.

    Keywords: radioabsorbing ferrites, microstructure grain boundaries radio measurement radiation thermal sintering

  • Increase of efficiency of use of the resource base as a way of ensuring sustainable development of the fuel and energy complex

    Discusses various aspects of ensuring effective functioning of the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. The substantiation of the composition of resources, groups of indicators to assess the efficiency of the fuel and energy complex enterprises. Justified types of resources, define technical and socio-economic development of the enterprise. The author proposes to the elements of production include indicators reflecting the quantitative and qualitative composition of the means of labor, subjects of work and technical equipment. Justified measures on the creation of an interconnected system of indices, which will analyze the changes in the industry with the purpose of planning and realization of actions aimed at sustainable development of the industry in the future.

    Keywords: fuel and energy complex; resources; enterprise; sustainable development of the power industry; the effectiveness of the functioning of the fuel and energy complex

  • The introduction of a new method of traffic light control on the road network of modern cities

    Traffic light control for urban road network has for several decades been one of the most important areas of study and application in order to ensure maximum efficiency . During this time he developed a variety of techniques and tools , a lot of research . But with the ever increasing number of cars and , as a consequence , poor road conditions and increases in the amount of traffic congestion , require more and more new and advanced techniques that would have allowed not only to solve the existing problems , but also to predict the possible developments in the future. Traffic congestion on the road network of the city continues to be a growing problem of modern cities . Possible reduction of traffic congestion can be achieved either by the constant increase in the volume of road surface, or by reducing the demand for personal vehicles . If we assume that the improvement will be achieved by increasing the number of roads , it is possible to face the fact that it is not always feasible , given the current road infrastructure . Accordingly , it follows that it is necessary to focus on the use of traffic management to reduce congestion and subsequent increase in urban transport mobility .

    Keywords: traffic light control, traffic property facilities, traffic flow, traffic lights, traffic mobility

  • Advantages of application of new icestorm composition above the traditional sand-salt mixture on the objects of travelling economy

    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the applied traditional sand-salt mixture on the base of chloride natrium and sand and new icestorm composition on the basis of natural minerals: chloride magnesium (bischofite) and glauconite. Advantages of application of the ecological composition are educed on the objects of travelling economy on ecological, sanitary-epidemiology and technical indexes. The reagent on the basis of natural materials will promote safety of travelling motion.

    Keywords: icestorm reagent, sand-salt mixture, objects of travelling economy, ecological, technical safety

  • On the coefficient of prismatic strength of high-strength concrete

    This article provides an account tsentrenno and eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete columns of high-strength concrete on the deformed pattern in SP 63.13330.2012. Compares the results of the calculation of the bearing capacity of the columns with the set experimental data. Proposed adjustments in the form of the coefficients in the formulas for the curvature tsentrenno compressed columns j and eccentrically compressed yb.

    Keywords: high-strength concrete, physical experiment, prism strength, lateral reinforcement, concrete counters, deformation correction factor

  • Experiment planning on thermal power plant fly ash collection in elektrocyclone

    The article deals with the design of experiments for dispersed particles capturing in elektrocyclone. The autors gives planning matrix calculation, the regression equation based on the aerosol velocity and the initial concentration of the aerosol and plot of function.

    Keywords: gas cleaning; cyclone; elektrocyclon; fly ash

  • Minimization of pollution of a superficial drain and ground waters by means of ecological rehabilitation of the urbanized territories

    In article the direct connection of a condition of soils and quality of a formed superficial diffusion drain is considered. For minimization of pollution of a superficial drain and ground waters when unloading them in a reservoir it is offered to use coal mining waste as a sorbent of organic and inorganic pollution. Thus, the area of utilization of dump breeds of coal mines for nature protection and soil-improving actions extends.

    Keywords: Dump breeds of coal mines; sorbent; minimization of pollution of a superficial drain; the urbanized territories; anthropogenous impact on the soil

  • The analysis of emergencies on linear part of the main gas pipelines.

    In article statistical data on failures on a linear part of the main gas pipelines are presented, the reasons of their emergence are defined. Standard scenarios of development of emergencies are provided, and also the basic principles of determination of frequency of emergence of failures are shined.

    Keywords: accident, analysis, diameter, linear part of the main gas pipelines, depressurization, scenario, pipeline.

  • Applying the criterion of strength balance in designing replaceable inserts of cutoff and grooving tools.

    The issue of increasing the strength of cutoff and grooving tools is considered in the paper. The principle of strength balance of edge is offered to be used in designing the replaceable inserts. The calculations are made and the shape is designed for the strength balanced front surface of the cutting tools. The analysis of the received data is made and the regularities of the designed shape of the front surface of the cutting edge are established. Designs of replaceable cutting inserts made with a glance to structural characteristics and operating conditions of the cutoff and grooving tools are offered.

    Keywords: strength, cutting end, strength balance, cutting end, cutoff tools

  • From gypsum-alumina expansive cement to expansive cement Type M. Changes in the expansion kinetics

    The composition, basic properties and application scope of the two main types of expanding binders historically most widespread in Russia such as gypsum-alumina expansive cement and expansive cement Type M are given. The expansion kinetics of the binders ranging from gypsum-alumina expansive cement to expansive cement Type M is observed. The role of lime as a supplement and as a hydration product of the Portland cement in the expansion process is shown: as a supplement in small values (2-4%) to gypsum-alumina expansive cement with higher gypsum concentration stabilizes the hardening and expansion process, in higher values boosts the expansion process to self-destruction. Optimization criteria of the expansion kinetics aimed at obtaining project expansion in 10 days of hardening without any additional chemical additives are proposed.

    Keywords: gypsum-alumina expansive cement, expansive cement type M, expansion kinetics, lime

  • The theory and practice of developing energy effective household refrigeration equipment operating at extreme high ambient temperatures

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: Герметичный компрессор объемного действия, система охлаждения, холодопроизводительность, перегрев, холодильный коэффициент COP, энергоэффективность.