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  • Application of the results of experimental studies in the construction of a model of the rotor shaft of a repaired turbocharger

    Modern research of objects of technology is largely carried out using various software systems. One of such software packages is SolidWorks. It is widely used in industrial enterprises and in research organizations. This complex has extensive libraries of properties of various structural materials. However, they do not represent the properties of all possible combinations of materials with the appropriate hardness. When building a model of a real object, it is necessary to accurately set the properties of materials. This will make it possible to carry out various design calculations with greater accuracy. Previous studies have established that the working part of the turbocharger rotor shaft (made of 40X steel) consists of two layers - surface (hardened) with a hardness of HV 530-570 and internal (not hardened). The values of the physical and mechanical properties of 40X steel with a hardness of HV 530-570 necessary for constructing a rotor shaft model are not available both in the SolidWorks material properties library and in the reference literature. To determine the necessary values of the properties of this material, a series of experiments using a bursting machine was carried out. The experiment was carried out with specially manufactured samples subjected to heat treatment to a hardness of HV 530-570. The data obtained as a result of the experiment were used to construct a model of the turbocharger rotor shaft when assigning the properties of the surface (hardened) layer. This approach makes it possible to obtain results corresponding to real details when carrying out engineering calculations of the constructed models.

    Keywords: software package, model, engineering calculation, rotor shaft, surface layer, hardness, sample, tensile machine, physical and mechanical properties, repair

  • Estimation of probabilistic parameters of deflections and forces in a reinforced concrete beam with random characteristics lying on a statistically inhomogeneous half-plane

    The article considers the work of a reinforced concrete beam lying on an elastic half-plane. The strength of concrete is considered as a random variable, while the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete and, accordingly, the initial stiffness of the beam are taken as functions of the random cubic strength of concrete. The base of the beam is considered as an elastic stochastically inhomogeneous half-plane. Using the method of canonical expansions of random functions, the probabilistic parameters of the probability distribution densities of beam deflections, as well as bending moments and transverse forces in a reinforced concrete beam, which are non-stationary random functions, are obtained. This makes it possible to further determine the probability of occurrence of limit states in a reinforced concrete beam.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete beam, initial stiffness, cubic strength, inhomogeneous half-plane, distribution density, beam deflection, random function

  • Information system of assistance in choosing a specialty for applicants based on a neural network

    The most important task of the admissions committee of any university is to advise applicants on admission to the specialties available at the university. In this article, an automated information system has been developed, which, based on the applicant's questionnaire, allows you to form recommendations when choosing a training specialty, taking into account the applicant's personal preferences. Artificial neural networks are proposed to be used as a method of choice, and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) was the model of the neural network.

    Keywords: neural network, career guidance, multilayer perceptron, neural network training, methods, automated information system, training directions

  • Development of a mobile training system for learning foreign languages

    The article presents the results of the development of research in the field of automated teaching of foreign languages (on the example of English) on a mobile device with the IOS operating system. A feature of the developed simulator-training system (TOS) is the possibility of forming an individual approach to teaching students to improve the quality of education, using theoretical and practical material, based on the performance of the student. The introduction of TOS contributes to improving the quality of education due to the ease of mastering the material, as well as a clear control of the topics studied. The relevance of the developed application is determined by the popularity and availability of mobile devices, as well as the high prospects for the implementation of applications (in particular, in the field of education and self-education) for this platform.

    Keywords: training systems, mobile devices, foreign languages, training, mobile application, IOS, Apple, information technology

  • Model for determining the fractional composition of a mixture of natural and chemical fibers from changes in emission intensity

    The article presents the dependence of the change in the intensity of emission during the passage of an infrared flux through a two-component material, which allows for a fractional assessment of a mixture of natural and chemical fibers. On the basis of the obtained dependence on experimental data, a mathematical model has been constructed that makes it possible to quantify the distribution of dissimilar fibers in a mixture. The modelling results showed that after the second transition on the draw frame, the so-called "stretching" defect is observed, which characterizes the uneven distribution of fibers in the product cross section.

    Keywords: emission intensity, infrared evaluation method, mixing of dissimilar fibers, fractional composition, measuring device

  • Analysis of forest machines production in Russia

    At present time, there are attempts to design and produce forest machines of highly-demanded classes in Russia. The paper evaluates the efficiency of forest machines under identical operating conditions. The analysis showed the possibility of using harvesters and forwarders of joint Belarusian and domestic production for logging works as an alternative to foreign forest machines. Evaluation of proposals revealed advanced Russian and Chinese models of forest machines. The research showed that in our country there are prerequisites for the development of forestry machine-building, while the main problem is the lack of production technologies for the manufacture of modern technological equipment and components. Under these conditions, the evolution of production on the national territory of forest machines and technological equipment without involving domestic or foreign capital and innovative technologies is a difficult task.

    Keywords: domestic forest machine building, development prospects, forest machines, production

  • Socio-spatial harmonization of urban areas as a necessary tool for sustainable development

    The article considers the social aspect of the sustainable development of urban areas, as well as the social nature of the emergence of the city as a complex urban ecosystem. Foreign and domestic examples are given, allowing to establish a direct relationship between urban users and their places of residence. Practical recommendations for improving the quality of the urban environment are given.

    Keywords: urbanization, landscaping, sustainable development, integrated assessment

  • A study of the subliminal impact factors of audio-visual information

    An urgent task in the context of digitalization of all spheres of society is to create a system of protection against the negative impact of digital images on the person. The solution to this problem is impossible without assessing the subliminal impact of audio-visual information. The study presents a solution to the problem of systematization of subliminal factors of audio-visual information and optimization of methods to deal with them. Risk factors and limitations as the basis for the design of the protection system at the level of technical.

    Keywords: information security, modeling, risk factors, subliminal impact, digital image

  • Purposeful formation of the image of an architectural object based on a co-branding marketing strategy

    Co-branding contributes to the creation of more successful products. Purposeful formation of the image of an architectural object, that is, its brand, consists of three parts. Its creation involves the brand of the organization or organizations located in the building, the brand of the author or authors of the project, and the brand of the place. These three components can manifest themselves in different ways in an architectural object. Studying the issues of joint branding of architectural objects and understanding this process is important not only for architects and developers, but also for other professionals. The realization of the possibilities hidden in this area contributes to the creation of a holistic image of an architectural object.

    Keywords: building image, place brand, building brand, architecture, co-branding, logo, trademark

  • A control algorithm for autonomous objects in complex, hard-to-predict industrial timber harvesting conditions

    The article outlines the features of the developed algorithm for controlling autonomous industrial forest management facilities under real operating conditions under the forest canopy. A significant challenge faced by the developers in the presented algorithm was the practical absence of global navigation in the areas of use of potential autonomous industrial forest management objects. Thus the only alternative was local positioning algorithms, which of the existing ones were also unserviceable under real forest canopy conditions. The problem was exacerbated by the high requirements for positioning accuracy not so much for autonomous objects as for positioning accuracy relative to the object of work of the contact elements of technological equipment directly implementing the operations of the industrial timber harvesting process. The developed concept of local positioning has no analogues in the world, belongs to the algorithms of the latest generation, created by the authors on the basis of mathematical modelling of the operations of industrial forestry process and implemented in registered software complexes to manage the information flows that ensure the sustainable functioning of autonomous objects of industrial forestry in real operating conditions.

    Keywords: algorithm, method, synthesis, positioning technology, control method, digital model, automation, digitalisation, modelling

  • Features of the development of a mathematical model for plant diseases detection based on Bayesian networks

    This paper proposes an accurate and dynamic method for diagnosing of crop diseases. This method adopts Bayesian networks to represent the relationships among the symptoms and crop diseases. This method has one main difference from the existing diagnosis methods - it does not use all the symptoms in the diagnosis, but purposively selects a subset of symptoms which are the most relevant to diagnosis; the active symptom selection is based on the concept of a Markov blanket in a Bayesian network. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the proposed method can significantly enhance the performance of crop disease diagnosis.

    Keywords: plant disease recognition, mathematical model, Bayesian network, machine learning, Markov blanket

  • A model for selecting potentially interesting events for a person in accordance with the specified criteria

    A model is proposed for selecting potentially interesting events for a person, in accordance with his requests and wishes, in order to achieve the goal of increasing the effectiveness of informing the population about cultural events of the city, and, as a result, improving the cultural level of society, Describes the implementation of the model in the form of a software product, which, with the help of intelligent data selection algorithms, allows you to simplify the process of searching for both potential cultural events that are interesting for a person, and new participants for their organizers. The criteria for selecting the event of interest and the process of selecting them in accordance with the degree of importance to the user are described. Formulas for calculating the final coefficients that serve as a numerical characteristic of the optimality of the event for a particular user are given. An example of the implementation of the proposed algorithm is given.

    Keywords: intellectual search, selection criteria, cultural level, selection of events, forecasting

  • Stability of three-phase foams stabilized by particles and surfactants of various nature

    The stability of three-phase foams stabilized by particles and surfactants (surfactants) of various nature has been studied. The varying degree of hydrophobization of particles by short-chain surfactant hexylamine may be accompanied by a change in the properties of the dispersed system from high-strength and low-stability foams to structured low multiplicity. A decrease in the stability of foams stabilized by hydrophobized titanium oxide particles at a concentration of long-chain surfactant - cetylammonium bromide Cпав≥Сккм may be due to a decrease in the edge angle of wetting of solid particles.

    Keywords: foams, solid particles, surfactants, stability

  • Nonlinear calculation of a built-in underground structure for the impact of an air shock wave, taking into account the collapse of the above-ground part

    The application of the gas-dynamic method with the use of nonlinear dynamics to the calculation of an underground structure built into the lower floor on the impact of an air shock wave is considered, taking into account the collapse of the above-ground part of the building. It is known that one of the impacts on built-in underground structures designed to protect the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies is the impact of a possible collapse or blockage from a higher building when exposed to an air shock wave. This task is relevant because the current methods are based on linear static calculation methods and involve certain assumptions, including when calculating for collapse, and all this can lead to difficult to estimate errors in the calculation results. Therefore, when solving these problems, which are highly non-linear and the processes under consideration themselves are fast, it is necessary to consider the use of more adequate and accurate methods based on more rigorous formulations, which is the gas-dynamic method using nonlinear dynamics.

    Keywords: emergency explosive effects, air shock wave, impulse effects, non-linear gas dynamics, compression phase, rarefaction phase, underground structures, “Ambient” elements, Eulerian grids, progressive collapse, collapse of structures, destruction of structure

  • The use of a foundation with a grillage for the construction of a vertical steel tank in seismically active areas

    Today, the Russian Federation is among the three leaders in oil production among all countries of the world. This mineral makes up the bulk of our country's exports. The main part of the reserves of "black gold" in our country is concentrated in regions with special climatic and geological conditions (areas of permafrost and seismic activity). This article discusses measures to protect structures from seismic impacts.

    Keywords: earthquakes, construction, seismic activity, oil, seismic protection, petroleum products, structures, mining, vertical steel tank