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  • Formation of a public center in military camps

    The article deals with the analysis of the formation of a public center in military camps, including the analysis of towns in various military districts, as well as the estimated number of military camps.

    Keywords: military camps, standard building projects, public buildings, numbers, cooperation

  • Design and creation of an request management information system for a mobile operator company

    The subject area analysis and the information system design using the methodology of the object-oriented approach and CASE-technologies is carried out. The used CASE tools made it possible to obtain a visual model in the form of UML diagrams. The IS data structure and composition is described. The IS requirements are formulated. Technical requirement has been formed. UML diagrams describing the AIS are constructed at the design stage. The database of the information system was designed in the form of ERD diagrams, using the CASE-tool ERwin Data Modeler. Automatic generation of an SQL script was performed to create all tables and relationships in the selected DBMS MySQL, including primary and foreign keys, relationships between tables, database integrity, etc. The information system user interface was designed, too.

    Keywords: subject area analysis, design, modeling, information system, object-oriented approach, CASE tool, UML language, UML diagram, ERD diagram

  • Influence of compressive force on the characteristics of a viscoelastic material

    Currently, one of the most promising and cost-effective methods of seismic isolation is the use of passive energy dissipation systems. The research carried out in this article focuses on the use of a new hybrid energy dissipation device that combines a parallel layer of an inexpensive viscoelastic material and a metal component. Typically, the viscoelastic material in such systems is attached to steel shock absorbers with an adhesive. In this article, the behavior of a viscoelastic material is studied when it is attached to a metal component without the use of glue, being held only by friction and pressure. The influence of the compression force on the elastic and damping properties of a viscoelastic material arranged in a seismic damper has been established, and the pressing force has been determined, which ensures the optimal functional properties of the viscoelastic material.

    Keywords: earthquake, seismic safety, damper, thermal expansion, viscoelastic material, rubber compound, rubber, resin, polymer, vibration, seismic isolation

  • Forecasting the vegetation index of agricultural Lands in the Volgograd Region using Neural Network methods

    The topic of monitoring the state of vegetation using satellite technologies is covered in this paper. The forming of fields' NDVI images is considered. It is proposed to supplement satellite images with new images which formed on predicted values ​​of the vegetation index. It can be helpful for timely detection of heterogeneous and defective areas of vegetation cover. The paper discusses methods for forecasting the NDVI values using Volgograd region as a study area. The results of training a recurrent neural network with the LSTM mechanism, as well as the results of training the XGBoost algorithm, are obtained. Based on the results of the training, the most important weather parameters affecting NDVI were identified. The performance of the trained models was evaluated using the RMSE metric.

    Keywords: precision farming, vegetation indices, NDVI, forecasting, time series, LSTM, random forest

  • Technology of iron-catalytic purification of natural hydrogen sulfide-containing waters in a reactor with an ultrafiltration separator

    The article presents a modern technological solution in the field of preparation of hydrogen sulfide natural waters for domestic and drinking and technical purposes. The developed technology of iron-catalytic purification of natural hydrogen sulfide-containing waters in a reactor with an ultrafiltration separator is easy to operate, a small amount of peripheral equipment and a high speed of processes, and also has no by-products and is completely environmentally safe. The proposed technological parameters are experimentally obtained and confirmed using approved scientifically based methods of analysis, the use of metrologically certified instruments and equipment, a large amount of experimental data and their high convergence with calculated values. The presented solution can be recommended for use at water treatment facilities for the purposes of water supply to enterprises, small blue areas and individual households.

    Keywords: purification of natural hydrogen sulfide waters, groundwater treatment technology, water treatment, hydrogen sulfide, catalytic iron oxidation, atmospheric oxygen, iron hydroxide, membrane separation, ultrafiltration, innovative technologies

  • Methods for determining the target sentence for automated test questions generation

    Automation of test question generation consists of four main stages. The first step is to determine the target sentence from which it will be possible to generate a test question. This article examines the existing methods for determining the target sentence Both foreign and Russian language sources are considered. The paper considers such methods as automatic text abstracting, similarity of syntactic analysis, a rule-based method, a method based on ranking by keywords, an algorithm for summarizing documents based on the frequency of words.

    Keywords: automatic test questions generation, automatic text processing, natural language processing, automatic abstracting, annotation

  • Security as an element of the formation of a favorable urban environment

    Urbanization and the growth of the urban population directly affect changes in the urban environment, the emergence of new problems related to ecology, comfort, safety and management. The favorability of the urban environment directly affects the attractiveness of the city and the city's compliance with modern standards of quality of life. This article discusses the criteria for the quality of the urban environment and, in particular, indicators for assessing its safety on the example of the city of Rostov-on-Don.

    Keywords: urban environment, environment, territory, city, landscaping, safety, landscaping

  • Algorithms for the movement of a mobile robot with the construction of a real-time terrain map

    This article describes the implementation of an orientation software package for a mobile robot with the construction of a terrain map and its subsequent analysis. As part of the work, a software module was developed for a mobile robot using a laser rangefinder (lidar), a Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcomputer with a ROS robotic operating system installed on it is used to obtain data from a laser rangefinder. The algorithm of movement of a mobile robotic complex in space with the construction of a terrain map in real time is described. Such complexes are currently widely used, they can significantly reduce the need for human participation in heavy and dangerous work.

    Keywords: mobile robot, robotic complex, laser rangefinder, lidar, ultrasonic sensor, vision system

  • Creation of an information system for a linguistic center

    The requirements for the creating information system automating the linguistic center activities are analyzed and optimized. The first and second stages of IP creation Life Cycle are presented. The analysis of the subject area and the design of the information system using the tools and methods of the object-oriented approach is carried out. Using such CASE tool, as the RationalRose, UML diagrams describing the activities of the Language Link linguistic center are constructed. By means of AnyLogic, simulation modeling was carried out and a student testing model was developed to determine the level of language proficiency in order to choose the exam category. The requirements for the projected information system of the linguistic center are formulated. Logical and physical ERD models of the database structure are constructed using the ERWin CASE tool. The design of the user interface of the information system for the linguistic center has been also carried out.

    Keywords: domain analysis, design, information system, object-oriented approach, modeling, simulation model, UML language, CASE tool, UML diagram, ERD diagram

  • Method of automatic control of takeoff and landing for a single rotor helicopter robot

    One of the most promising unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) designs is a single-rotor scheme, however, due to the complexity of the control principles for such aircraft, there are currently no effective methods for automating their takeoff and landing. The use of systems traditional for multicopter UAVs based on satellite positioning and calculation of control actions using strict mathematical formulas does not allow to fully realize the advantages of a single-rotor scheme. The article considers the existing model of the UAVs control process with a single-rotor scheme, proposes and justifies its changes, and also formulates a method for automatically controlling the take-off and landing of a single-rotor robot helicopter.

    Keywords: single-rotor scheme, robotic helicopter, automatic takeoff, automatic landing, method, control

  • Development of a universal mobile application "Signal "H"" for people with disabilities

    This article discusses the development of a universal mobile application "Signal "H"" for people with hearing and speech disabilities based on the analysis of existing mobile applications.

    Keywords: fire, mobile application, communication, fire protection units, type of fire, people with disabilities

  • Investigation of the strength properties of magnesia solutions

    This article contains the results of a study of the strength characteristics of building mortars of various compositions based on magnesia binder (magnesia oxychloride cement). The results obtained: the final compressive strength (28-day) within the studied compositions is from 12 to 45 MPa, the kinetics (rate) of strength growth on the first day of hardening is from 22 to 38%, on the third day of hardening – 33-68%, on the seventh day – from 50-88%, and about 120% from the design (28-day) with further hardening.

    Keywords: magnesia oxychloride cement, magnesia binder, magnesia mortar, magnesia concrete, caustic magnesite, magnesium chloride, compressive strength, strength set kinetics

  • Effect of a Magnetic Field on Impurity Light Absorption Spectra of 1D Semiconductor Structures

    A periodic semiconductor structure is considered, consisting of tunnel-uncoupled quantum wires (QW) based on InSb containing impurity centers. The uniform magnetic field is directed along the QW axis. For the case of light polarization transverse with respect to the QW axis in the framework of the dipole approximation, in the effective mass approximation, an analytical expression for the impurity absorption coefficient of light is obtained taking into account the dispersion of the QW radius described by the Gauss function. It is shown that on the spectral curve constructed in the Maple program, for given parameters of the QW and the semiconductor structure, there is a sequence of resonant maxima with a doublet structure. The cyclotron frequency determines the distance between the maxima in the doublet, and the frequency of the doublets on the spectral curve is determined by the hybrid frequency. With an increase in the magnetic field, the dynamics of the edge of the impurity absorption band is observed, which can be used to create detectors of optical radiation in a wide range of wavelengths and will make it possible to identify such semiconductor structures. It is also possible to obtain valuable information about the parameters of the QW and the band structure of the semiconductor from the spectral curve

    Keywords: impurity absorption coefficient, quantum wire, low-dimensional semiconductor structures, impurity center

  • System analysis as a tool for the development of training equipment for seed germination

    For successful training of students in educational institutions, modern laboratory equipment must be present. This equipment should be affordable, small enough to fit in a classroom, easy to maintain and operate, and versatile enough to allow students to conduct research with faculty or on their own. All this indicates the relevance of this work. The purpose of the work is to create original training equipment for seed germination. Work on a new design of educational equipment required to study and generalize the results and experience of using similar equipment known from the state of the art, as well as to study known methods and technologies. In the course of work, using elements of system analysis, new design solutions were found for the layout of universal training equipment for seed germination.

    Keywords: germinating table, training equipment, seed germination, seed quality

  • Mathematical modeling of the bottom-hole zone of the trunk with a combined sinking scheme

    The support in the bottom-hole zone of the trunk is a system of rings made of monolithic concrete having a different hardening period, which increases from the face up the trunk and is determined by the duration of the tunneling cycle. The strength and deformation parameters of the concrete support depend on the age of the concrete. Thus, to determine the strength of concrete in the early stages of concrete hardening, various empirical dependencies are used that link the strength of concrete at the design age with the strength at the required age. Based on a series of calculations performed by the finite element method, it was found that the change in the penetration rate does not significantly affect the relationship between stresses and deformations when static equilibrium is reached in the ""support – array"" system, which occurs at a high penetration rate at a greater distance from the bottom of the trunk. At the same time, intensive loading of the support at an early age can disrupt the process of natural hardening of concrete, lead to a violation of its structure, the development of fracturing, which will entail a decrease in the bearing capacity and water resistance of the support, a decrease in its durability.

    Keywords: shaft, sinking, support, concrete, stress, deformation, strength, bearing capacity