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  • Model of preservation of the architectural and park ensemble of the Peter and Paul Park in Yaroslavl

    The article raises the problems of preserving historical architectural and natural complexes on the example of the Peter and Paul Park in Yaroslavl. In the Introduction to the article, attention is drawn to the importance of the problem of preserving historical monuments of architecture or art not only in the capital cities, but also on the periphery. The following are the main methods used in the work to assess the state of the architectural and park ensemble, to identify its characteristic architectural and landscape features and to develop a theoretical conservation model. In the main part of the article, the historical stages of the formation of the architectural and park ensemble of the Peter and Paul Park, their influence on the final appearance of the ensemble are considered; a comparative analysis with similar architectural and park ensembles is given, common characteristic features are identified and the principles of the formation of the Peter and Paul Park are established. As a result of the conducted research, a model of preservation of the Petropavlovsk architectural and park ensemble of Yaroslavl is proposed, presented in the form of a master plan of the park territory, which contains proposals for the reorganization of the territory, pedestrian park network and restoration of historically significant structures. In the final part of the article, the main conclusions based on the results of the study are formulated.

    Keywords: architectural and park ensemble, Peter and Paul Park, Yaroslavl Big Manufactory, regular layout, theoretical model of conservation

  • Experimental studies of biological wastewater treatment technology using electrical treatment and activated sludge aeration

    Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the sludge index of activated sludge used in the process of biological wastewater treatment on aerotanks at various doses of sludge. The possibility of changing the sedimentation properties of activated sludge when using its electrical treatment is analyzed. It is shown that the electrotreatment of returnable activated sludge together with aeration leads to a decrease in the value of the sludge index, as well as an improvement in the quality of the treated water after settling. pretreatment of activated sludge in an electrolyzer with aeration allows biological wastewater treatment in an aerotank with increased doses, as well as to increase the flocculating properties of sludge in relation to suspended solids.

    Keywords: household waste water, biological treatment, activated sludge, aerotank, sedimentation, sludge index, electrical treatment, aeration

  • Using the transformed Harrington desirability function to calculate the quality index of construction production

    The problem of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of construction production is considered. The problematic nature of such a procedure is noted, due to the fact that construction production is a multifactorial process in which a large number of material, financial and labor resources are used, with different units of measurement. It is proposed to consider the complex indicator "Integral indicator of the quality of construction production" based on the transformed Harrington desirability function, which allows taking into account many factors having different-sized controlled parameters.

    Keywords: quality of construction production, integral index of construction quality, quality coefficient, generalized utility function, Harrington desirability function

  • A neuro-fuzzy model for contours constructing on an image

    The article describes a technique for constructing a non-fuzzy model for selecting contour points on an image. The technique includes the following steps: the formation of linguistic variables “pixel brightness difference” and “a sign that a pixel belongs to a contour”, the formation of a knowledge base of a neuro-fuzzy model using a binary image, the formation of a training set using both grayscale and contour images, training a neuro-fuzzy model using genetic algorithm. A feature of the presented genetic algorithm is - checking the conditions for the correctness of the values of the parameters of the membership functions obtained during the generation of chromosomes. Described the structure of a neuro-fuzzy model for making a decision about whether a pixel belongs to a contour. Presented the result of applying a neuro-fuzzy model for constructing image contours.

    Keywords: neuro-fuzzy model, contour image, contour extraction, contour pixel, linguistic variable, fuzzy set, membership function, genetic algorithm, Tsukamoto inference, neuro-fuzzy model learning

  • Improving the reliability of test results of wooden beam joints

    The article gives a description of the developed design of a sample of the connection of wooden elements, which is devoid of the shortcomings of existing technical solutions that allow simulating the actual operation of real wooden structures. The design makes it possible to increase the reliability of the test results, simplifies the test procedure and the test results processing process. The developed design of the sample fully reflects the actual work of the real joints of the beam cage of a wooden building, causes a stress-strain state in the sample, to a large extent similar to the stress-strain state of a real joint due to the correct application of the basic provisions of the similarity theory to connect the model with the full-scale construction of a wooden buildings, schemes for applying the load to the sample and methods for conducting experiments.

    Keywords: wooden structures, timber, joining of wooden elements, testing of a sample of connecting wooden elements, wooden beam, main beam, secondary beam, metal plates, screws, reliability improvement

  • Features of the arrangement of the abutments of the projected driveways of industrial enterprises to the existing landscaping

    The paper considers the problem of the arrangement of the abutments of newly erected driveways and roads of agricultural production enterprises to existing roads and driveways. When connecting the "pies" of the roadways of the projected driveways with the existing landscaping, it is necessary to solve the problem of preventing cracking in the coating at the places of the thickness difference of the structural layers. In the article, this problem is solved both from the technical side, by ensuring the joint work of the new and existing road structure, and from the normative one by assigning the projected passage to the IVB category road, in accordance with SP 37.13330.2012, which allows the construction of a road with curbs without curbs and, as a consequence, without storm sewers and sewage treatment plants.

    Keywords: road network, cadastral boundaries, the design of the widening of the passage, the technical solution of the junction of roads, transverse profile

  • The use of the "Quality Index" in the assessment of construction and installation works

    The problem of quality in construction and installation works at intermediate stages is being discussed. The role of technical supervision in the construction process is outlined. A proposed indicator, the "Quality Index," is presented for consideration, which reflects not only the quality of the works but also the effectiveness of the technical supervisor's work during the construction process.

    Keywords: quality, construction quality, construction quality index, quality coefficient, regulations, technical supervisor engineer

  • Automatic system for control and regulation of microclimatic parameters of the steam room of the bath

    The article is devoted to the automation of the steam room of the bath, the description of its functional scheme and the consideration of each element of the system in terms of their functionality and design features. The system consists of sensors that register various microclimatic parameters of the bath, actuators and a controller with a web touch panel to set the desired conditions. This solution is distinguished by providing high safety and significant benefits for human health.

    Keywords: automation, steam room, microclimatic parameters of the bath, sensors, actuators, controller, safety improvement, optimization of control processes

  • Development of automatic control system of sausage smoking chamber

    This paper deals with the development of automatic control system for sausage smoking chamber. Manual control of the smoking process can lead to errors and irregularity, so automation becomes a necessity. Smoking chamber control system works on two circuits - temperature and humidity. An automatic smoking chamber control system provides optimum conditions for smoking products. The paper presents the transfer functions for each circuit and the structural diagram of the control system. The coefficients used in the calculations were obtained from experiments conducted at a sausage production facility in Izhevsk. The paper analyzes the stability of the system by calculations and verification in the Matlab Simulink environment. Based on the verification, it was found out that the automatic control system of the sausage smoking chamber developed by us is working.

    Keywords: smoking chamber, control object, humidity control circuit, temperature control circuit, automatic control system

  • Diagnostics of ice on overhead catenary wires

    Loads from ice and frost formations on the wires of the contact network worsen the quality of current carrying and contribute to the emergency situation. The article presents the analysis of methods and sets of equipment for diagnostics of ice and frost formations on the wires of the contact network. Elements of diagnostic equipment form an information system, the end point of which is the energy dispatcher's console. It is shown that the composition of the diagnostic equipment is determined by the type of contact suspension and its place of installation. The variety of methods used for diagnostics of ice on wires of the contact suspension shows the complexity of the problem to be solved.

    Keywords: contact network, ice formation, loads, diagnostic methods, operation, current collector, working conditions, emergency situation, refinement of methods

  • Analysis of the capabilities of information technology applications for object simulation

    In the field of design and construction of transport facilities, in particular railway transport, Industry 4.0 technologies are gradually being used. In the transport industry, the concept of "digital twins" - a computer representation of a real object - has become especially widespread. The basis for "digital twins" are information models (TIM-models). At the present stage of the development of these technologies, the method of applying TIM for linear-broaching objects has not been worked out to the end. This paper considers the experience of designing railway infrastructure facilities using information modeling technologies in Russia and in the world. The concept of the methodology for the practical implementation of information modeling technology for railway infrastructure facilities at the design stage is proposed. The main limitations of the presented methodology and ways to overcome them are considered.

    Keywords: BIM, information model, railways, railway information modeling technologies, information modeling methodology

  • Automation of public transport stops in Kazan using an adaptive control system to increase the level of comfort and safety of the population

    The article presents a project for an automated public transport stop, which includes the ability to regulate the lighting and temperature of the room, video surveillance, registering the location of vehicles in real time and displaying it on the display, as well as using wireless Internet and recharging the phone by equipping the stop with the necessary devices. The purpose of the article is to increase the level of comfort and safety of each consumer. Security is ensured by installing a panic button for communication with emergency services and a CCTV camera that transmits real-time video to dispatch services when the panic button is pressed. In addition to technologies previously introduced in the Russian Federation and other countries, it is proposed to additionally equip stops with vending machines for food and drinks. The uniqueness of the work lies in the adaptive temperature control system, which allows you to change parameters and operating strategies depending on current data and environmental conditions. The article selects and describes each component of an adaptive automated system from a technical point of view, provides an equipment diagram and notes the possibility of reducing project costs by including renewable energy sources.

    Keywords: automation, adaptive control system, equipment, public transport stops, optimization, innovative technologies, renewable energy sources, city infrastructure

  • Expanding the scope of application of foundations with a curvilinear contact surface

    The subject of the study is processes related to the construction of strip-shell foundations. The scope of the study is the construction of the base under the shell, providing a curvilinear contour of the structure. Traditionally, the foundation structure is placed in undisturbed soil, which, due to its physical and mechanical characteristics, can limit the scope of application of such foundations. Using the Harrington desirability function, the authors evaluated six models of soil masses with different physical and mechanical as well as technological properties. As a result of the studies, the suggested options were rated “satisfactory” or lower. In this regard, it is required to improve both the quality of the base under the shell and the technology for the construction of such foundations by using cost-efficient prefabricated soil-cement blocks.

    Keywords: Buildings, strength, construction industry, foundation, construction technology

  • Mathematical modeling of products made of composite materials with specified properties

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, fiberglass, composite material, system, numerical simulation, finite element method.

  • The use of a geothermal energy installation for heating private houses in order to develop green energy

    The article is devoted to the use of renewable energy sources, namely geothermal energy for home heating. Methods of installation, advantages and disadvantages of geothermal heating are investigated. A comparative analysis of the cost of 1 MJ of heat received from various energy sources was carried out, and the efficiency of using heat pumps for heating buildings was proved. It was noted that in connection with the global problem of greenhouse gas emissions, this decision is relevant and paramount for achieving hydrocarbon neutrality. The introduction of geothermal heating methods can be a huge step towards green energy.

    Keywords: system, temperature, geothermal heating, heat pump, compressor, evaporator, condenser, carbon footprint, ecology, green energy