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  • The frequency divider for 32

    The frequency divider for 32, operating in a range of frequencies 8-18 GHz is considered. The specifics of the schematic diagram is shown. The design and element base is described in short. The model is made and its experimental research is carried out. The technique and the block diagram of the experiment is described. Level of harmonics of an output signal is measured. For decrease of level of harmonics of the useful signal the low-pass filter of type SALF-580 is used. Presence of a parasitic output signal in the absence of an input signal is revelead.

    Keywords: frequency divider, microcircuit, experiment, amplitude-frequency characteristic, low-pass filter

  • Research of technological ways of formation of the raised formoustoychivost of details of heat-shielding clothes

    Justification and results of pilot studies of influence of parameters of a matrix of fixing of the special soft polymeric edges forming the additional locally concentrated rigidity of external material of the warmed clothes of a special purpose is presented in article. Technical characteristics and standard restrictions for the textile material considered at the heart of the projected product taking into account the requirement of GOST and operational criteria are given. Data on modern ways of increase in resistance of an external cover of clothes to the deforming influences for the purpose of preservation of internal volume and, as a result, necessary thermal insulation of clothes are submitted. On the basis of established experimentally dependences of rigidity of the modified material on width and thickness of polymeric channels the way identification of extreme density of filling of polymers of the internal surface of integumentary material with it taking into account the requirement of hygienic and operational character is offered.

    Keywords: heat-shielding clothes, design, properties of textile materials, rigidity of materials for clothes, a formoustoychivost

  • Evaluation of the reliability of pavement during the operation phase

    In the current socio-economic reality, the main task of design, road organizations is the high-quality reproduction of road structures, the development of the road network, and also to maintain the transport-operational condition of the highway. In this paper, examples and models are provided that allow an estimation of the probability of destruction of individual sections of a road structure, as well as the dependence of the reliability of a road structure on the actual coefficient.

    Keywords: road wear, service life, defect, crack, analysis, actual condition, deflection, coefficient of strength, deformation

  • The information model of urban development in the accessible environment during the reconstruction of urban development

    The article is developed information model of urban security, which is necessary to carry out technical inspection of apartment houses for the formation of the accessible environment during the reconstruction of urban development

    Keywords: accessible environment, people with limited mobility, universal design, reasonable accommodation, information model, spatial planning, technical examination, reconstruction, structural-functional areas

  • Elements of geotechnical monitoring of underground constructions, enshrined concrete anchors

    There was a need for geotechnical monitoring during construction of underground facilities. The organization of monitoring control tensile forces in the concrete anchors. Comparison of experimental and calculated data, which revealed that the deviation does not exceed 19%. When using anchor embedment length limited in a large range of conditions in a rod anchor having critical internal forces. To increase the efficiency of anchors in their construction can be used in flexible elements of the anchor bolt assembly.

    Keywords: underground construction, monitoring, anchor well, tensile forces, the bearing capacity, the compliance node

  • Investigation of the stress-strain state of lining of underground structures in the zones of linking

    In the article numerical simulation of the interface zone of a tunnel with a vertical barrel by the finite element method is considered. The numerical spatial model is a fragment of a rock mass with a size of 80 to 90 meters, in which the tunnel is connected by a span of 6.0 m, adjacent to the vertical trunk. The mating and trunk in the area under consideration are fixed with reinforced concrete lining 500 mm thick. A universal spatial isoparametric eight-node finite element is used to break up the model. The dimensions of the finite elements on the outer regions of the model were 2.5 - 5.0 m, on the inner - 0.25 - 0.5 m. Thus, the principle of combining dense and rarefied grids was used to reduce the amount of information describing the numerical model. The problem was solved in an elastoplastic formulation by a stepwise iteration method. As a result of calculations, all the components of the volumetric stress tensor in the finite elements of the lining and the rock mass, movement and deformation in the nodes of the finite elements were determined. With the help of the developed numerical models, a series of calculations was performed, an array of data was obtained on the stress-strain state of the lining in the zone of coupling effect, quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed. It is established that in characteristic zones of the influence of conjugations, a significant increase in the intensity of equivalent stresses is observed, which leads to a reduction in the load-bearing capacity of the lining by 2 times or more in comparison with extended sections of underground structures. To increase the efficiency of maintaining interfaces during tunnel operation, it is necessary to justify the control actions taking into account the dynamics of changes in the stress-strain state of the lining in space and time.

    Keywords: tunnel, shaft, linking, stress-strain state of the rock mass, the concrete lining

  • Modern trends in the development of the technology of waterproofing of buildings and structures

    The location of the buildings in the complex development of underground space in big cities of Russia can be attributed to the peculiarities of modern construction. Therefore, the reliability of the waterproofing of the whole circuit structures are the most relevant. Improving the technology and organization of construction contributes to the development of the main directions in the creation of progressive waterproofing materials. The definition of a number of principles for organizational and technological solutions of production of waterproofing works allows us to develop new methods of hydroprotection of underground structures.

    Keywords: waterproofing of buildings, waterproofing materials, organizational-technological solutions in the production of hydroprotection

  • Means of the analysis and detection of regularities of information streams in logistics of manufacturing enterprise

    The solution on integration of multipass imitating models and the analysis of data in the field of logistics of manufacturing enterprise is proposed. The technology of logistic management on the basis of multipass imitating models will allow to automate management process by design of structure of logistic network of manufacturing enterprise. Demand forecasting, drawing up plans, control of processes in logistic network, expeditious decision-making, will be provided by system of data mining. The developed technology of detection of regularities of information streams in logistics of manufacturing enterprise will help to realize problems of increase in efficiency of functioning by granting means of the analysis of changes in logistic network and in a market environment, and also means of adaptive planning and coordination of processes for all participants of logistic process.

    Keywords: imitating model, analysis of data, logistics, manufacturing enterprise, information streams, agentny model, forecasting, discrete and event model, adequacy, warehouses, sales market

  • Architectural typology of children's leisure-educational centers

    In the article the history of development of various types of additional education objects and their current state in Russia is considered, a classification of various elements of the system of basic and additional education of children and adolescents at different periods of time is made. Based on the analysis of modern research on this subject, the main principles for designing volumetric-spatial models of children's leisure-educational centers are revealed. There are several perspective architectural models of children's leisure-educational centers and their main typological features.

    Keywords: Additional education, a children's palace of creativity, an educational center, a leisure center, an architectural model, architectural design, architectural typology, design principles

  • Adaptation of the extreme filtering method for real-time systems using frame-by-frame signal processing

    Described is method Extreme filtration. Given justification applying extreme filtering using the time-lapse signal processing method for real-time systems. Shown principle of operation of the method is and the features of its application are described. Are given results of modeling work in the Matlab environment.

    Keywords: Extreme filtering, frame-by-frame signal processing, buffer, mode

  • Agent reconfigurable fuzzy heterogeneous in space solutions

    The aim of this work is to develop a model of the agent changing its own structure, and movable in the fuzzy heterogeneous search space. The need of creating these search tools solutions is caused not only by lack of data on the solved optimization tasks, but also complex computational structures used in modern information systems. The agent is represented as a point in a fuzzy heterogeneous search space, the scale of each axis of the space built on the basis of the corresponding fuzzy sets. The movement of the agent along each axis is based on the permissible operations on the elements of the corresponding fuzzy sets. An example of agent movement along the axis specified on the basis of S-fuzzy sets. To determine the stopping agent developed automatic adaptation. It is shown that changing the position of the agent in the search space not always leads to the change of uncertainty inherent in the decision, described by the agent. The novelty of the approach is to develop adaptive algorithms move the agent in a heterogeneous search space. On the basis of machine adaptation is shown the scheme of movement of the agent in fuzzy search space along the axis specified with S - fuzzy sets.

    Keywords: intelligent agent, heterogeneous structures, fuzzy space, adaptation, S-fuzzy set, automatic adaptation

  • Programmer's professional skills for developing an expert system for managing software projects

    For a long time in software engineering, there is a problem of a rather significant percentage of software project failures. One of the most frequent causes of such failures is non-optimal allocation of human resources, that is, the allocation of developers to tasks in accordance with their skills and the specifics of the task. Software development requires continuous improvement of skills and the degree of mastery of one skill can positively influence others associated with it. Due to the considerable number of skills there is a need in the expert system that allows you to track the changing skills and implement a near-optimal allocation of human resources. The impossibility of unambiguous evaluation of skills and partial overlapping with each other lead us to the fuzzy sets theory for processing of information about employees, rather than applying classical set theory or probability theory. At the end of the article, the most significant skills of IT specialists are presented.

    Keywords: expert systems, software development, project management, human resources allocation, fuzzy sets, uncertainty, probability theory, software developer skills

  • Effect of mechanical activation conditions on the particle size distribution and microstructure of industrial PZT-19 material

    The influence of mechanical activation conditions on the the sintering temperature, grain size and microstructure of PZT-19 ceramics was established. It was found that the mechanical activation method allows to increase the uniformity of ceramics grains.

    Keywords: ferroelectrics, particle size distribution, green building, mechanical activation, PZT

  • Evaluation of the effect of the dislocation loops and misfit dislocations on the Ge distribution in the SiGe/Si film

    Solved calculation of equilibrium distribution of Ge and the density of elastic energy in semiconductor film SiGe/Si. Built the 3D model of flat film with pyramid islands and dislocations. Calculation of elastic deformation is made using the finite element method. In this model takes into account the uneven distribution of Si and Ge due to threading dislocations, misfit stress and dislocation loops. The results showed that in the two-part elastic layer SiGe provision balance dislocation is located in the depth of the inconsistencies of the film and not on the boundary of film-substrate. This conclusion applies to the penetrating dislocation, while changing the orientation of dislocation much changes box elastic stresses and distribution component of Si and Ge in the film. The results of the calculation model of the sample, including prismatic dislocation loop, shown a significant impact on the value of the elastic energy of the film. While accounting for the effects of non-uniform distribution of SiGe alloy component does not result in a significant change in the magnitude of elastic energy model and critical values of height. According to calculations, taking into account the heterogeneity of the distribution component of the alloy transition to the formation of Epitaxial islets on the film surface occurs at lower values of their critical size, especially when small concentrations of Ge in the alloy. The results of calculation of the elastic energy of the film received at work, can be applied to calculate the conditions of occurrence of defects in nanometer dimension on the original flat free surface of semiconductor films.

    Keywords: germanium, thin film, heteroepitaxy, SiGe, misfit dislocations, threading dislocation, elastic energy density, dislocation loop

  • The selection algorithm of the metalized fiber-optic cable for its operation as a combined return conductor for the traction network of electric Railways

    The article briefly describes the technical solution for the use of specialized fiber-optic cable embedded in ground wire (OPGW) on the sections of electric Railways AC. The technical solution is to combine in a single conductor functions return conductor and fiber optic communication lines. Are given the relevance of such decisions and some peculiarities of its implementation. The main part of the article examines to the selection options return conductor with combined functions. The article describes the theoretical dependencies for the combined selection of the conductor based on the thermal resistance criterion. As one of the main passport parameters of the OPGW cables is the section of the metal component, the percentage of their content and the variation percentages are used in calculations to determine the electrical resistance of the cable and the magnitude of the permissible current. This approach allows to determine the parameters of the cable based on the criterion of reliability and allows to obtain the cable composition for a subsequent order from the manufacturer. The algorithm of selection combined return conductor that contains two stages: pre-selection based on the reference data, the choice of the real parameters from the manufacturer.

    Keywords: OPGW, reverse wire, combined reverse wire, electrothermal degradation, fiber-optic transmission lines railway transport, traction network, the choice of combined shield wire