This paper is a follow-up on the first part, which also reviews the process arrangement solutions for building reconstruction based on building heightening using modular structures. It highlights the importance of the use of transformer (stacked) modules, which allows improving the work process flexibility at the installation and transportation stages. It is further specified that, if reconstruction is carried out in congested urban environments, three-dimensional/modular units should be prefabricated, as prefabrication helps to significantly reduce a gap between the actual and standardized work timelines, even in case of force majeure.
Keywords: superstructure, organizational and technological solutions, transforming three-dimensional blocks, assembly and transport manufacturability
The calculation for progressive collapse with variation and comparison of different scenarios was carried out for the frame of a unique high-rise building of a multifunctional complex. At the first stage, the calculation was performed in a quasi-static formulation, the maximum deflections for two destruction scenarios were determined. The requirements for the state of limited operability in conditions of progressive collapse are completed. At the second stage, the calculation was made in a dynamic formulation. A modal analysis of the frame was previously performed in order to determine the forms of vibrations that will correspond to the expected deformations of the structure in the event of the occurrence and development of the process of progressive collapse. It is established that the maximum deflection of the plate when calculated in a dynamic formulation is 27.6% greater than in a quasi-static one. The residual deflection after the attenuation of the oscillatory process is 4.6% less than in the static calculation. Therefore, the object of study is safe from the point of view of the possibility of an emergency situation, accompanied by partial destruction of load-bearing structures.
Keywords: parametric architecture, evolution of shaping, aerodynamics, finite element method, analytical surfaces
Currently, special attention is paid to ensuring a high level of convenience and road safety. It is impossible to achieve this result without a clear understanding of the expediency of using certain theoretical provisions in practice. The solution to this problem lies in the timely development of simulation algorithms that allow us to accurately assess the effectiveness of applied engineering solutions in the project documentation.
Keywords: Parking, vehicle, capacity, road network, speed, traffic safety
The stage of operation of a highway is one of the most important stages of its life cycle. The decisions made at this stage have a direct impact on the durability of the road, the safety and transport costs of its users. Optimization of the decisions made is an urgent task that requires a comprehensive consideration of both the technical and economic components. Within the framework of this work, using the algorithms of artificial neural networks (ANN), a mathematical model of the ANN was developed to determine the integral level of pavement safety, based on a complex of structural and operational factors, including the modulus of elasticity of pavement layers, longitudinal evenness, rutting, and the presence of fatigue failures. On the basis of the integral level of pavement safety, its operational condition is predicted, a scale is assigned for the selection of control actions to ensure its required durability.
Keywords: artificial neural networks, integral safety level, falling weight deflectometer, road maintenance, road life cycle management
Pipeline networks today are the main and one of the safest ways to transport all kinds of media. This engineering system consists of various elements, one of which is pipeline fittings that regulate the parameters of working media and protect pipelines from overpressure. In order to control the operability of pipeline fittings, it must be subjected to comprehensive tests, one of which is a leak test. The presented study describes the developed design of a technological hydraulic installation intended for use as part of process equipment for conducting in-plant testing of pipeline valves. The results of modeling the stress-strain states of the main units, as well as the hydraulic calculation of the test circuit of the installation are presented.
Keywords: rotary check valve, pipeline fittings, pipeline system, mathematical modeling, finite element method, strength analysis, stress-strain state, computational fluid dynamics, hydraulic tests, technological hydraulic installation
The lack of water resources determines the problem of their rationing. Existing water consumption standards provide for a wide range of daily consumption values. This does not take into account possible measures to save water, provided for by the concept of buildings with a zero balance of water consumption. In addition, the technical specifications for the design of water supply systems include, for economic reasons, the smallest possible number of residents. The actual occupancy may exceed the planned one by several times, which requires further investment of additional funds already in the reconstruction of the newly built network. The objective of the study is to develop an analytical model of water consumption, the analysis of which allows us to evaluate the dynamics of changes in the specific water consumption with a variable population.
Keywords: specific water consumption, indifference curves, resource replacement rates, marginal water consumption
During the construction, overhaul and reconstruction of highways, various transport and technical and hydraulic structures, timely and effective drainage of ground water through the use of high-quality drainage systems is of paramount importance. It is well known that the main cause of deformation and destruction of the roadbed is both surface and ground water. It is necessary to ensure good filtration capacity, high water permeability, strength characteristics and reliability of the drainage system, thereby increasing the bearing capacity of the roadbed throughout the life cycle of the structure used. The authors of this article decided to set up an experimental section of the drainage system in the summer, during the period when the UGV is the lowest. A trench with the lowest permissible slope of water intake pipes is arranged primarily, depending on their diameter, they should be in the range from 0.001 (at d = 500 mm) to 0.007 (at d = 150 mm) and a depth of 40 cm below the UPG. The width of the trench is 45-50 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe. The bottom of the trench is leveled and compacted. After the trench is installed, a leveling layer of sand with a filtering capacity of at least 5 m / day is laid into it. and a thickness depending on the type of soil (loamy 15 cm, clay at least 20 cm), which is covered with a geotextile cloth so that the edges come out of the ditch with a sufficient margin for subsequent closure of the structure. The horizontal tubular drainage system should include inspection, drop-in and receiving wells. At the bottom of the trench, already with the geotextile laid, crushed stone of a fraction of 10-20 mm is filled in, with a layer thickness of 30 – 40 cm. Then the laying of drainage pipes begins, from the drainage well, in compliance with the slope. The next step in the installation of drainage pipes will be filling them with a layer of crushed stone, about 20 cm thick, and its subsequent sealing. After that, the structure is wrapped with geotextile cloths located on the surface with minimal overlap on each other, securing the joints with a rope or thin wire to prevent disclosure. The remaining part of the trench is filled with local soil with its layer-by-layer compaction.
Keywords: pipe filter, drainage system, non-woven geotextile, drainage pipe, filtration, water permeability, surface density, life cycle of the structure, ring stiffness
The article analyzes the elements of recursion and methods of its optimization, gives a name to the elements of the structure of recursion, an analysis is carried out, a pseudocode is shown. The relevance of using a recurrent approach when conducting inspection activities in order to ensure transport security is revealed. Algorithms of actions of transport security units based on recursion are specified.
Keywords: recursion, transport security, inspection, memoization, segmentation, transport security zone
The article presents the results of a study of an automated system of commercial accounting of energy resources. The open architecture of the top-level software of the automated information and measurement system of commercial electricity metering, based on WEB technologies, has been developed and tested, which will allow further research and scientific activities in the field of mathematical and software processing of data on electricity consumption. A module of planning and management of enterprise resources has been developed for the implementation of AIIS KUE in the MCD based on the developed diagram of use cases.
Keywords: WEB technology, automated information and measurement system, electricity, energy consumption, automatic control
The possibility of using artificial neural networks to assess the current characteristics of pavements and their potential application in the development of road maintenance strategies is considered. The results of the models showed the convergence between the estimated values of the pavement condition and the actual values at all stages of training. The results show that public road authorities can use the developed models to determine the optimal approach to road maintenance and determine the most effective measures to restore their capacity and operational condition.
Keywords: artificial neural networks, backpropagation algorithm, falling weight deflectometer, pavement maintenance, pavement management system
The article deals with the need for reconstruction of rehabilitation institutions. The relevance of this issue today is difficult to overestimate, since the vast majority of medical institutions built in the Soviet era are still working, but over the period of operation they have accumulated significant moral and physical deterioration. That is why the issue of their reconstruction is acute, the implementation of which can significantly increase the comfort of incoming patients and ensure the provision of medical care at a high level.
Keywords: reconstruction, construction, operation, rehabilitation institutions
The effect of a zeolite support on the physicochemical properties of cobalt catalysts prepared by the precipitation method and calcined at 400°C was studied. The values of the specific surface of the catalysts, the degree of cobalt reduction, and the dispersion of the metal were determined, and the presence of functional groups on the surface of the catalysts was determined by BET, TPV, TPD-H2, and IR spectroscopy.
Keywords: catalyst, cobalt oxide, hydrocarbons, dispersion, active surface
The article provides an overview of construction technologies for the construction of multi-storey residential buildings, taking into account the speed of construction and the quality of structures. A summary table of various types of construction is presented, advantages and disadvantages are identified.
Keywords: construction production, optimization, constructive solution, method of construction of buildings, block, panel, large-block, monolithic frame, monolithic, modular, comparison, analysis, advantages, disadvantages
This work is devoted to the problem of the shortcomings of the current regulatory and methodological literature, which complicate the conduct of construction and technical judicial expertise. On the example of the building in Rostov-on-Don, the shortcomings of the normative and methodological literature in the areas of possible use of modern equipment for the inspection of structures are shown. This lack of the necessary normative literature in the field of non-destructive testing is clearly shown. This article shows the difficulties which experts face due to the indicated shortcomings. Conclusions based on the results of the study are made.
Keywords: cconstruction and technical expertise, normative literature, methodical literature, laser scanners, non-destructive control, masonry
The article presents a variant of the analytical dependence of the workability factor on the time of execution of a specific operation by an employee of the transport security unit performing the function of screening passengers and baggage crossing the borders of the transport security zone using technical means of ensuring transport security. A mathematical model of the influence of the human factor on reducing the number of technological operations, as well as the quality of inspection activities during long-term monotonous and homogeneous operations is constructed. A software implementation of passenger questionnaires through the Blockchain system is presented to optimize the work of employees from the transport security units performing the functions of passenger and baggage screening in order to improve the security of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles from acts of unlawful interference.
Keywords: blockchain, transport security, inspection, data analysis, data processing, mathematical model, workability, optimization, railway transport, transport security units