An optimization model has been developed for the minimum required number of employees carrying out transport security measures included in transport security units, taking into account the algorithm for distributing employees, including various groups according to individual functions performed at different security levels, as well as the likelihood of various threats to transport security.
Keywords: transport strategy, digitalization of transport security, cost optimization, transport security units, requirements for ensuring transport security
The article deals with the distribution of air flow velocities for cities of compact configuration on the example of the city of Stavropol. The verification of the implementation of Weibull's law for different wind flow velocities in its various directions has been carried out.
Keywords: wind flow direction and velocity, atmospheric air, distribution law, Weibull's law, mixed Gaussian distribution, change in air flow velocities, time of day, compact city
On the basis of the analysis of tourist infrastructure objects location the influence of tourist flow seasonality on the number of temporary population of resort towns is shown. The relationship between the level of urban infrastructure development and seasonality of tourist flows is revealed.
Keywords: urban planning objects, engineering and transportation infrastructure, temporary population, tourist flow, seasonality, types of tourism
This article is devoted to the development of a method for detecting defects on the surface of a product based on anomaly detection methods using a feature extractor based on a convolutional neural network. The method involves the use of machine learning to train classification models based on the obtained features from a layer of a pre-trained U-Net neural network. As part of the study, an autoencoder is trained based on the U-Net model on data that does not contain images of defects. The features obtained from the neural network are classified using classical algorithms for identifying anomalies in the data. This method allows you to localize areas of anomalies in a test data set when only samples without anomalies are available for training. The proposed method not only provides anomaly detection capabilities, but also has high potential for automating quality control processes in various industries, including manufacturing, medicine, and information security. Due to the advantages of unsupervised machine learning models, such as robustness to unknown forms of anomalies, this method can significantly improve the efficiency of quality control and diagnostics, which in turn will reduce costs and increase productivity. It is expected that further research in this area will lead to even more accurate and reliable methods for detecting anomalies, which will contribute to the development of industry and science.
Keywords: U-Net, neural network, classification, anomaly, defect, novelty detection, autoencoder, machine learning, image, product quality, performance
Phosphogypsum is a large-scale solid waste from the production of phosphoric acid by the extraction method. The volume of accumulated waste in the world amounts to hundreds of millions of tons, and their disposal is becoming increasingly important. The article provides a brief overview of recent research on the use of phosphogypsum as a component of building materials. A list of the main factors of the negative impact of phosphogypsum waste on the environment is given, as well as the main impurities in its composition that reduce the quality of the resulting materials and methods for eliminating these impurities. It is shown that of the many products that can be obtained using phosphogypsum, the most widespread are construction and road materials, in which it is proposed to be used as a replacement for natural gypsum and sand.
Keywords: phosphogypsum, environment, building materials, road coverings, modifying additives
The paper discusses the use of carbon fiber composite materials for reinforcement of specimens made of pipe sections in tension under the action of internal pressure. Experimental investigations of steel pipes under the action of internal pressure both without reinforcement and with different number of reinforcement layers with carbon tape are described. The main interest is in the joint operation of the pipe wall and external reinforcement elements. Significant influence of external reinforcement on stiffness and deformability of the specimens is noted.
Keywords: high-strength fiber, carbon fiber, carbon tape, adhesion layer, pipe, external reinforcement system, polymer composites, tensile strength
The article presents a comparative characteristic of the cities of Izhevsk and Khabarovsk according to different criteria, an assessment of atmospheric air quality according to the atmospheric pollution index (ISA) and its dynamics, and an improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP) is calculated. According to most indicators, the cities are very similar and comparable, with the exception of emissions from stationary sources, which are 3-4 times higher in Khabarovsk. The UMP of the city of Izhevsk corresponds to a zone with favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities, however, the indicators are close to the boundary of this criterion (UMP ≥ 3.5), in the city of Khabarovsk favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities. This explains why, with emissions many times higher, the emissions in both cities are at comparable levels.
Keywords: atmospheric Pollution Index (ISA), improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP), pollution, atmosphere, sustainable development
The possibility of using expanded perlite dust (RUNWAY) in cement binder systems is being considered. A method for modifying the binder by joint mechanical activation of Portland cement, alumosilicate waste and hyperplasticizer is presented. The physico-chemical features of the modified runway make it possible to regulate the processes of hydration, phase formation, as well as the formation of the structural matrix of the composite. The compressive strength of the binder using RUNWAY as an active mineral additive increases by 36% with a decrease in density.
Keywords: technogenic raw materials, perlite, binder, dispersion, modification, mechanical activation, hydration, structure formation, phase formation, resource conservation
The issues of atmospheric pollution, including noise pollution, are considered. The dependences of the concentration of carbon monoxide at distances from the roadway at different directions and speeds of the wind flow obtained according to MRR-2017 are presented. The influence of motor transport on the condition of the air basin and the health of the urban population is considered. The levels of noise pollution in the main-line territories of Volgograd, as well as the main pollutants in the atmospheric air of the main-line territories, are considered. The dispersion of CO concentration at different wind speeds at different angles of wind direction to the road and traffic noise levels depending on the days of the week, time of day, and traffic flow intensity are considered.
Keywords: wind flow direction and speed, roadway, atmospheric air, mainline territories, traffic noise levels, carbon monoxide concentration, vehicle fleet, cargo flow
motion of the body are obtained, which can only be solved numerically. The equilibrium equations are solved and the basic stationary modes of body motion are obtained. The main result is the most gentle body planning mode. In the matlab computer mathematics system, a set of programs is written that searches for a numerical solution and outputs trajectories. The movement of the modes under consideration is modeled and the stability of the main modes is looked at using numerical calculations.
Keywords: body, planning mode, stability, geometric dimensions
The paper offers one of the variants of construction and use of fuzzy query mechanism for modeling of telecommunication network state estimation. The modular architecture of the application is considered in detail, the logic of calculating the degrees of belongingness to each term of the selected linguistic variables is described, the stages of the algorithm of work with the mechanism of fuzzy queries are given.
Keywords: fuzzy query, search, membership function parameters, state estimation modeling, database, knowledge, fuzzy classification
This paper examines and compares two neural networks, U-Net-Attention and SegGPT, which use different attention mechanisms to find relationships between different parts of the input and output data. The U-Net-Attention architecture is a dual-layer attention U-Net neural network, an efficient neural network for image segmentation. It has an encoder and decoder, combined connections between layers and connections that pass through hidden layers, which allows information about the local properties of feature maps to be conveyed. To improve the quality of segmentation, the original U-Net architecture includes an attention layer, which helps to enhance the search for the image features we need. The SegGPT model is based on the Visual Transformers architecture and also uses an attention mechanism. Both models focus attention on important aspects of a problem and can be effective in solving a variety of problems. In this work, we compared their work on segmenting cracks in road surface images to further classify the condition of the road surface as a whole. An analysis and conclusions are also made about the possibilities of using architectural transformers to solve a wide range of problems.
Keywords: machine learning, Transformer neural networks, U-Net-Attention, SegGPT, roadway condition analysis, computer vision
The work is devoted to the problem of providing electrical energy to remote production enterprises in the absence of a centralized power supply. The purpose of the work is to develop decision support tools for choosing autonomous power generation projects from a large number of possible alternatives. To achieve this purpose, a hierarchy of criteria was constructed and a comparative analysis of existing technical and economic solutions in the field of small-scale autonomous energy was carried out. It is shown that when choosing a power generation project for a particular enterprise, there is a fairly large number of alternatives, which makes the use of commonly used decision support procedures based on the hierarchy analysis method/analytical network method (in the classical version) ineffective. An iterative procedure with dynamic changes in feedback between criteria and alternatives is proposed, which makes it possible to reduce the dimension of the supermatrix during the calculation process and, thereby, reduce the time complexity of the algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed modification of the analytical network method is confirmed by calculations. The constructed procedure for selecting an autonomous power generation project makes it possible to increase the level of scientific validity of technical and economic decisions when expanding the production activities of small enterprises in remote and sparsely populated areas.
Keywords: autonomous power system, decision support, analytical network method
The factors affecting the strength of the interlayer bond of 3D concrete, as well as factors affecting the ability of the printer nozzle to produce a controlled concrete thread of a particular composition, which is being investigated in the process of 3D printing technology, the main characteristics of the suitability of compositions for printing on a 3D printer, requirements for rheology, hydration and strength in an uncured form, are considered 3D concrete, the main mechanical test methods for determining the adhesion strength in concrete printed on a 3D printer. The possible shapes and nominal sizes of the samples used in the methods for determining the strength of concrete are given.
Keywords: 3D concrete, anisotropy of mechanical properties, extrusion, cold connection, interfacial coupling, deflocation, thixotropy, initial static viscosity, curing, three-point bending
This article discusses the possibility of changing the formulation of an anti-icing mixture directly in a combined road machine, by integrating data from road weather stations and modernizing a universal spreader. To quickly change the recipe of the distributed mixture, using the example of a sand-salt mixture, it is proposed to use a two-hopper universal spreader with an automated control system. The recipe for the distributed anti-icing mixture is calculated depending on weather conditions. An example of LabVIEW software is given to solve the local problem of finding a current weather station.
Keywords: automation, road machine, universal spreader, de-icing materials, composition selection, control system