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  • Application of polymeric mesh shell s at reduction of restoration works

    The article is dedicated to increasing the strength properties of building structures based on bionic principles. Used research on modeling of plant materials. The different types of window openings. The recommendations to improve the strength of the restoration works for the construction of openings.

    Keywords: shell, strength, mesh structure

  • Comparative analysis powerlifting sports techniques in sportsmen of different qualifications with motor disorder

      Bbiomechanical parameters of the competitive exercise «bench» during the All-Russian competitions (Cup of Russia, Sochi 2011) were revealed in powerlifting athletes of various qualifications with motor disorder. Comparative analysis showed that there are significant differences between athletes of high, medium and low skills.

    Keywords: Powerlifting, sports techniques, sportsmen of different qualifications with motor disorder

  • The use of structural features of plants when casting restoration

    The article is devoted to the modeling of plant material and to increase the strength properties of building structures using bionic principles. The different kinds of structures reinforcing fabric leafy plants. Recommendations on the use of reinforcement cages during restoration work in construction.

    Keywords: shell strength, plant, reinforcing fabric, building construction

  • Development and design of bimorph thermal actuator and а micromirror based on it

    A design of the actuator, consisting of a thin layers of silicon dioxide and aluminum is proposed. There are calculations made of the response speed and heat dissipation of the actuator. By making the best selection of layer thicknesses and optimization stages of technological process, in particular the deep selective etching of silicon, the best performance on the angle of inclination of the actuator and the speed of the device could be achived. The greater the difference between the initial temperature and the heating temperature, the stronger the beam of the actuator is lowered to the plane of the silicon plate, and, therefore, less angle of elevation above the surface of the silicon plate. It is thus possible to control the angle of the beam by selecting the appropriate heater and voltage, providing the desired temperature. The design of the micromirror device based on the proposed actuator is provided. The developed design is based on the actuator and allows for controling the tilt of the mirror in a wide range.

    Keywords: silicon, termoactuator, micromechanical systems, bimorph structure, micromirrors

  • Electric method of the disinfection of farm crop seeds

    There is the information of the use of belt electrostatic grain cleaner for the pre-sowing seed treatment with the purpose of their disinfection in this artcicle. The results of the treatment of seed mixture in electric field at the different variants of work conditions are presented. The specific expenditure of electric power on the percent of seed mixture disinfection was calculated.

    Keywords: electric method, pre-sowing treatment, disinfection, electric field, belt electrostatic grain cleaner

  • Impedance assessment of cell suspensions in space flight

        In this paper we evaluate the viability of cell suspensions with the assessment of their bioelectric properties. A method for evaluation of cell suspensions, based on the method of pulse impedance. The frequency response of the electric impedance of suspensions chondroblasts, determined by analysis of the transition function. Under the transition function is meant to test the reaction of the object exposure, for which current is used as a reaction - voltage electrodes placed in the sample suspension. After the time-frequency transform data to a PC, the transfer function is considered in the space of states that characterize the electrical properties of multicomponent biological tissues, which allows us to go to the electrical equivalents of its constituents. The measurement process, i.e. impact on the sample cell suspension is carried out within the pulse of electric current, which allows a quick assessment of the cell suspension.

    Keywords: cell suspensions, electrical impedance, transfer function, state space, the functional identification

  • The functionality of the hardware-software complex «myocom»

      This article describes the purpose, functionality and the main field of application of hardware-software complex "MYOCOM". In particular, the criteria determining structures are described by the schema and the hardware capabilities of the device to register electromyogram. Program-methodical maintenance of the complex is divided into three groups: research section, which allows you to plan and assess the results of the experiment; analysis of the functions of the muscles on EMG parameters; rehabilitation exercise equipment on the basis of biological feedback. The paper describes the possibility of synchronization of the complex "MYOCOM" with other devices.

    Keywords: Electromyography, diagnostics, rehabilitation, synchronization

  • Properties of materials, which are used in the study of the performance of strengthened reinforced concrete constructions

    This paper addresses the testing results of steel rods with grade A500 and A600, which used as a conventional reinforcement. It was investigated the strength properties of carbon and fiberglass sheets with different number of material layers. The results are compared with the data given in the quality certificates.

    Keywords: fiberglass, carbon frp sheets, laminates, sheets of carbon and fiberglass, the ultimate load ,strength

  • A model of optimal biological resource exploitation with corruption

    The paper reports on dynamical model of optimal biological resource exploitation with corruption. Particularly, it is allowed a fish quota increase after paid a bribe. The research has been realized with the sustainable development conception by the Pontryagin's maximum principle. A time moment, where the bribe is profitable, is considered. Fight corruption methods are presented.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, optimal exploitation, corruption

  • Research questions of flexural reinforced concrete elements, strengthened with different types of composite materials

    The questions related to the study of various varying factors on the strength of normal sections in beams. Here's a program of research by one methodology designed to study the effect of the type and content of steel reinforcement and externally composite on the strength of normal sections that have not previously been investigated.

    Keywords: Concrete, reinforced concrete, the percentage of reinforcement, carbon frp sheets, fiberglass, laminates

  • About consumer utility

    The article analyzes one of the basic concepts of a rational economy – the marginal utility. It is shown that the models accurately describe the behavior of the individual, derived from human psychophysics.

    Keywords: consumption, total and marginal utility, psychophysics.

  • Formation of a geographical information database of residential and business housing stock of Rostov-on-Don

    Development of urban areas, especially Rostov-on-Don, which is one the largest city of the south of Russia, should be based on a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the structure of housing stock and engineering services, which provide all types of resources for the city. Research of the structure of housing stock, analysis of residential and private housings, municipal and business buildings, information on the territorial distribution of these objects with reference to the topography would allow to create a reliable information base for the development of district heating schemes. Housing stock of Rostov-on-Don was ranked by the year of construction, number of floors and material of the wall. The article assesses the providing of municipal and business buildings, kindergartens, schools, institutions consumer services, culture and sport institutions.

    Keywords: urban development, energy, heating, year of construction, material of walls, floors

  • The feature of the nonlinear acoustic mechanism in medicine

      The thermal mechanism of the effect of acoustic waves with high intensity for biological tissues is required thorough study. When considering the high level of acoustic wave used isentropic Poisson adiabatic usually. Used isentropic shock adiabatic (Hugoniot adiabatic) for description of the waves with increased intensity. In the case of shock waves with different density of the medium would be discussed is the following approximation in the description of the process – non-isentropic shock adiabatic, which has an asymptote already. This is important when considering the process.

    Keywords: Acoustic waves with high intensity, Hugoniot adiabatic, shock waves

  • Analysis of structural-dynamics intensity of development of industries of industrial sector of economy

    In the conditions of becoming of the new technological mode the special actuality is acquired by the choice of strategic directions of development of industrial sector of economy. In this connection there is a necessity of analysis of dynamics of development of industries of industrial sector. The model of analysis of structural dynamics intensity that allows to estimate branch distinctions in the industrial sector of economy is presented in the real work. By means of this model is possible to define the measures of stimulant character in regard to industries with the different level of economic development, and also to educe perspective directions of structural transformations to the industrial sector of economy.

    Keywords: management by structural transformations, dynamics, industrial sector, coefficient of structural elasticity

  • Industrial clusterization and transition technological system: historical perspective and future trends

    The article describes the historical features of the formation of the industrial sector of the Russian economy. The analysis of the current state of industry, allowing to determine the dominant technological structures in the industry. Identified priority areas for the new technological system and the basic problems of Russia's transition to a new wave of technological development. The role of the cluster approach in the transformation of the industrial structure.

    Keywords: technological system, innovative economy, industrial clusters, the industrial sector of the economy, priorities