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  • Specification of a technique of definition of a charge of drop ablation in a working zone at barbotage electrolits

    In article questions of improvement of a technique and theoretical bases of electrocatching with reference to problems of fight against drop ablation in a working zone in the conditions of galvanic production are considered.

    Keywords: electrocatching, drop ablation, working zone, barbotage, charge, drop

  • Ways and means of decrease in noise loadings on the civil engineering enterprisies

    In article it is disscused ways of decrease in noise and realization of actions for decrease in professional risk of workers construction industry enterprises working under the influence of high levels of noise.

    Keywords: industrial nois, professional risks,labor protection

  • Conditions of formation of debris flows in the Pšeha River basin

    Conditions of forming mud flows in Pšeha River basin Briefly outlines the formation of solids debris flows in the Pšehi tectonic-dependent geographical, geomorphological, geological, lithological, meteorological, soil-rastitel′nymh and anthropogenic factors.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Rationale for the design features energopoglotiteley seismic structures

    Currently actively promote seismic associated with the use of special devices, so-called energopoglotiteley. This paper shows that the design energopoglotiteley advisable to make so that the work item had torsional strain. These EPA bdut have maximum energy absorption with minimal weight. Designs of EPA.

    Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption

  • By using torsion energopoglotiteley for seismic structures

    Currently actively promote seismic associated with the use of special devices, so-called energopoglotiteley. Are very effective konstrutsii energopoglotiteley in which the working element undergoes torsional strain. These EPA have the maximum energy absorption with minimal weight.

    Keywords: Earthquake protection, energy absorption, the diagram of deformation, plastic deformation, plastic torsion

  • A lateral refraction in traverse network

    In the article the assessment of influence of a lateral refraction on angular measurements in traverse network is made. The conclusion is drawn on possibility of significant distortions of angular measurements in these networks because of refraction. Recommendations about reduction of influence of a lateral refraction on angular measurements in traverse network are made

    Keywords: Refraction, Influence, Measurements, Traverse, Network, Distortions

  • Increase of system effectiveness of two - stage transportation: on an example of management of a solid municipal waste

    The model of increase of efficiency of the created system of transportation of a municipal waste is presented. Need for carrying out modeling and the actions connected with reorganization of system, because of possible increase in total expenses is proved at shift of positions of reloading stations of rather optimum points owing to local conditions of the territory of municipality.

    Keywords: a solid municipal waste, technological process of transportation, two - stage transportation

      The model of optimization of a cargo transportation of production of the timber industry enterprise which describes process of transportation of wood from wood-procuring enterprises to wood-processing enterprises is offered in this article. Search of an optimum multiple contour of a transport network is considered in model.

    Keywords: mathematical model, optimization of a cargo transportation, automobile forest transport, multigrocery transport problem

  • Municipal solid waste management system using the GIS-technologies

    Solid waste management is one of the most important and complex international issues. Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don has developed a new strategy for the creation of a system of waste recycling. For its success must enter a single system to manage solid waste using geographic information systems. This problem has become more important due to the increased amount of waste, complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the problem. Rapid globalization and urbanization have increased the number of solid waste, which is currently in landfills in many countries. Emissions and leaching of chemicals or toxic substances into groundwater leads to environmental pollution. In recent years, a growing scale of environmental degradation has led to the formulation of numerous initiatives, conventions and conferences, and stringent laws and statutes throughout the world.

    Keywords: Municipal solid waste management, GIS-technologies, Sustainable development, Separate collection, Recycling

  • Use of an inversion multidimensional classification in conceptual design

      The article is devoted to the methodology of construction of fields of knowledge through the use of procedures inversion, allowing to most fully present the essence of the studied object, its inner content, expressed as a unity of diversity contradictory properties ensuring its integrity required for the generation of new knowledge as an increase to the number of criteria for the classification and, accordingly, the space of the classification.

    Keywords: conceptual design, fields of knowledge, classification, inversion

  • Study of the stages of the methodology for determining the professional risk

    The article considers the methodological approaches tо the definition of risk assessment of occupational risk,taking into account the analysis of occupational morbidity and class working conditions for individual professional groups.

    Keywords: professional risk, analysis,evaluation,methodology,an integral indicator

  • Advanced Protection residential areas of solid waste

    The historical facts of the collection and disposal of garbage in cities. Due to the significant increase in the volume of waste, existing methods of disposal have been ineffective. A new approach that can solve the problem, a «Zero Waste». Widespread dissemination of «Zero Waste» assumes the responsibility of manufacturers, environmentally friendly design, reduction of waste, reuse and recycle - all within a single approach. With the dual system in Germany - Duales System Deutschland DSD new strategy of economic activities in the area of waste, the purpose of which is the careful use and conservation of natural resources (ie, closed-loop strategy of economic activity).

    Keywords: solid waste, garbage, recycling, packaging, zero waste

  • Design featuresin Russia

    As a notable desire to invest in the safest of assets - real estate, an increase in construction in the Russian Federation. However, despite the emergence of new technologies and methods of works, materials, machinery and equipment are still some problems - the lack of adequate procedures in the organization of the construction process, which affects the duration of construction. To date - this is the main factor. And its value depends on the cost of borrowed money, the loss of the frozen funds related to the timing of input and start to use the object to the destination. Therefore, to achieve the goals, it is necessary to develop information technology construction industry with the interaction of design and construction companies to provide timely information to manage the construction industry.

    Keywords: technique, design, technology, control, menegement

  • Ecological-economic aspects of settlements ground resources rational usage and estimation

    In the article consideres aspects of ground resources rational usage and estimation. There are unique properties of ground resources, division of ground fund on categories. Schematically shown control system of lands rational usage.

    Keywords: Settlement, ground resources, estimation, ecological-economic aspects

  • The economic importance of the carrying capacity of the environment built up areas, the problems of its implementation

    The article considers the methodological issues of the economic assessment of damage from pollution, the difficulty of obtaining an objective assessment of the damage. Given shape ecosystem resilience to external influences as carrying capacity of the environment to the ejection of matter and energy into the environment as a result of economic activity. Carrying capacity of the environment is considered as a kind of natural resource potential of the rationale for the development of economic evaluation of the carrying capacity of a natural resource. The basic problems of economic evaluation of the implementation of the carrying capacity.

    Keywords: Carrying capacity built-up areas, the economic carrying capacity assessment, the economic damage from pollution, ecosystem, the problem of realization of economic carrying capacity assessment