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  • On the theorization of group wood barking

      Mathematical models describing the process of group wood barking in the barking drums are suggested.

    Keywords: group barking, mathematical model, barking drum

  • Technological scheme of the upgraded machines listodolivochnoy restoration of paper documents.

    This article related to the technological problem. Books and manuscripts are subjected to natural aging due to the fragility of the raw materials, the deterioration of the conditions of storage, as well as losses of fragments due to repeated or careless operation. Therefore, for libraries, archives and museums is particularly important in matters of preservation of documents not only the process of conservation, but the recovery of the lost fragments.

    Keywords: technology, restoration, conservation, listodolivochnye machines, vacuum table, the machine for making pulp

  • Formation of the system of production quality assurance based on the use of the process aproach

    This article is dedicated to theoretical issues of development of the production quality improvement system in the small- and middle-sized enterprises. This system is based on the process-based approach. Briefly the theoretical issues of process-based approach and the main concepts are given. The concept of production quality improvement system and the distinctions from well-known process-based quality management are also given. Objectives and principles of this system are defined by the authors. Also the recommendations by selection of method of assessing the effectiveness of the system.

    Keywords: quality production management, process-based management, quality management system, small- and middle-sized enterprises

  • Automated modeling and calculation fire distances between buildings

    The article deals with the calculation and justification of fire distances (gaps) between the buildings in built up areas on the basis of the model. The automated system can be run in automated preparation of design documentation AutoCAD programming language Visual C + +, the technology ObjectARX.

    Keywords: fire breaks, modeling, system AutoCAD, ObjectARX technology

  • Two-channel precision converter voltage-to-pulse

      In this paper for the solution of the transformation "voltage-to-pulse" is proposed implemented in CMOS basis (technical process SGB25VD) structure based on high-frequency converter and comparator multiplexer with symmetrical hysteresis. Increasing the accuracy of the transformation achieved by the proposed method switching input voltages, excluding the through-analog switches. The results of computer simulation confirmed the effectiveness of the developed structure. Practical implementation of an analog-to-digital converter has shown that the proposed method of construction reduces the technological requirements for the components of the system-on-chip and increase its productivity.

    Keywords: system-on-chip, analog-to-digital converter, structure, multiplexer, switching, measurement error, comparator, integrator

  • Categories of psychotherapeutic discourse and their expression in the language (on the basis of the novel by I. Yalom The Schopenhauer Cure)

    The article describes such categories of psychotherapeutic discourse as its participants, aims, values, specific concepts. Special attention is given to the means of the categories’ expression in the language. The authors name so called teleonomic concepts of the psychotherapeutic discourse (life – death), discourse –specific concept relationship is also in focus. It is noted that psychotherapeutic discourse is of a metaphorical nature.

    Keywords: psychotherapeutic discourse, discourse participants, relationship, discourse metaphorical nature

  • Linguistic culture in translation

    The article is devoted to linguistic culture in translation. There are also considered non-qualified translation of labels, goods inscriptions in Russian and instructions in English like the whole disrespect with the Russian consumers. We couldn’t use such texts as they destroy the younger people concept of standard language and culture of speech.

    Keywords: linguistic norms (standards), departure from the norm, culture of speech, translation, mistakes in translation, translation evaluation

  • Value-Oriented Conception of the Restructuring Controlling

    The article examines evolution of the ideas about the main goal of enterprise activity from the profit maximization to the value maximization for all stakeholders. The conception of controlling is examined. The need of controlling adoption in integrated business groups is substantiated.

    Keywords: restructuring, controlling, conception, value-oriented management, integrated business group

  • High-frequency SiGe-selective amplifiers with low bandwidth

      Represented in the block diagram of the election based amplifier and current amplifier input converter "voltage-current" allows you to control the central processing element pole frequency and quality factor, as in diagnostic mode parameters of analog devices, and in the mode signal processing. A variant of its circuitry implementation bipolar transistors for microelectronic performance. The results of computer simulation in Agilent ADS confirmed that on the basis of simple current amplifier in the traditional process, due to the structural features of the active elements of ongoing basic level of order can be implemented relatively high-Q units of the second order, which are easily integrated into multi-tier band filters.

    Keywords: system-on-chip, band pass filter, quality, current amplifier, the sensitivity, measurement error

  • Development of algorithm of an assessment of influence of transport factors on ekologo-economic safety of the country

    Article is devoted to justification of approaches to development of algorithm of an assessment of influence of railway transport on a state of environment for ensuring ekologo-economic safety of the country. Offers on use what econometrical modeling for development of imitating model of system of environmental management for the purpose of damage prevention to environment from impact on it anthropogenous factors of the enterprises-prirodopolzovateley, including emergency situations are proved. Stages of realization of a technique of an ekologo-economic justification of nature protection administrative decisions in environmental management system on railway transport are considered.

    Keywords: railway transport, influence, assessment, ekologo-economic safety, environment, administrative nature protection

  • Assessment of student competencies on the basis of Rush’s model

    The articlereviews the methodical bases of diagnostics socially-personal of diagnostics socially-personal competenceof students on the basis of Rush's one-parametrical dichotomizing model which possibility of use is proved. The results obtained on the basis of questioning by test-questionnaire L.P. Kalininsky. Calculated personal parameters of participants in the questionnaire, defining presence competencies.

    Keywords: model Rash, competence, competence level, latent variable, the test-questionnaire, the characteristics of student

  • Methods of experimental study of pre-stressed in the sample at the indentation of the indenter

    The problem of a radial compressive stress in the sample to assess their impact on the parameters of these stresses pressing indentors

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive

  • High-frequency selective amplifier and band-pass filters in CMOS transistor SiGe process technology

      The paper offers a solution to the general problem of circuit synthesis for n-MOS transistor level band pass filter based on current amplifier with a limited transmission coefficient. The possibility of optimal choice of the parametric compromise. The results of modeling circuit in Cadence Virtuoso environment component-based workflow SGB25VD.

    Keywords: CMOS transistor, a band pass filter, a selective amplifier, system on chip, gain, voltage-to-current

  • About kinetics of heat irradiation in mixing and solidification of astringent

    Knowledge of the kinetics heat irradiation give more sources for understanding physico-chemical process connected with solidification astringent. On curves of heat irradiation you can traced three stage and then read the kinetic equations describing each of them.

    Keywords: kinetics, heat irradiation, speed, stages, astringent

  • The problem of implementing a static conical indenter into the region with radial initial stresses

    We consider the problem of pressing a conical indenter in pre-compressed radial force elastoplastic medium. The influence of the initial stresses on the parameters of the indentation.

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive