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  • Sociolabor relations goodwill systems «Person-manufacture

    In article formation of sociolabor relations goodwill systems «person-manufacture» which is the consolidated process of personnel selection of the enterprise is considered and mentions all stages of organizational work with the personnel

    Keywords: Sociolabor relations, personnel selection, goodwill system «person-manufacture», personal and professional qualities of workers, labor potential, motivational audit.

  • Mathematical model of deformation of reinforced shells of revolution with an allowance for variable material properties

    Mathematic model considers the geometrical and physical nonlinearity, the adaptability of creep flow. Arc work is accounted for by the method of constructive anisotropy, but with due regard for shear and torsion rigidity. In solving physically nonlinear problems, secant modulus is defined directly from the «σ-ε» curve, found experimentally. Mathematic model is written in the form of functional of total deformation energy. This model can be used for comprehensive analysis of the stability of reinforced shells of revolution.

    Keywords: stability of reinforced shells of revolution, linear-elastic problems, the nonlinear-elastic problems, the problem of creep flow.

      Petro graphic analysis of the structure of foam concrete, reinforced with glass dispersion and synthetic fibers showed that the real nature of the fiber controls the parameters of their structure and strength.

    Keywords: fiberfoamconcrete, structure, form pores, fiber, strength

  • Emergencies associated with mudslides in the Northern Caucasus

    Contains information about the conditions of formation of mudflows, types and genesis of landslides in the last century and the first decade of the 21st century on the territory of the North Caucasus, the number of those mudslides, committed in the North Caucasus in the period 2002-2011, the number of municipalities affected by mudflow danger on the territory of the North Caucasus in 2010 year The article contains a table 4. Bibliography-3 title.

    Keywords: debris, nanosovodnye, mud flows, mudflows with rainwater Genesis, glacial debris flows, mixed with glacier-rain sat down, snow, mixed snow-rain sat, sat limnogennye

      In article negative influence of polymeric construction materials on a human body and surrounding his environment is shown, and also results of earlier carried out tests are given. The construction material – fiberfoamconcrete, which proved as a material possessing low heat conductivity, at the expense of strong porous structure of mezhporovy partitions is revealed modern constructional and heatinsulating.

    Keywords: fiberfoamconcrete, polymers, heat insulating materials, fire safety, construction materials

  • Long-term forecast of development and study of mud on a mountain in Karachay-cherkessia. Protection measures against floods

    The article summarizes the possible changes in the nature of mudflow activity on the basis of projected changes in the natural environment. Proposed main areas of further study of the mud and prevent mudflow threat, organizational, economic, agricultural and technical measures of protection against floods, weakening the mudflow activity in mountain areas from floods, warning seleopasnost′ and protecting from mudflow threat. The article contains. Bibliography-3 title.

    Keywords: torrents, mudflow activity, protection measures against floods

  • Increasing resistance to freezing capacity of mineral binders rubble-sand mixtures

    This article is dedicated to improving cold resistance and a possible reduction in of cracking rubble-sand mixtures, fortified with cement (SCHPTSS), in which in addition to widely used in the preparation of cement concrete and plasticizers (C-3, SS-5; Relamix, etc.) waste rubber technical articles were added in various fractions and particle size (rubber crumb and rubber flour).

    Keywords: rubble-sand mixture, frost resistance, fracture strength, plasticizers, rubber flour, the compressive strength limit, tensile strength limit in bending

  • AccountingVenture Capital

      This system accounting venture capital developed based on the structure of venture capital and is based on the accounts of 86 "Targeted funding" with the sub-accounts by type of venture financing and organization of analytical accounting series of venture financing and participants.

    Keywords: Venture Capital, a venture fund, venture, venture financing, Series financing, the balance, subaccounts

      The results of the analysis of existing approaches to the determination of the efficiency of trapping pollutants at their sources of isolation, as well as the prediction of residual contamination of the air of working areas. The classification of methods for determining the effectiveness of local suction ventilation systems. Given the technological distinction between the concepts (factor "technology capture") and sanitary (factor "technological breakthrough"), the efficiency of local suction. The tasks of improving the mathematical description of both types of efficiencies.

    Keywords: pollutant, a local suction, efficiency, carbon capture, source separation, capture, simulation

  • Ecological and economic aspects of environmental risk factors in urban areas

      Analysis and evaluation of geological and hydrogeological risks is a special kind of design and survey activities aimed to provide public safety, economyfacilities and the environment within the areas exposed to dangerous geological and engineering-geological processes. The article deals withreduce environmental risksmeasures in case of dangerous geological processes. A variant of engineering-geological zoning of the urban area, depending on the state and properties of the geological environment.

    Keywords: ecology, geology, risk

  • Mathematical representation of the characteristics of the interphase boundary surface of the transition layer

    It is shown that to describe the phenomena and processes in a transition interfacial layer having a certain thickness, it is useful to distinguish the boundary layer of the surface and boundary diffusion layer, which lies entirely in the less condensed phase related. In accordance with this energy and power characteristics of the transition layer should be attributed to the boundary surface of the interphase transition layer. The basic equation of electro capillary boundary of the surface layer, establishing the dependence of the surface tension of this layer on the chemical composition of the second phase, and bordering the jump of electric potential between them.

    Keywords: Interphase layer, Entropy, Concentration, Adsorption, Surface tension boundary layer, the surface energy, electrochemical electrode

  • Intelligent technologies for design information systems. The method of design software products in the presence of a prototype

    The method of design new information systems with the list of procedures which it allows you to create new non-trivial projects, for example,  software of psycho semantic analysis of audio data. In article describe that base on existing requirements, in the presence of the prototype, these technologies allow us to formulate requirements to the functional structure of the future system, to determine its operating principles, and present options for technical solutions.

    Keywords: conceptual design, intelligent technologies, information technologies, digital signal processing.

  • Modern trends of developmentthe globaland the Russian marketof information services

    This paper presents an analytical overview of the global and national market of the information services, and examines the main trends and prospects of development of the information market.


  • Lidar systems for environmental monitoring and environmental stabilization ingredients for urban areas

      automatic integrated assessment of natural and social sphere of urban settlements and the industry (with the improvement of their quality, stabilization of ecological ingredients and the development of the economy) is a major problem, as well as the traditional lidar optical-electronic systems local monitoring is not make it a positive decision. This problem is very complicated, multifaceted and requires the development of fundamental theoretical provisions for the implementation of the deep research of all types of anthropogenic objects and natural elements in built-up area

    Keywords: monitoring, lidar system, particle, scope, geographic information systems

  • The thermal stabilization system in the combined equipment

    The thermal stabilization system of combined equipment based on methods evaporation-condensation and liquid cooling was engineered and produced.  Some constructive decision of device fluid cooling, results of heat and hydromechanics simulations and testing was presented.

    Keywords: thermal stabilization system, combined equipment, cooling, thermal simulation