In article are considered particularities of the aspectual composition of flora and faunas of the republic Kalmykiya, their differences in territorial spreading. It is given analysis антропогенному influence on vegetable and animal world, the Revealed reasons деградации biological potential. Accent is made on condition of the populations of the antelope of the saiga. The Installed factor, influencing upon decision of the problem guard and reproduction охотничье-commercial fauna, danger is shown for vegetable and animal of the world fire.
Keywords: vegetation, animal world, антропогенное influence, population, industrial production, steep fires, ecological situation, antelope-saiga
In the article are covered methodical basics and assessment principles of environment impact. Was carried the analysis of approaches of research of risk-systems. Quality and quantitative assessment approaches of the risk applied in the sphere of environmental management was given. Were provided the practical methods of control agrarian resources on the foundation of a functional approach the qualitative and quantitative phytosanitary risks appraisal.
Keywords: risk assessment, ecology, expert judgment, nature management, impact
Device of torque measurement of rotating shafts of different technical systems is presented in this article. Device was maiden by digital radio channel. Methods of device calibration are described. Examples of measurements of different mechanisms shafts are presented.
Keywords: tenzometric torque, digital radio channel.
Studied in article the question of decrease in electro resistance of inserts of trolleybuses, a design of a contact insert of slip rings of trolleybuses and a composite material for its manufacturing is investigated.
Keywords: Impregnation, carbon-graphite, an insert.
The article discusses the state of natural objects of the Eastern Donbass after the restructuring of the coal industry. The analysis of the state of water bodies, surface deformation, through the process of gassing mine gas with dangerous concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, "dead air." The problem of burning waste dumps. Are technical measures for containment of hazardous gas emission and methods of control of migration of highly mineralized mine water in order to develop measures to reduce the negative impact of the processes on the environment.
Keywords: East Donbass coal mines, waste dumps, mine water, gas emission. mining and environmental monitoring
It was investigated the influence several additives and process parameters on the properties of piezoelectric ceramics based on PZT phase systems. It was shown that the use of the substitution of Pb2+ ions on the Bi3+, and Ti4+ ions, and Zr4+ to Fe3+ and Mn4+, as well as the method of "chemical assembly «allows to obtain increase the Curie temperature of ceramic samples of 50 - 170°C. The theoretical aspects of this area of research have been discussed in this article.
Keywords: ferroelectric phase, Curie temperature, ceramics, precursors, perovskite, a solid-state method, a method of «chemical assemblage
This paper considers the behavior of a hollow sphere loaded external and internal pressures. Furthermore, the cavity occurs uniformly distributed over the surface of corrosive wear, leading to an increase in the cavity volume. Solution of the problem is determined limit time corresponding to the achievement of the second invariant of the stress tensor limit value for points cavity.
Keywords: corrosion, wear, hollow ball, pressure limit, the time limit.
The theoretical significance of the study is an attempt to decision actual theoretical and practical problems of the various forms of charitable activity: charity, sponsorship, philanthropy, fundraising in the education market, based on the effective inter-sectoral interaction of economic agents in Russia. Proposed comparative analysis of socio-oriented forms of university charity will improve relationships with all investors, educational innovation and will contribute to the innovation infrastructure of the university in the public interest.
Keywords: The market of educational services, philanthropy, sponsorship, patronage, philanthropy, fundraising, social investment, attributive characteristics, the effectiveness of funding.
In this paper, on the example of spatial mechanical and mathematical model of a residential building in an emergency Belovo Kemerovo area the opportunity to assess the actual condition of buildings and structures on the basis of geodetic observations and a series of numerical experiments. The obtained data were used to develop the methodology for assessing the technical condition of buildings and structures on the basis of monitoring.
Keywords: erratic rainfall, geodetic observations, finite element model.
Based machine adaptation developed an algorithm that adaptively adjust the parameters of the membership function of design data. Adjustment parameters of the membership function is proposed based on the analysis of the reaction of the designer on the query results. This approach allows you to adjust power supplies design solutions to the corresponding values of logical variables based on subjective opinions of experts consecutive. The presence of a mechanism of adaptation helps to reduce the impact of one-off, drop out of the general concept, opinions.
Keywords: automatic adaptation fuzzy data correction.
The questions of regional bioenergetics development on the example of The Republic of Karelia are considered. The resource challenges in the field of harvesting and industrial use of energy wood and peat are described. The solutions to get over these challenges are identified.
Keywords: Challenges, Regional Bioenergetics, Peat, Energy Wood.
The questions devoted to the study of influence of mass textile articles vibroaktivnosti drum type washing machine with a horizontal axis of rotation at a centrifugal spinning. Feature of research is accounting change in mass production during the spin cycle when calculating the amplitude of transverse vibrations, including during acceleration and passing the resonance zone. The object of investigation used a modern model of household washing machine. Initial operating parameters were varied, based on the actual values for the machines of this type. In a paper on the study the graphs, the analysis of the data obtained. The results can be used to study the dynamics of washing machines to improve their vibration isolation systems.
Keywords: Washing machines, dynamics, vibration amplitude, the influence of mass products.
Proposed a mechanism for determining risk management strategies of labor protection, using the principle of ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable). This approach implies the maximum possible risk reduction achieved by actually available, but often limited resources of the enterprise. Results of risk control, including the choice of variability between conservation (abolition), decrease (prevention) or the transfer of risk.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk control, health and safety.
The technology and the equipment providing clearing of the wood areas, their preparation for restoration of the wood of works and preparation of stubs and roots for use in bio-energetic are considered.
Keywords: biological fuel, roots, korchevka, stubs, cutting, equipment, technology, power wood.
In this paper we consider the problem of effective forecasting of electricity consumption for multiple objects in automatic mode. We propose an approach to automation of forecasting process, based on CRISP-DM. There were considered methods of computational intelligence for the data preprocessing - filling the gaps and identification of the emission, methods of construction and adjustment of forecasting models. As the computational basis are used connective models, based on neural networks and on constructive neural networks. There was shown the system architecture that implements the mechanisms of computational intelligence, and was presented the results of the tests.
Keywords: consumption of electricity, forecasting automation, computational intelligence, identification of the emission, connective models.