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  • The influence of annealing technology of piezoceramics of Bi0.67Ba0.33Fe0.67Ti0.33O3 composition on its dielectric properties

    The article considers one of the problems hindering the use of ceramic piezoelectric materials based on the BiFeO3 - BaTiO3 phases, which is caused by high values ​​of the dielectric loss tangent of these materials. It is assumed that this is due to different electrical conductivity of individual grains of this type of piezoelectric ceramics (Maxwell-Wagner effects), caused by the presence of iron ions in their composition, which have different oxidation states. In order to equalize the oxidation states of iron ions found in the grains of the considered ceramics, we used annealing of its samples in an atmosphere formed as a result of thermal decomposition of ammonium carbonate. It was found that this technique allows: a) to reduce the values ​​of tgδ of the CPM by 6 - 7 times; b) increase the polarizing field strength by at least 40%, and the value of the longitudinal piezoelectric modulus to 140 pC/N.

    Keywords: piezoelectric material, electrical conductivity, dielectric loss, defect, iron ions, Maxwell-Wagner effect, reducing atmosphere, ammonium carbonate

  • Reconstruction of the variable coefficient of thermal conductivity of a functional gradient cylinder

    A two-dimensional coefficient inverse problem of thermal conductivity for a finite functionally graded cylinder is investigated. The thermal conductivity coefficient is considered to be variable along the radial and axial coordinates. The direct problem of finding the temperature distribution at different moments of time with known boundary conditions and the thermal conductivity coefficient is formulated in a weak statement and solved in the FreeFem++ finite element package. The influence of various two-dimensional power laws of the thermal conductivity coefficient on additional information (the temperature of the outer surface of the cylinder) is investigated. A projection-iteration scheme is constructed to solve the inverse problem. The thermal conductivity coefficient is presented as the sum of the initial approximation and the correction function specified as an expansion in a system of polynomials. At each stage of the iteration process, the expansion coefficients are calculated from the solution of the system of algebraic equations obtained by discretizing the operator equation of the first kind. The results of computational experiments on restoring various two-dimensional laws of change in the thermal conductivity coefficient are presented.

    Keywords: functionally graded cylinder, finite element package FreeFem++, identification, thermal conductivity coefficient, inverse problem, iterative-projection approach, operator equation

  • Features of the spinel phases formation in system NiO – CoO – CuO – Cr2O3

    The combination of the unique, abnormal properties shown by oxidic systems with structure of spinel on the basis of transitional elements chromites draws attention of researchers for many years. Some systems on the basis of transitional elements chromites (for example, nickel and copper chromites) have critical elements (multicritical points, lines of phase transitions of the second sort, etc.) on the phase chart. Near these elements of the phase chart materials possess unique chemical and physical properties. Therefore development methods of receiving and research of phase forming and properties in NIO-CoO-CuO-Cr2O3 system represent fundamental and practical interest for chemistry and technology of inorganic substances. In this work processes of spinel structure formation in system 0,6 NiCr2O4 – 0,2 CoCr2O4 – 0,2 CuCr2O4 from crystal chemistry positions are considered. Formation of two solid solutions on the basis of nickel (II) chromite – with structure of cubic spinel and with tetragonal distorted structure is established. The influence of cooperative Yahn-Teller effect on processes of a spinel forming and on stabilizing impact of chloride of potassium on process of education of  two spinel solid solutions is suggested. Influence of a power factor of cation stabilization in knots of a crystal lattice as one of the important factor in reaction of spinel structure formation is considered.

    Keywords: spinels, chromites of transitional elements, Jahn-Teller effect

  • Change of the mechanism of sintering powders piezomaterials as a way of reducing the temperature of formation of dense ceramic frameworks

    The problem of manufacturing technology heterostructures pezofaza - metal considered in the article. Complexity consists in the fact that during the removal of the polymer in the system at low temperatures are formed porous layers, formed powders separated metal layers, having island macrostructure. One way to solve the problem - reducing the firing temperature heterostructures. Proposed to decrease the sintering temperature by using of functionally active glass-phases. Reducing the sintering temperature of products also allows to replace platinum electrodes inexpensive silver-based alloys. Obtained by solid state reaction method of piezoceramic material has a low sintering temperature (980 ° C) and high electrical parameters. Found that not only the proportion of the vitreous mass, but also their qualitative influence on the properties of piezomaterials    

    Keywords: heterostructure glass phase, the sintering temperature, porosity, ferroelectric phase

  • Change EFP materials PZT system by combining

    Piezoelectric ceramics on the basis of the phase of (1-x) PbTiO3-xPbZrO3 is the basis of most high-performance piezoelectric materials. Electrophysical and mechanical properties of these materials can vary widely in different ways. Traditional methods include changes in composition within the morphotropic region and doping. Now is the study of the influence of topical makrolegirovaniya the material properties of the PZT system. As a model system was selected phase of the PZT system, the compositions of which MO belong, one of which contains a dopant in the sublattice (A) and another - in the sublattice dopants (B). The studies established that one of the effective ways of varying the parameters piezomaterials may be the formation of solid solutions on the basis of two or more piezoelectric phases having different combinations of electrical parameters  

    Keywords: Piezoelectric ceramics, doping, kombinorovanie, pezofaza, piezo

  • Methods for the synthesis of LaMnO3 (Review)

    "This review covers various methods of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics. The general analysis of the solid-phase synthesis reactions methods and wet methods (sol-gel, sorption, co-precipitation) are carred out. The original results of LaMnO3 syntheses from various precursors by means of the in situ method are showned. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods of synthesis are determined. The analysis of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics published data is shown:
    - the structure formation of LaMnO3 in perovskite-type phases occurs at different temperatures, depending on precursors states;
    - LaMnO3 perovskite phases differ in symmetry and unit cells parameters at room temperature, depending on the preparation conditions;
    - the highest synthesis temperature of LaMnO3 are typical for solid phase reactions method (950-1050 ° C), the lowest - for wet synthesis methods (500-700 ° C);
     - the synthesis conditions effect the stoichiometry of LaMnO3 for oxygen content.
    Our studies of structure formation processes of LaMnO3 by in situ method are allowed to define the role of precursors states at synthesis of solid phase reactions methods, adsorption, co-precipitation and sol-gel mixtures.
    It is determined that in samples prepared by wet chemical methods, the formation processes of  LaMnO3 perovskite phases occur at lower temperatures than by solid phase reaction (sol-gel precursor - 500 <T <600 ° C; precursors obtained by coprecipitation and sorption methods - at 600 <T <700 ° C and 700 <T <800 ° C, respectively).  

    Keywords: ferroics, LaMnO3, X-ray diffraction, solid-phase synthesis, sol-gel synthesis, sorption, co-precipitation

  • Flexible piezocomposites with mixed connectivity phases in the system

      Laboratory technology was developed to fabricate flexible piezocomposites with ferroelectric phase - polymers having signal reception factorv • gv 5000 • 10-15 m2 / N. The values of the given coefficient were achieved by switching from a probabilistic (spontaneous) percolation to a correlated one in the process of forming material. This made the production of 0-1–3 piezocomposites, in which a part of piezophase has 0 connectivity, and the other part – 1 connectivity possible. To improve the efficiency of piezocomposite polarization before their manufacturing the surface of piezophase particles, which were obtained by the partial destruction of the porous frameworks, was treated with coupling agent, which did not only improve the polymer adhesion to piezophase, but also allowed the removal of water from the particle surface. The latter effect reduced the value of interfacial conductivity, i.e. prevented the voltage drop of the polarizing field. Matching of polymer conductivity and piezoceramic particles by determining the optimal polarization temperature was carried out as well.  

    Keywords: piezocomposites, percolation, connectivity, electrophysical properties

  • Information about authors (№2, 2013)

    Information about authors of issue №2 (2013)

    Keywords: authors

  • Methods of the porous piezoelectric ceramics frames microstructure construction

      Influence of a method of manufacture of porous ceramic frames on the basis of system Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) on their microstructure is set. It is shown that when using a method of formation of the frame based on deleting a porophore, the microstructure of a target product depends as by nature a steam generator, and the sizes of particles of a porophore and piezo-phase. Frames with preferentially open nature of porosity create porophore systems decaying or being sublimed in case of temperature increase.  If the porophore to its thermal destruction or evaporation melts, the ceramic frame will have, preferentially, closed nature of porosity. Within the second of probed methods of porous frames creation based on expansion of an amorphous phase, synthesized within a method volume «chemical construction», samples with diameter of pores from 70-90 nanometers to 450-500 nanometers and the mixed nature of porosity are received.

    Keywords: ceramic frames, piezoelectric phases lead zirconate-titanate (PZT), piezoelectric composites with connection 3 - 3 and 3 – 0

  • Control methods of microstructure construction process of piezoelectric ceramics based on doped titanate lead and its electrophysical properties

    The article describes methods allows to control the degree of anisotropy piezoelectric ceramics based on doped phase PbTiO3. As a model of the object has been selected phase of Pb0,76Ca0,24Ti0,94(Cd0,5W0,5)0,06O3. The model phase was obtained by the following methods: by solid state reaction method and the chemical construction. For comparison phases obtained by these methods were used modern analytical research methods (DTA, TGA, XRF, XRD, power and tunneling microscopy, computer-program research results). Piezoceramic samples were obtained from the synthesized phases and electrical parameters were measured. Were revealed that the samples, obtained from the charge, synthesized by chemical construction had values of  piezoelectric constants d31 and d33 much more than samples obtained by the method of solid state reaction.
    Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, anisotropy, ultrasonic issue systems.

    Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, anisotropy, ultrasonic issue systems

  • Technological methods of increasing the Curie point of PZT piezoceramic phase

    It was investigated the influence several additives and process parameters on the properties of piezoelectric ceramics based on PZT phase systems. It was shown that the use of the substitution of Pb2+ ions on the Bi3+, and Ti4+ ions, and Zr4+ to Fe3+ and Mn4+, as well as the method of "chemical assembly «allows to obtain increase the Curie temperature of ceramic samples of 50 - 170°C. The theoretical aspects of this area of research have been discussed in this article.

    Keywords: ferroelectric phase, Curie temperature, ceramics, precursors, perovskite, a solid-state method, a method of «chemical assemblage

  • Information about authors (№3, 2012)

    Information about authors of issue №3 (2012)

    Keywords: authors

  • Information about authors (№2, 2012)

    Information about authors of issue №2 (2012)

    Keywords: authors