Technical solutions aimed at preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations in tunnel construction practice (in terms of laying utility lines or subways) are defined. Technical solutions are given taking into account their implementation in the conditions of structures under construction and in operation, characterized by a repeatable and predictable nature of occurrence.
Keywords: building structures, technology, repair work, underground utilities, tunnel, metro construction
The article presents a method for determining the stress-strain state of pile foundations for metal supports of power transmission lines during technical examination of power grid facilities in the Far North. An example of calculation using the LIRA automatic software package is given. The most stressed sections of structures are determined. The prospect of using CAD during technical examination of power grid facilities is proved.
Keywords: building structures, metal structures, energy facilities, stress-strain state, technical expertise
The method of determining the stress-strain state of metal poles of power transmission lines during the technical examination of electric grid facilities is analyzed. An example of a calculation using the automatic LIRA software package is given. The most stressed sections of structures are determined. The calculated method confirms the hypothesis that the triangular cross-section of the traverse of the portal intermediate support of the 500 kV overhead line is more economical (more efficient) than a tetrahedral (classical) cross section.
Keywords: building structures, metal structures, energy facilities, stress-strain state, technical expertise