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  • Calculation of installations for reducing the level of air pollution from dust and gas emissions from the Bzugu wastewater treatment plant dryers

    The results of the calculation of installations for reducing the level of air pollution from dust and gas emissions from the Bzugu wastewater treatment plant are given. The aerodynamic calculation of pipelines of the system for cleaning dust and gas emissions and the calculation of prevented environmental damage during the implementation of the proposed environmental measures have been performed.

    Keywords: dryers, dust and gas emissions, dust, ammonia, turboscrubber, Yatagan gas convector, axonometric scheme

  • Research of technology of reagent processing of the surface natural waters the mixed mineral coagulum

    The features of natural water reagent treatment are considered. The evaluation of the efficiency of coagulants, the most frequently used in the Russian Federation, rational methods of their introduction into the treated water is given. A method of water treatment is proposed, which allows to use the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of mineral coagulants. Experimental data confirming the effectiveness of the proposed method of concentrated coagulation using a mixed coagulant are presented.

    Keywords: water of superficial sources, coagulant, sulfate aluminum, aluminum polyoxychloride, the concentrated input of a coagulant

  • Automation of the procedure for applying probabilistic paper to determine the law of distribution of measurement results

    The article proposes the use of a table processor to reduce the complexity of applying the probabilistic paper. Based on the written methodology, the measurement results were processed. Further ways of developing the methodology are suggested.

    Keywords: metrological assurance, probabilistic paper, normal distribution law, OpenOffice Calc, MS Excel

  • Solar collector with independent heating circuit as an innovative direction of solar installations development

    the article presents a possible concept of improving the flat solar collector in order to intensify the heat exchange process, which increases the quality and efficiency of the equipment under consideration. A brief description of the proposed configuration of the device is given. The positive aspects of such technology are described

    Keywords: energy saving, heat exchange process intensification, independent heating circuit, irrational energy consumption

  • Improvement of the heat exchange panel of the solar collector

    the article considers the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the solar collector by improving its heat exchange panel, which is implemented by optimizing the heat exchange processes using the concept of combining the thermal properties of different metals. The positive aspects of this method are described. A brief description of the comparative analysis is given

    Keywords: heat exchange panel, energy saving, solar installation, alternative energy sources, thermal properties, heat transfer optimization, solar collector, heat exchange intensification

  • Information space and its role in modern education

    The article reveals the role of the information space in modern education. The conclusion is made that it is important to correctly assess the possibilities of a new type of information-digital space, fight not only its shortcomings, but also create the necessary conditions within the framework of pedagogical education for actualizing and shaping the future teachers of positive, socially significant features that are in demand in the 21st century .

    Keywords: information, information-digital space, information technology, student, digital literacy, technological tools, computer programs, digital technology, multimedia product

  • Analysis and methods of squeal reduction of disk brake system

    The following work is concentrated on the analysis of dynamic pressure distribution of a brake pad by using ANSYS software. A non-linear contact analysis of brake disc has been performed using Finite Element Method. The finite element model of disc and pads have been developed, and followed by an inclusive simulation of the contact analysis of disc brake system using ANSYS software. A detailed finite element model of a disc brake assembly was developed. Contact analysis was done to determine the pressure distribution, interfacial contact area and normal contact forces under both frictionless (μ=0) and frictional braking conditions. The influence of varying friction coefficients and the brake hydraulic pressure on squeal occurrence is examined. The results illustrated that the contact pressure distribution and the magnitude of normal contact pressures are far greater towards the leading edge of the pads comparing to the trailing edge.

    Keywords: метод конечных элементов, распределение давления, контактное давление, шум, тормозная система , нелинейный контактный анализ

  • Effect of preheating of light-cured composite materials on the depth of polymerization

    The analysis of the influence of heating on the depth of polymerization of composite materials of light curing is carried out. An electronic micrometer was used to measure the polymerization depth. The greatest difference in the depth of polymerization before and after heating was obtained from Filtek ULTIMATE "3M ESPE" composite material. The smallest difference in the depth of polymerization before and after heating of Nexcomp "MetabioMEDCo". After heating, the plastic and flow properties of the materials are improved, which improves the adaptation to the walls of the cavity during the restoration.

    Keywords: Light-cured composite materials, polymerization, heating of composites, micrometre

  • Assessment of the potential of the Southern Federal District for the construction of innovative solar and wind power plants

    The paper presents the characteristics of wind and solar resources of the Southern Federal District on the basis of which the assessment of the prospects for introducing innovative innovations such as perovskite photovoltaic cells and Vertical-axis wind turbines into the process of district energy production is given.

    Keywords: Vertical-axis wind turbines, alternative energy source, wind power, wind turbine, renewable energy source, perovskite photocell, solar battery, solar energy, energy resources of the Southern Federal District, energy saving

  • Means of knowledge representation and data extraction for mining situations

    In this paper, an analysis of the problems and tasks arising from the design of situational awareness tools has been carried out. As a result, it has been established that the approaches in this area do not satisfy the requirements for modern intelligent tools for operational decision support for the reasons for the lack of methods and tools reflecting the dynamics of information processes and a distributed information processing architecture with weakly structured properties. The methods of operating and extracting knowledge from semistructured dynamic information are proposed.

    Keywords: Situational awareness, poorly structured data, temporal information, dynamic structures, intellectual analysis

  • System analysis of reliability and prospects for its enhancement for consumer power supply systems

    The analysis of reliability of systems of an electricity transmission during which the main causes of the power outage in the consumer were identified. With the help of computer simulation, the results of operation of autonomous inverters are obtained with different number of voltage levels. The prospects of using the devices for balancing the incomplete-phase regimes on the basis of multilevel voltage inverters, which improve the reliability of power supply to consumers, are considered.

    Keywords: analysis, stream of the failure, electricity, the balancing device, emergency operation, recovery time, failure, reliability, multilevel inverter, power line, user

  • Introduction of media facades to urban space: constructive and architectural solutions

    The paper presents the characteristics of the leading types of media facade constructions on the market, on the basis of the analysis of which the prospects for the introduction of technology into the urban space were evaluated. The article also describes the main types structural and architectural solutions that determine the rationality of the use of a particular type of media facade.

    Keywords: media facade, cluster media facade, framed media facade, frameless media facade, modular media facade, LED, architectural lighting, LED screen, media facade design, interactive facade

  • Analysis of environmental hazards and the calculation of the level of air pollution sewage treatment plants "Bzugu"

    The results of the calculation of the hazard class of dust and gas emissions from the dryer of sewage sludge from the sewage treatment plant "Bzugu" in Sochi are presented.

    Keywords: sewage sludge, dryers, dust and gas emissions, air pollution assessment

  • The digital phase shifter on the basis of the programmable timer

    The modern schemes of phase shifters used in radio receivers, antenna systems, synchronous detectors are limited in a wide frequency range to dependence of phase shift at the release of the scheme from the frequency of an entrance signal. In this work the new scheme of the programmable phase shifter which allows to use the phase shifter in the wide frequenciest range irrespective of the frequency of an entrance signal and also to carry out a phase displacement with a high precision is offered.

    Keywords: phase shifter, synchronous detector, lag line

  • Organizational problems of the use of industrial wastes

    Every year, the problem of recycling industrial waste in the construction sector is becoming increasingly important. Recycling and recycling of waste is an important way to reduce environmental damage. For more than one decade, developing technological processes and installations for the processing of concrete and reinforced concrete. Annually in Moscow, about 11.5 million tons of construction waste are generated, and in the near future the increase in the volume of concrete scrap in the demolition of buildings, reconstruction, overhaul and accumulation of substandard structures will reach 13-15 million tons per year.

    Keywords: Waste recycling, construction, waste treatment, Demolition of housing, industrial waste, enterprises