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  • The basic principles of a structural and functional approach to the management of an investment and construction project, taking into account the principles of "lean manufacturing"

    Currently, the processes of designing buildings and structures are becoming more costly, as they require the involvement of more specialists, material and technical resources and a reduction in the calendar time of work. At the same time, the customer of the project requires optimization of design solutions in order to preserve the quality of the work carried out. In this regard, there is a need to develop a special design methodology, based on which it is recommended to use the principles of "lean construction", which can reduce the Customer's losses during project development.

    Keywords: project, building, construction and installation works, losses, work schedule

  • Taking into account the features of the deformability of the joints of wooden elements using metal plates in order to develop a method for increasing the bearing capacity of such joints

    The article describes four developed designs of samples of joints of solid wood elements on aluminum linings. They made it possible to simulate the operation of real connections of the main and secondary beams, as well as crossbars and columns. Tests of connection samples were carried out, one of the four developed variants of sample designs was selected that most fully reflects the actual work of real joints of wooden elements. The strength and deformation characteristics of the joint, the upper boundary of the elastic work area (VGOUR) of the joint are determined. Based on the conducted research, the peculiarities of the work of the studied compounds were determined, a sample of the connection of a wooden element with a metal overlay was developed, which allowed the development of measures aimed at increasing the bearing capacity and reducing the deformability of the studied compounds without significant material costs associated with the purchase of expensive SHERPA linings.

    Keywords: solid wood, metal slips, testing of joint specimens, joint bearing capacity, joint deformability, upper limit of the elastic work region, full deformation, permanent deformation, elastic deformation, safety factor

  • Model of brinkmanship and its simulation study

    The topic of balancing on the brink is extremely relevant under present conditions of the real threat of nuclear war. A game-theoretic model is presented that describes the process of brinkmanship using the Caribbean crisis as an example. The results of research on such models and, accordingly, recommendations for decision makers depend significantly on the specific numerical values ​​of the players' payoffs and the probabilities of certain events. Therefore, it is advisable to develop a software package that allows you to set different values ​​of these parameters and conduct simulations for various control scenarios. The article proposes a program for implementing this approach.

    Keywords: brinkmanship, extended form games, simulation

  • Development of a software platform for automatic configuration of surface field development systems based on ontological models

    The article presents the creation of a software platform for automatic configuration of ground facilities systems using ontological models, intelligent algorithms for selecting objects and generating options. The mathematical formulation of the configuration problem, the architecture of the application and the user interface for entering design data and obtaining the result of selecting objects with a high degree of detail are given. In the future, the developed prototype can become a tool to support the work of system engineers and technologists at the stage of conceptual design during the variable study of the configuration of the oil and gas system, taking into account the requirements.

    Keywords: conceptual design, field development, systems engineering, ontological engineering, ontology of the oil and gas system, function-oriented ontology, autoconfiguration of the oil and gas system, formalization of the system configuration procedure

  • Formation of a visualized representation of the patent landscape

    Methods and technologies for solving the problem of patent landscape visualization based on cluster analysis of the patent array are considered and used. Algorithms for downloading patent archives, parsing patent documents, clustering patents and visualizing the patent landscape have been developed. A software for clustering patent documents based on the Latent Dirichlet allocation model and visualization of the patent landscape on clustering data using the gensim, PySpark, and sklearn libraries has been implemented. The implemented software has been tested on patents issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office. The accuracy of classification of patents by category has been achieved - 84%.

    Keywords: patents, information extraction, clustering, patent landscape, innovation potential

  • Analysis of methods to optimize the set-up and composition of a generating complex in the tasks of distributed generation

    The paper considers approaches to optimizing the composition and structure of distributed generation complex for various criteria, such as the cost of electricity and reliability of electricity supply. Based on domestic and world experience, the most promising method of optimization, as applied to the tasks of distributed generation, is carried out. A comparative assessment of traditional optimization methods and methods based on variations of population (evolutionary) algorithms is given.

    Keywords: distributed generation, optimization methods, structure of distributed generation plants, cost of electricity, reliability of electricity supply

  • Development of an intelligent lighting control device for industrial enterprises

    Electronics is the most capacious and rapidly developing industry in our country. Modern methods of designing electronic devices are unthinkable without the use of computer technology, in particular, specialized programs for computer analysis and modeling of circuit diagrams of the devices being developed. Intelligence is the key link in electronics at the present stage of its development. This is due to the emergence and widespread adoption of microcircuits such as microcontrollers. This aspect provides fundamentally new opportunities for solving a wide variety of tasks, including tasks of a strategic orientation that require prompt solutions. All this became possible primarily because devices based on a microcontroller require algorithmic and further software, which makes it possible to create intelligent systems and devices. One such device will be discussed in this article. The developed device is a system consisting directly of a control system, an actuating device, which is a decision-making device, a power unit and peripheral devices. The article explains the idea, the principle of operation of the developed device, the structural and schematic diagrams of the developed main blocks of the device, as well as their algorithmic support, which is based on the principle of intelligent control. The developed device is designed to automatically maintain the level of illumination at the level set by the operator in the premises of industrial enterprises.

    Keywords: intelligent control, sensor unit, binary code, synchronization circuit, transistor switch, bus driver, optosimistor, control system, actuator, power unit

  • Analysis of infinite systems of linear equations in the problem of flexible vibrations of a clamped rectangular plate

    The problem of flexible vibrations of a rectangular orthotorque plate clamped along the contour is considered. The general solution of the problem, which satisfies the vibartion equation identically, is constructed on the basis of the superposition method in the form of two Fourier series. Clamped boundary conditions lead to a homogeneous infinite system of linear algebraic equations with respect to unknown coefficients in the general solution. The uniqueness of a bounded non-trivial solution of an infinite system for the natural frequency is proved, the asymptotics of the unknowns are found, and an effective solution algorithm is constructed. Examples of the numerical implementation of the developed algorithm for calculating the natural frequencies and natural modes of the plate vibrations are given.

    Keywords: plate, vibrations, natural frequencies, planar forces, superposition method, infinite system of linear equations, asymptotics

  • Quality control of engineering surveys is a guarantee of trouble–free operation of the facility

    The construction complex should become one of the main drivers of the Russian economy's recovery from the crisis. In order for the industry to achieve maximum returns, it is also necessary to reduce administrative barriers as much as possible. The reform of control and supervisory activities in the Russian Federation is aimed at accident-free, both construction and operation of facilities under construction. An example of the correctness of the appointment and compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, the results of engineering surveys at a site with complex engineering and geological conditions is considered: seismicity, subsidence for compliance of engineering surveys with the requirements of legislation, technical regulations, design and regulatory documentation.

    Keywords: control and supervision activities, requirements of technical regulations, complex engineering and geological conditions, engineering surveys

  • Development of a mathematical model of an automated control system for the technological process of obtaining E. coli

    The article is devoted to the research and development of an automated control system for the technological process of obtaining E. coli. E. coli belongs to gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family of facultative anaerobes. It is the most famous microbe in the world and has different types of strains. Commensal E.coli are harmless and often found in nature. Currently, great attention is paid to the use of modified E.coli for the production of recombinant proteins, amino acids. The results of mathematical modeling of the automated system are presented. The simulation was performed using SimInTech and MathCAD software tools. The object of management is the cultivation capacity. The temperature of the Escherichia coli is accepted as a regulated technological parameter, which is controlled by changing the degree of valve opening. The method of passive experiment was used to build an automated control system. The main parameters of the control object are obtained.

    Keywords: automated control system, technological process, E. coli, mathematical modeling, control object, transfer function, control parameters

  • Development of a software module for searching for patent analogues

    With the development of industry and science, the size of the patent base is growing, as well as the number of patent applications received by the agencies regulating the issue of patents is growing. Each patent application must be checked for the uniqueness of the patented technology, for this, the patent office experts need to search the patent database and find analog patents. In the absence of analog patents, this technology can be considered unique and accepted for patenting. Since the patent database of various departments can number tens of millions of patents, such a patent search and evaluation of the uniqueness of the patented technology can take a very long time. The existing systems do not meet all the requirements and do not have the full necessary functionality. This article describes the development of an automated system for searching for analog patents in the patent array.

    Keywords: patent, database, search, patent-analog, Hadoop, Solr, Django, Python, Haystack, HDFS

  • Peculiarities of thermal analysis of a 3D microcomputer system with a packageless FPGA

    3D integration technologies based on highly integrated substrates and bare chips solve the problem of miniaturization of complex functional devices. However, increasing complexity and decreasing mass-size parameters of products lead to problems of effective heat distribution and dissipation from frameless microcircuits. The article considers features and problems of thermal analysis of 3D computing microsystem based on several modules with bare-metal chips, and also shows the importance of modeling the actual heat generation of programmable logic integrated circuits.

    Keywords: microassembly, microsystem, chipless chip, FPGA, thermal analysis, CAD, finite element method, heat transfer simulation, printed circuit board, three-dimensional integration

  • Mathematical model of an artificial neural network for controlling a robotic complex in extreme conditions

    The paper considers a mathematical model of an artificial neural network with a delay in the arguments of the state and control functions, designed to control a robotic complex during emergency rescue operations in extreme conditions. The learning process of the considered artificial neural network is described by the problem of optimal control with a delay. Using the Pontryagin maximum principle and the method of rapid automatic differentiation, a method for solving the resulting optimal control problem has been developed. The results of the work of the software tool, the creation of which uses an algorithm for constructing an approximate optimal control of the problem under consideration.

    Keywords: emergency rescue operations, artificial neural network, neurocontrol, robotics, maximum principle, safety

  • A method for detecting and counteracting the spread of malicious information in swarm robotic systems in the process of task distribution

    The growing popularity of the use of group robotics, including swarm robotic systems (SRS), actualizes the issues of information security. Known approaches to detecting malicious behavior of agents or malicious information do not take into account the scalability and decentralization properties of SRS, which does not allow ensuring the integrity of information circulating through communication channels within SRS. In turn, the dissemination of malicious information in the process of distributing tasks between SRS agents initially reduces the efficiency of performing these tasks, that is, an attack is carried out on the very first and most critical stage of the system's functioning. The purpose of this work is to improve the efficiency of the functioning of SRS agents in the presence of malicious agents by developing a method for detecting and counteracting the spread of malicious information. The elements of scientific novelty of this work include the following. As part of solving the problem, a number of specific criteria are proposed that take into account the distribution of tasks in the SRS, as well as a classifier based on an artificial neural network to detect malicious information. To improve the accuracy of detection and counteracting the spread of malicious information in SRS, a modification of the reputation mechanism is proposed. A distinctive feature of the modification is not only the formation of an indicator of the truth of the message information in the process of task distribution, but also the assessment of the influence of malicious agents on the process of forming this indicator. The presented solution is implemented in the form of software in the Python programming language, which can be used in modeling decentralized control systems of SRS.

    Keywords: swarm robotic systems, task distribution, artificial neural networks, trust and reputation mechanism

  • On the issue of choosing a distributed registry platform when designing information systems in the financial sector of the economy

    This paper describes the issue of choosing a distributed registry platform when designing information systems in the financial sector of the economy. The relevance of these studies is due to the ever-increasing growth in demand for information systems of the financial sector of the economy formed using distributed registry technology. The growing interest in this technology is associated with the need to ensure reliable storage of information, the change of which will be monitored by the participants of this transaction. The purpose of this work is to determine the most suitable platform using the hierarchy analysis method. In the course of the work, the main platforms of the distributed registry were identified, as well as the key criteria for these frameworks were determined, taking into account the requirements of business process participants. These criteria were evaluated. For each alternative evaluation matrix, the indicators of the maximum eigenvalue vector were determined according to separate criteria, and the consistency of the judgment was proved, including the determination of the consistency index, the local priority index and the consistency ratio. A synthetic analysis of the criteria under consideration was carried out. Based on the data obtained during the synthetic analysis, the most promising platform was selected. Conclusions on the evaluated systems are formed.

    Keywords: distributed registry, hierarchy analysis method, system analysis, information systems, computer science