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  • Recognition of a clothing brand by image using machine learning methods

    The article discusses the developed model for recognizing a clothing brand by image. The model not only predicts the type and brand of clothing, but can also determine their similarity. At the initial stage, a dataset was collected containing images of clothing from various brands with a total volume of 9,000 images. In this work, the ViT (Vision Transformer) neural network architecture was used, a model for working with images, which was presented by experts from Google Brain. The vit-base-patch16-224 model acted as a representative of the transformer architecture. Before training, all images were converted to black and white, and data augmentation was also used: image rotation by a random angle, mirror transformation. All photos have been normalized – pixel coordinates have been adjusted to the interval [0,1].

    Keywords: neural network, model, machine learning, Vision Transformer, fashion industry, clothing brand prediction, clothing type prediction, brand similarity determination

  • Designing a software solution for automating the calculation of heating wire parameters during winter concreting

    The actualization of industrial development in the Far North poses many key tasks to the construction industry. Concreting is one of such tasks, the performance of which is much more difficult during construction at low temperatures. Based on this, it is necessary to design and develop innovative tools to optimize or rationalize work on construction sites in these conditions. The scientific significance of the presented article consists in an attempt to design a software solution that allows au-tomating the calculation of the parameters of the heating wire during winter con-creting. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of using the presented materials as a basis for the practical implementation of this program.

    Keywords: сonstruction, Far North, calculation automation, heating wire, program, algorithm, winter concreting

  • Specifics of the classification of building materials and products in the development of a construction information classifier

    The features of classification of construction products and construction materials are considered, and optimization of their existing classification structure is proposed. The analysis of existing domestic and international systems of classification of construction information, domestic normative and technical literature is carried out and classification features for construction material and construction product are determined. The optimization of the classification tables (CTs) based on the application of the principles of the ISO 81346 standard series and the refusal to duplicate the structure of the construction resources classifier, on reducing the number of classes and subclasses taking into account the ISO 81346 criteria and moving classes and subclasses within CTs with the corresponding changes in the code designations is suggested.

    Keywords: construction information classifier, information modeling, information model of capital construction object, classification of construction materials and products

  • Development of a computer program intended for experimental studies of metallic materials microstructures

    The text describes software tools for analyzing the structure of metallic materials, including ferrous and non-ferrous metals. It presents image processing methods for edge detection and segmentation of structural elements on the metal surface. A Python program is described, which applies watershed algorithms and searches for white and black grains to segment metal images. The program performs analysis of grain sizes and shapes, and the results are presented visually and for further use. This tool is crucial for quality control and optimization of the properties of metallic materials.

    Keywords: software tool, metal, quantitative analysis of microstructure, computer program, Python programming language

  • Roads operational state dynamics changes in a transitional type of pavement

    The transitional type of pavement of highways is widespread in Russia. At the same time, the increased estimated time between repairs cannot be fully ensured by the adoption of existing design solutions for the installation of transitional pavement pavements. This is confirmed by the dynamics of changes in the operational state, presented on the example of the road of regional importance Birakan - Kuldur in the section km 0+000 - km 25+000 in the Jewish Autonomous Region. Non-failure operation during the estimated overhaul and estimated service life of the pavement is assessed by the destruction coefficient, the limit values of which are set in the regulatory documentation. A significant decrease in the pavement destruction coefficient during the first few years of operation indicates insufficient strength and stability of the transition pavement pavement, which determines the need to develop special measures to ensure them.

    Keywords: road, pavement, transitional type of pavement, pavement, destruction coefficient, overhaul life, longitudinal evenness, strength

  • Thermal-hydraulic efficiency of a tube bundle under conditions of flow pulsations

    When choosing an intensification method, the assessment of thermal-hydraulic efficiency is an important criterion. In this paper, the thermal-hydraulic efficiency of the pulsating method of heat transfer intensification was assessed as applied to an in-line tube bundle. The thermohydraulic efficiency was estimated by comparing the ratio of the increase in the Nusselt number to the increase in the coefficient of friction factor in a pulsating flow compared to a stationary flow. The coefficient of friction factor was determined by numerical simulation in AnsysFluent. The results of a numerical study showed that an increase in the product of the pulsation amplitude and the Strouhal number leads to a decrease in the thermal-hydraulic efficiency at all values of the Reynolds number, while the thermal-hydraulic efficiency is higher at the minimum values of the Reynolds number.

    Keywords: Reynolds analogy factor, flow pulsation, heat transfer enhancement, thermal hydraulic efficiency.

  • Automatization system for holding rolling stock

    Digital twins of railway stations are necessary for planning work and taking the most effective management actions. An important factor is the compliance of the planned time costs with the actual ones. One of the tasks that are difficult to formalize at railway stations is the process of holding the rolling stock. This is due to the fact that the holding time depends on the human factor and the holding rolling stock. To create an automated station controlled by a digital twin, it is necessary to develop an automated holding system. One of the tasks in developing such a system is the problem of device location. This problem can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to place the minimum allowable number of holding devices in the controlled area in such a way that reliable holding is provided for any configuration of the rolling stock. As a tool for solving this problem, the most effective will be the use of methods of genetic algorithms. In this article, the authors consider the relevance of this study and the relevance of automating the holding of rolling stock.

    Keywords: digital railway station, automation, brake shoes, UTS-380, DUZS, traffic safety.

  • Identification of object model parameters using a hybrid method

    In the work, a method was implemented that allowed estimating the parameters of a control object based on the objective function, the least squares method, and the solution to the system of nonlinear equations was the Levenberg-Marquardt method. The numerical and laboratory experiments carried out allow us to speak about the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Keywords: identification, optimization, least squares method, Levenberg-Marquardt method, differential equation

  • Method of substantiation of the composition of a set of collapsible road surfaces for the arrangement of temporary highways

    The article considers the use of collapsible road surfaces on temporary roads and develops a method for substantiating the composition of a set of collapsible road surfaces, the use of which will ensure the construction of a section of highway in the most likely conditions, such as entrances to construction sites, as wooden roads and even bridges, approaches to the bridge, detours of main roads during construction. the proposed method of substantiating the composition of a set of collapsible pavement allows you to calculate the composition of the set not only taking into account its weight and size characteristics, but also the conditions of use. The main of these conditions is the uncertainty of the length of the sections of the highway that require the use of the SRDP. In contrast to the existing ones, the proposed method allows to reduce the influence of uncertainty and obtain the composition of the kit, the use of which will ensure the construction of a section of the highway in the most likely conditions.

    Keywords: highway, entrance, road surface, bridge, approach to the bridge, construction site, collapsible road surfaces, slab, road construction, method

  • Value comparison of technological settlement during the construction of a trench-type diaphragm wall and an diaphragm wall with augered piles

    The comparison of technological settlement values during the construction of various variants of diaphragm wall is presented. Numerical modeling of the construction of a diaphragm wall enclosure was performed in weak water-saturated clayey soils using the Plaxis 3D software package. The investigation results revealed that the technological settlement of the building foundation caused by constructing a trench-type diaphragm wall significantly exceeds the values observed in the construction of a diaphragm wall with augered piles.

    Keywords: technological settlement, excavation enclosure, diaphragm wall, numerical modeling, Plaxis

  • On the issue of the reconstruction of the A-2 station in the context of the development of the North–South transport corridor

    The article deals with the issue of the reconstruction of the A-2 station in the context of the development of the North–South transport corridor. The relevance of the topic lies in the need to master the growing volumes of transportation from Russia to the countries of Southeast Asia and back in connection with the current reorientation of the main export cargo flow and economic ties of Russia. The analysis of the existing volumes of work of the station is carried out. To develop proposals, an analysis of the volume of work of the station was carried out, according to which there was a decline in production over the previous period. Measures are proposed for the effective development of the expected cargo flow. Statistical modeling methods, queuing systems theory and feasibility studies were used as methods. As a result, the proposals made are aimed at implementing the effective operation of the A-2 station. The reconstruction of the station makes it possible to ensure the development of increased cargo volumes and thereby receive additional income.

    Keywords: relevance, transport corridor, station, goal, analysis, cargo turnover, volume of work, forecast, activities, expected effect

  • Some aspects of mathematical models of crack resistance of reinforced concrete rod elements

    The assumptions of mathematical models for calculating the crack resistance of reinforced concrete structures are considered. For each of them, an analysis was carried out to determine whether they correspond to reality throughout the entire life cycle of the structure: from the hardening of the concrete mix to destruction. Based on the results of the analysis, it was proposed to use only one single calculation at the level of standards to assess the crack resistance of structures - according to the crack opening width, acrc. So, for example, at a certain value of acrc, the structure will still remain airtight (the cracks will be non-through), and if this value is exceeded, it will not. At the same time, the calculations already available in the norms for limiting permeability and the safety of reinforcement will still remain in demand. At the junction of the theory of damage accumulation and nonlinear fracture mechanics, a compressed algorithm is proposed for possibly taking into account the influence of cracks at all scale levels of the concrete structure, the key for which is the normalization of the statistical parameters of the distribution of discontinuities by diameters, lengths, openings, depths, directions, distances between discontinuities, etc.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete, crack resistance, cracking moment, crack width, plasticity coefficient, damageability, non-linear fracture mechanics

  • Reinforcement of glued wooden elements of a circular mesh vault

    The article presents the results of a study of the use of reinforcement in glued wooden elements of a circular mesh vault. The use of reinforcement in flat wooden structures has proven itself well, but the possibility of using reinforcement in large-span spatial structures still remains little explored. A number of authors presented conflicting data regarding the increase in the bearing capacity and rigidity of reinforced wooden glued elements. In the proposed work, a numerical experiment was performed to compare various options for reinforcing elements of a circular mesh vault. 10 options for external and internal reinforcement of elements with various materials were considered. As a result of the analysis of the stress distribution in the section of the elements, it was revealed that external reinforcement is a more priority method of reinforcement in terms of the stress-strain state of the element. The dependences of the deflection on the height of the section and the area of the reinforcement were determined. The most appropriate solution in terms of material consumption, economic efficiency and corrosion resistance is internal reinforcement with carbon composite reinforcement.

    Keywords: Circular mesh vault, glued timber, wood reinforcement, FRP, external reinforcement, numerical stress analysis, economic efficiency of reinforcement

  • Analysis of structural schemes of a multi-storey wooden building

    The article deals with the application of load-bearing and enclosing structures made of glued wood for multi-storey, including residential, buildings. Introduction. The relevance of the construction of wooden multi-storey buildings is confirmed by quite a large experience of construction abroad. Also, there is an increasing interest in this industry in Russia at present. Theoretical numerical study and technical and economic evaluation of the results. The stress-strain state and technical and economic indicators of three structural schemes of the building are analysed in the proposed work on the basis of the theoretical study: frame scheme - full frame with bearing columns, floor and roof beams; combined structural scheme - vertical bearing elements are wooden columns, glued wooden panel is used as floor and roof; frameless structural scheme - all the structural elements are made of glued wooden panels. Conclusions. As a result, the most rational and economically favourable structural solution of a multi-storey building made of glued wooden elements has been obtained.

    Keywords: glued timber structures, wooden multi-storey building, structural design, economic efficiency, stress-strain state

  • Schemes of external and internal reinforcement and a technique for strengthening compressed and bending reinforced concrete elements with carbon fiber

    This work is a continuation of a scientific study to determine the effectiveness of composite materials based on carbon fabric in the field of strengthening bending and compressed elements. The article is devoted to the determination of the geometric characteristics of prototypes, the description of the structure of the internal metal frame and the methodology for strengthening reinforced concrete samples. The importance of this scientific work lies in the fact that one of the most popular companies selling composite materials in Russia (“Gidrozo”) proposes to use a new technology for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures that differs from that recommended in the norms. However, according to the manufacturer's specialists, this technique not only ensures reliable adhesion and joint operation of reinforcement materials and structural concrete, but also significantly increases the efficiency of the composite material.

    Keywords: steel, heavy concrete, reinforced concrete, composite material, reinforcement, carbon fiber, test, stand, beam, sample