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  • The overall stability of a spherical shell coating of an object "Winter garden" Technopark of the RGSU

    The article examines the calculation of spherical shell coating on the overall stability under load. The calculated values of deformations in the vertical and horizontal plane. After the calculation of the conclusions and recommendations are given to conduct the necessary engineering activities to ensure the sustainability of the building.

    Keywords: spherical shell; overall stability; arch farm; calculation of the building frame; finite element method

  • "The calculation of the hostel building of Technopark, Rostov state university of civil engineering (RSUCE) using various models of the base "

    In article influence of various models of the soil base at calculation of the frame building of the hostel of RSUCE on functionality and operational characteristics of designs is considered. The final-element (FE) model of object is made and calculation in a program complex is executed. By results of calculation the analysis of the intense-deformed condition of the building and the basis is made. For research of influence of various models of the soil basis on the intense-deformed condition of the building models of the Pasternak and Vinkler and model taking into account a pliability of support are considered. The analysis found that the use of models taking into account the pliability of supports are more practical. This model allows the most accurate to see the interaction of building structures with elastic soil base and can be used in the real design.

    Keywords: the core stiffness, the diaphragm stiffness, the structural design, the finite-element model, the stress-strain state, the base model, support yield, the coefficient of the bed, the intensity of reinforcing, orthotropy

  • Experimental study of scattering characteristics multimode waveguide-Van Atta array in anechoic chamber

    This paper presents multimode waveguide Van-Atta array based on a pair of waveguide radiators. For dispersionless transmission lines we selected 3 coaxial lines, located inside a metal box, which frames the waveguides. Experimental data of monostatic radar cross-section diagram of antenna array in 6-12 GHz in frequency domain are obtained. Experimental study was performed in anechoic chamber of Share Scientific Center “Applied electrodynamics and antenna measurements”, Southern federal university. The subject of research was a model of multimode waveguide Van-Atta array based on a pair of waveguide radiators with aperture size 50*10 mm. An array placed in shield in the form of an elliptical cylinder. This configuration provides an opportunity to decrease ghost reflection from connectors and interconnection cable. A method for compensation background reflections, which experimentally performed on a model of multimode waveguide Van-Atta array, located inside an elliptical cylinder is proposed in this paper. This condition is completely accurate to the real usage conditions. This method is necessary for the research of objects with RCS commensurable with RCS of anechoic chamber. Backscattering diagrams, produced by aperture of Van-Atta array without background reradiation from constructional elements is obtained. The comparison between theoretical backscattering diagrams and results, which obtained by subtraction of experimental data of Van-Atta array with open aperture and aperture closed by radar-absorptive material is performed. Results by this method has shown good match between the numerical and experimental data. This fact confirms the accuracy of the proposed method for processing of experimental data.

    Keywords: Van-Atta array, monostatic diagram of radar cross-section, multimode array, mesurements of scatterrin characteristics

  • Dynamics of heating in boiling water-alcohol mixture of constant composition

    With saturated boiling in water-ethanol 20 % wt detected peak flux qcr = 1.19 MW/m2. and at TL=70 the size qkp considerably increases to 9,80 MW/m2. The article contains results of the experiment on subcooled boiling in a mixture water-ethanol 20%. With growth subcooling is increased qcr, Тcr and αcr. The main factor is the sharp rise qcr increase wall temperature ∆Т=Тcr -ТL

    Keywords: surface boiling of mixture, peak flux, wall temperature, critical heat transfer coefficient

  • The device for restoration of internal cylindrical surfaces of details of mobile equipment galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings

    Carry to the main advantages of galvanic ways of restoration: possibility of formation of a layer from several micrometers thick to 1-2 mm. metal or a combination of metals with the set properties, restoration "in the size", that is without the subsequent machining, simultaneous restoration of several surfaces and use of a small amount of electrolyte. A number of the devices allowing to provide the demanded conditions is developed for implementation of galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings. As the activating elements in these devices generally apply abrasive materials which working surface, in the course of work, "is salted", that is it is hammered with cutting products. It considerably reduces efficiency of activation of the cathode and uniformity of the received deposit in view of introduction in the formed layer the activating elements of products of activation. The offered device developed by Zakharov Yu.A. and Spitsyn I.A. it is deprived of such shortcoming in view of application of the activating elements in the form of leaders and the conducted abrasive rollers connected by a belt drive. For elimination of this lack of the existing devices by Zakharov Yu.A. and Spitsyn I.A. (patent No. 2503753) the device was developed for galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings on internal cylindrical surfaces of details. Difference of the offered device is that at sedimentation of an electrodeposit, the conducting and conducted rollers, being rolled on the activated cathode surface, rotate with various district speed because of their various diameter. As pulleys of leaders and the conducted rollers are connected by a belt drive, to the transfer relation no more than 0,8-0,9, on shaft of rollers there is various district force forcing the conducted rollers to slip rather cathodic surface. It provides better removal of the passivating film and continuous change of the surface of the activating roller contacting to the activated cathodic surface. Thus, the free surface of the activating roller is washed by a channel of electrolyte, being cleared of activation products that interferes with formation of so-called "zasalivaniye" of a wor1king surface of the activating elements (rollers).

    Keywords: case detail, restoration, repair, defect, resource way of restoration, car repair production

  • The calculation of the convection current mechanical generator electroaerosol

    Obtained a simplified mathematical model of generation of the aerosol. Theoretical and experimental dependence of the convection current on the parameters of the generator, from its basic design parameters.

    Keywords: the aerosol, convection current, electric field, space charge, dispersion, electrode potential, charge, drop, generator, field strength

  • Priority means of reducing the energy intensity of the national industry

    In article it is shown that in modern conditions the factor of increase of an energy efficiency of productions has become a key factor of upgrade of domestic economy in general, and the domestic industry in particular. This factor possesses the high potential of the solution of the designated task. It is, on the one hand, confirmed by considerable lagging of domestic economy on energy efficiency level as from the countries with prevalence in structure of economy of the sphere of non-material production, and from the countries in which structure of economy the sphere of production of goods prevails. On the other hand, the drawn conclusion is confirmed by high rates of decrease in power consumption of domestic economy that specifies existence of objective possibility of this scenario. It is shown that the private business is unable to fully evaluate the effects of specific technologies and translate them into the plane of the commercial benefits. Therefore, there are high risks of equity investment, which does not want to take on by private business. It is offered to create the power engineering directed on forming of complex products on increase of an energy efficiency of specific productions and to create power service clusters.

    Keywords: energy intensity, energy efficiency, gross domestic product, gross value added, energy engineering, energy clusters

  • Sensors to study the thermal state machines operating in the Far North and the Arctic

    In developing training tools thermal units, assemblies and systems of machines operating at low temperatures below zero, should pay more attention to the monitoring of their thermal state. At this point, there are many ways to measure the temperature. All of them are divided according to the principle of action. There are a large number of sensors for measuring temperature, based on these principles. However, when building automation means of thermal preparation machines play a special role performance sensors of different design when used in automation nodes to determine the temperature units, assemblies and systems of machines. At this point in the design automation received widespread microcontrollers, comparators, and which comprise analog-digital converters in a single chip, and also capable of converting analog electric quantities into digital form. This ensures high accuracy.

    Keywords: thermal state thermal training machine, temperature measurement, a semiconductor sensor, a thermistor, a thermocouple, a microcontroller, an analog-to-digital converter

  • Improved methods of recycling technologies of recycling industrial and household waste

    This article deals with modern aspects and trends of socio-economic development of the society to make appropriate role of natural resources in sustainable production and ecological safety in the application of various technologies utilization of industrial and domestic waste. Important research and development of economic instruments to ensure the functioning of the economic conditions and prospects of development of recycling technologies and their effects on the environment. A comparison of the use of waste management industry and everyday life in Russia and abroad reveals the poor drafting of creation and organization of such systems in terms of economic and environmental efficiency. This important research and development of economic and social instruments to support the efficacy of a particular technology. For Russia, the re-use of waste as a priority and profitable direction, because the amount of waste produced by industry and consumption tends to increase. Problems of waste management is currently growing at a higher rate than the effectiveness of measures aimed at their solution. In this connection, the scope of the treatment of industrial waste should be considered as an integral part of a single managed system of socio-economic development of the production systems. The basic idea of ​​management in the field of waste management is that the composition of household and industrial waste is not homogeneous, it is not the individual components should ideally be mixed with each other and should be treated individually the most optimal in terms of efficiency and environmental methods.

    Keywords: recycling, waste management, waste production and consumption environmental management, resource conservation, production systems, environmental organizations, economic efficiency, environmental safety

  • Development of a universal data acquisition system with control functions based on the analog-to-digital converter

    Abstract: Operation of motor transport and special equipment is carried out in difficult conditions, the impact of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, dust, wind, solar radiation) and changes in modes of operation of the machine. This affects the performance of equipment, the number and complexity of repairs. Away from fixed bases (in the field), the problem is particularly acute repairs. One of the most energy-intensive and expensive works are welding (welding parts with a break, welding cracks, fusing metal layer on the worn surface, metal cutting). In this work the welding equipment affect the voltage drops in the supply mains, therefore, produces a large number of failures such equipment. After the equipment is accompanied by an increased amount of electric power consumption, this results in material costs. Previously proposed equipment has improved mass, which reduces the efficiency of the welding. Based on this study was proposed innovative design welding inverter using the resonance effect, with enhanced reliability, low-cost design version (in terms of mass production). In order to improve the reliability and reduce the cost of the proposed design of inverter proposed a number of new approaches. Full-bridge inverter is studied welding power source with the implementation of the resonance effect with a stable and smooth operation, high reliability, because the circuit of the inverter is not sensitive to changes in the supply voltage.

    Keywords: construction machinery, parts, low temperatures, thermal state, measurement, monitoring, control, sensor, hardware-measuring system

  • Developing a sliding blade snowplow

    based on an analysis of the methods and schemes snow removal from roads and sidewalks it revealed that there is a snow plow, which would be cleaned in a single pass only the side of the road in the middle of the road cleared. At the same time to solve this problem are also two cars. In accordance with this work set a goal: increasing productivity snowplows. To explore this issue were based on the analysis of working bodies of snow plows developed and investigated a new type of dump actuator for snow removal from roads. It was determined that there is an additional resource to increase machine productivity. This is achieved by improving the design of the working body. This will not increase the resistance of the machine, because proposed symmetrical design with rotating blade and sliding half, which will reduce the resistance and to ensure stability.

    Keywords: snow machine, snow removal from roads, snow removal scheme with roads, blade, working body

  • Improving the operation of the auxiliary station technology " 9 km" on the way to the ports of the Azov- Black Sea basin

    In the article the work of the new local station "9 km" of the Krasnodar region and possibility of its use as the distributive terminal on approaches to ports is estimated. Shortcomings of a technical equipmente of the station are revealed and offers of technological character on elimination of consequences of these shortcomings are given. To exclude formation of trains to station Novorossiysk and to carry out a selection of ship parties at station Novorossiysk as by 2020 routing increase is predicted. In this regard, power is released, which is confirmed by the graphical modeling. To postpone the formation unloaded in the port of Novorossiysk cars to the station Krymskay to free station 9 km. To improve the planning system and to establish the liability of the participants in performing tasks to unload cargo. Special attention on solving the problem is given a multimodal logistics center, the activity of which is the use of information computer technologies. Besides offers on realization of polygon technology, as one of ways of improvement of operational work of railway transport are given.

    Keywords: Distributive terminal, technology, shortcomings, redistribution of a traffic volume, system of planning, logistic center, polygon technology

  • Investigation of the influence of the physical properties of bulk cargo to the safety of their transport by rail

    investigated the effect of physical properties of the bulk of their mass. Transportation of bulk cargo in adverse weather conditions involve the risk of exceeding the carrying capacity of rolling stock. On the example of river sand are considered the basic properties of bulk cargoes and their change in the interaction with the environment. The calculations to determine the mass of a load on its humidity

    Keywords: Trains, safety, overdrive the car, bulk cargo, physical properties, load weight, load capacity of the car, rainfall

  • Developing effective solutions repair pavement on city highways

    This article focuses on the development and planning strategy for the choice of effective solutions for repair of road pavements in the city. Appointment of repairs is considered the example of street Bolshaya Sadovaya, Rostov-on-Don on the results of the previously detailed assessment of the state of the pavement. A list of suggested repairs for different lanes on the surveyed area.

    Keywords: pavement, rehabilitation, a detailed evaluation, rutting

  • Existential fullnesst as factor of professional health

    In article the analysis of an existential fullness in line with psychology of professional health is carried out. The condition of modern psychology of professional health is described. Idea of an existential fullness within positive psychology and philosophy is described. Major factors of professional health are allocated. Such factor as an involvement into professional activity is in detail described. It is shown, what impact on professonalny health the factor of emotional burning out has. Research of an existential fullness as criterion of professional health is provided and described. The conclusion that represents an image of the average middle manager in the conditions of the Russian reality is drawn. Authors offer also concrete ways of solution of the problem of emotional burning out, an insufficient involvement and a lack of an existential fullness as factors of working process for the psychologists working with staff of the organizations.

    Keywords: health psychology, psychology of professional health, positive psychology, existential fullness, existential perspective, involvement into work, emotional burning out, psychology of the organizations, correction of emotional burning out, work psychology